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Title 建置二手物品交換資訊整合平台專案計畫
Abstract 為了促進二手物品資源循環再使用,目前全國各縣市環保局皆定期或不定期舉辦二手物品交換(易)活動,但由於二手物品交換(易)活動資訊分散於各縣市環保局網站且未有完善持續的宣導計畫,一般民眾資訊取得不易,環保署為提供民眾更便利的搜尋到二手物交換資訊,規劃建置二手物交換資訊整合平台。本計畫工作成果可分為五大項說明:(一)完成蒐集、整理及分析政府部門及民間機構網路平台27個、固定點交換43處、跳蚤市集28處的政府單位及20個民間機構完成彙整分析不同二手物品交換(易)運作模式之方式、種類、維運及推動成效。(二)完成建置二手物品交換資訊整合平台,包含固定點二手物品交換資訊及跳蚤市集活動訊息登錄、成果提報,並完成制定服務條款15條、禁止刊登物品29類及限制刊登物品10項之登錄作業規範。(三)依低碳永續家園推動方案之認證評比機制,按照不同交換(易)運作模式,提出4種行動項目執行方式,並參照行動項目之認證評分計算原則,自動核算各層級之認證分數。(四)針對二手物品交換之減碳效益,並完成建立二手物品交換減碳效益計算方式,提出點數累積機制,設計4種點數給予方式,分別為網站使用者登入、網站宣傳獎勵、網站互動獎勵及物品交換(易)成果,並提出減碳存摺之回饋方案。(五)完成二手物品交換資訊整合平台資訊方面維運自給自足,與明年度平台網路虛擬面及實體面推廣宣傳計畫。
EngTitle The second-hand stuff exchange integrated platform has established
EngAbstract For the promotion of reusing second-hand stuff, the second-hand stuff exchange activities are regularly held by EPBs. However, information of the activities is lack of promotion on EPB’s website, the EPA has established a second-hand stuff exchanging platform for the public to get relative information in a convenient way.Five main results of the project are shown below: 1. 27 governmental and private online platforms are collected, compiled and analyzed; 43 fixed exchange places, 28 governmental and 20 private flea markets are completely collected and compiled for the analysis of the methods, categories, operation and achievement between different second-hand stuff platform operation modes.2. The second-hand stuff exchange integrated platform has been established, including fixed places for exchange, flea market activities announcement, and achievement reports. Additionally, log-in operation regulations are done, including 15 service regulations established, 29 categories of stuff banned to publish, and 10 items limited to publish.3. According to the certification evaluation mechanism of low-carbon and sustainable living area promotion project, 4 action items are proposed for conduction based on different exchange operation modes. Moreover, by the certification evaluation principle of mobile items, evaluation scores for different layers will be counted automatically.4.Due to the benefit of carbon reduction by second-hand stuff exchange and the calculation of carbon reduction by the exchange of second-hand stuff, point collection mechanism is proposed by designing 4 ways to give points, including user log-in, website promotion, website interaction and the achievement of exchange. Additionally, the carbon reduction passbook is proposed as a feedback plan.5.The self operation and maintenance of second-hand stuff exchange integrated information platform is completed, and the plan of virtual and concrete platform for next year is promoted.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司