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Title 推動農業、醫療、營建廢棄物管理策略計畫
Abstract 本計畫之工作主要包括農業、醫療、營建廢棄物管理之現況蒐集分析、滾動式檢討並推動管理策略,分別說明各項工作成果。農業廢棄物管理策略草案經與相關部會研商,擬定包括「明確訂定農業廢棄物之範疇及定義,並完備其管理機制」、「訂定合適農業廢棄物專用廢棄物清理計畫書格式及檢討網路申報規定,強化輔導機制」、「建立非生物性農業廢棄物收集、回收、處理體系」、「輔導地方政府訂定管理規範並提供去化管道」等策略,並依據權責持續進行管理工作,同時建立地方環保機關績效評估方式與量化指標;本計畫統計分析農業廢棄物每季廢棄物之種類、產生量、清理流向,查核輔導20家農業相關事業或再利用機構,並彙整國外農業廢棄物管理相關規範,與我國比較分析,以持續檢討管理策略。另完成更新「農漁業廢棄物源頭減量及回收再利用宣導手冊」及建置「農業廢棄資材之管理資訊網」,以宣導農業廢棄物管理。生物醫療廢棄物管理策略已於本年度奉署內核定並函頒至相關單位,其中研擬包括「檢討生物醫療廢棄物之管理範圍」、「整併申報代碼,修改申報系統代碼」、「規劃代辦小型產源遞送聯單之管理機制」、「修訂醫療機構專用廢清書格式」、「修訂事業廢棄物清理計畫書審查作業規範(要點)-醫療機構部分」、「請衛生福利部持續輔導醫院及再利用機構」等策略及對應之推動措施,本年度亦完成建立地方環保機關機關績效評估方式與量化指標,並藉由研商會滾動式檢討管理策略之推動內容;本計畫團隊逐季統計分析醫療廢棄物廢棄物之種類、產生量、清理流向,並完成查核輔導40家醫療機構及10家具有自行處理設施之醫療機構,亦彙整國外之醫療廢棄物管理相關規範,與我國比較分析,據以提出「有害事業廢棄物認定標準」及「事業廢棄物貯存清除處理方法及設施標準」中有關生物醫療廢棄物相關條文修訂建議。另一方面,計畫完成國內生物醫療廢棄物處理量能之檢討,並修訂醫療廢棄物緊急應變原則;本年度另完成醫院水銀體溫計、血壓計使用情形及汱換清理現況調查,並更新「醫療機構事業廢棄物管理作業參考手冊」,以及其他產源廢棄物清理指引,同時蒐集及分析使用者意見,據以更新「醫療廢棄物宣導網」網站,以宣導醫療廢棄物管理。營建廢棄物管理策略草案包括「強化營建剩餘土石方及營建廢棄物橫向聯繫管理機制」、「建置裝潢修繕廢棄物管理體系」、「健全事業廢棄物清理計畫書審查作業」、「強化再利用機構實質管理權責及提供不適燃廢棄物去化管道」等項目,經與相關部會研商後依據權責持續進行管理工作,並建立地方環保機關機關績效評估方式與量化指標;本計畫逐季統計分析營建資源、營建廢棄物、裝潢修繕廢棄物種類、處理量能、清理流向,並完成查核輔導43家戶裝修廢棄物產源及處理設施,另彙整國外營建廢棄物管理相關規範,與我國比較分析;研擬「營建剩餘物分類處理場設置管理暫行要點」並辦理研商會;彙整22個地方政府關於裝修廢棄物之清運機制,包含清運原則之蒐集彙整,並制定績效評估方式,以評析執行機關成效。另研擬家戶及非事業產生裝潢修繕廢棄物管理機制之配套措施。檢討裝潢修繕廢棄物網路填報作業系統流程,規劃整合納入生活廢棄資源管理系統。完成研訂適合地方政府之營建剩餘土石方及營建廢棄物橫向審查機制範本;更新「再生綠建材資訊服務網」並研擬轉型為「營建廢棄物管理資訊網」,以宣導營建廢棄物管理。
EngTitle The Promotion of Strategy for Agricultural, Medical and Constructional Waste Management
EngAbstract The main work of the project included collection and analysis status of agriculture, medical, and construction waste management, and rolling reviews and promotes management strategies. Following described results of the work. The drafted Agricultural Waste Management Strategy consulted with relevant ministries, and proposed the “Explicitly set the scope and definition of agricultural waste, and complete their management mechanisms”, “Set up suitable agricultural waste disposal plan format and review internet reporting requirements, strengthen consulting mechanisms”, “Create a non-biological agricultural waste collection, recycling, and treatment system ”, and “Assist local governments set management regulations and provide disposal ways” and continuing management based on responsibilities and authorities, and established quantitative indicators of performance assessment methods. The Project analyzed quarterly the types, the quantity of output, clearance, and treatment flow of agricultural waste, and checked and consulted for 20 agriculture-related industials or reuse organizations, collected foreign agricultural waste management related regulations, and comparatively analyzed and continued to review Taiwan’s management strategies. The Project also updated "Agricultural and Fishery Waste Source Reduction and Recycling Handbook" and built of "Agricultural Waste Materials Management Information" website to promote agricultural waste management. Medical Waste Management Strategy approved by Environmental Protection Administration this year and issued to relevant units, and included the “Reviewing the scope of biomedical waste management”,” Integrating the reporting codes and modifying the codes of the reporting system”,” Planning agency management mechanism of the delivery manifest”,” Amending medical institutions waste disposal plan format ”,” Amending industrial waste disposal plan examination requirements - medical institutions part”,”Recommending Ministry of Health and Welfare to continue consulting for hospitals and reuse organizations”, and established performance evaluation methods and quantitative indicators for local environmental protection authorities, and held consulting meeting to rolling review. The project statistical analyzed quarterly the types, generation, clearance, and treatment flow of medical waste, checked and consulted for 40 medical institutions and 10 medical institutions had self-treating waste facilities and collected foreign medical waste management, comparative analysis. The project proposed amendments to" Standards for Defining Hazardous Industrial Waste" and "Methods and Facilities Standards for the Storage, Clearance and Disposal of Industrial Waste" relating to biomedical waste; and reviewed of the biomedical waste treatment capacity, proposed amendments to principle of the medical waste emergency management; investigated mercury thermometers, sphygmomanometer in hospitals usage and phase-out, and clearance status; updated "Medical Waste Management Handbook", and small generation source waste disposal guidelines, and collected and analyzed user feedback, updated "Medical Waste Guidance" website to promote medical waste management. The drafted Construction Waste Management Strategy included “Strengthening the construction surplus earth and graveling and construction waste horizontal linkages management mechanism”, “Building decorating and renovation waste management system”,” Completing industrial waste disposal plan examination requirements”,” Enhancing reuse organizations essential management responsibilities and providing disposal way for unsuitable burning waste”, and consulted with relevant ministries, and continuing management based on responsibilities and authorities, and established quantitative indicators of performance assessment methods. The Project statistical analyzed quarterly the types, generation, clearance, and treatment flow of construction resources , construction waste, renovation waste, checked and consulted for 43 households renovation waste source and treatment facilities, and collected foreign construction waste management, comparative analysis; proposed" Construction Residue Classification and Treatment Site Management Interim Guidelines" and held consulting meeting; collected 22 local government renovation waste clearance mechanism, including the principle of clearance and established performance assessment methods to assess the effectiveness of the enforcement authorities. The project also proposed the supporting measures of management mechanism for households and non-industrial generating renovation waste, reviewed the process of renovation waste reporting system, and planed to integrate into"Life Waste Resource Management System", completed the construction residue and construction waste transverse review mechanisms template for local government; updated " Recycling Green Building Materials Information " website and developed transition to "Construction Waste Management Information" website to promote of construction waste management.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 新洋科技顧問有限公司