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Title 自動化社區污水處理與回收系統之研發-MCFSBR自動監測與控制系統之開發與驗證
Abstract 本年度研究目的延續去年度計畫,以建置完成之自動化生活污水處理系統與回收系統為對象,對處理系統、監測系統、控制系統進行一連串測試、檢討、修正、改良,將生活污水處理至符合環境用水需求之出流水水質。本計畫所開發之結合CFSBR處理系統與薄膜過濾系統,其透過CFSBR生物處理系統有效去除水中有機碳與氮磷營養鹽,再經過薄膜過濾系統進一步將水中懸浮固體濃度與TCOD濃度降低,讓出流水水質符合再利用水水質建議值。在監測方面開發一套光學自動監測裝置,以雷射光與Webcam做為裝置元件,量測水位高度、MLSS濃度、SS濃度及污泥沉澱速度,水位量測結果與過去量測方法比較,相對誤差小於1%,MLSS濃度量測與市售儀器相對誤差小於5%,並可有效量測SS濃度。在控制方面溶氧控制跳動範圍小於10%、新增添加碳源控制系統,並將原本運作相排列AOA(厭氧/好氧/缺氧)修正為AOAOA(厭氧/好氧/缺氧/好氧/缺氧),可有效將進流水氨氮濃度82 mg/L經處理後出流水氨氮濃度小於10 mg/L、亞硝酸鹽濃度小於1 mg/L及硝酸鹽濃度小於1 mg/L。藉由調整運作相的循環可將高濃度氨氮處理至符合排放標準,再結合薄膜過濾系統,將水中COD濃度進一步降低,使MCFSBR處理系統之出流水水質可符合再利用水水質建議值。
EngTitle Development of Automatic Wastewater Treatment and Recycling system in Community
EngAbstract This year principal objective continue the plan of the last year to build a sewage treatment systems and automated recovery and to do series of test , review, revise, improve for processing systems, monitoring systems, control systems, the sewage can be treated in keeping with the effluent water quality of the environment. This project developed by combining CFSBR processing systems and membrane filtration systems, through CFSBR biological treatment systems effectively remove organic carbon and nitrogen of phosphorus nutrients, through membrane filtration system to decrease further the concentration of the suspended solids and TCOD , let effluent water to conform the recommended value of the reuse water quality.In monitoring control develop device, which can be measured water level, MLSS concentration and SS concentration by laser light. Water level measurement results compared with the previous measurement methods, the relative error is less than 1%, MLSS concentration measured relative with commercial instruments error less than 5%,and can effectively measure the concentration of SS. In automatic control, control of dissolved oxygen beating range is less than 10% ,by operating can decrease influent ammonia 82 mg / L to less than 10 mg /L, and nitrite less than 1 mg / L and nitrate less than 1 mg/L.By adjusting the cycle of the operation can be treated the high concentration of ammonia nitrogen to meet emissions standards ,and combined with membrane filtration system, will further reduce the concentration of COD, so MCFSBR effluent water treatment system can conform the recommended value of the reuse water quality.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 國立中央大學