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Title 資源循環利用法暨子法研訂及相關配套措施計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行成果主要分為四大部分:(一)資源循環利用法立法背景說明: 1、完成彙整廢棄物清理法、資源回收再利用法及其相關子法歷年修正沿革資料整理。2、完成協助資源循環利用法草案行政院之審查程序,本草案行政院業於102年8月5日正式函請立法院審議。(二)研析廢清法與資再法整合法案之相關子法之管理關連性及過渡期間之配套措施:1、完成資源循環利用法草案應予公告或訂定子法之授權條文彙整。2、完成廢清法與資再法相關子法可供資源循環利用法草案參考對照。3、完成資源循環利用法立法通過後過渡時期配套措施之研析。4、完成資循法草案條文對照及索引,以及資源循環利用法草案管理架構圖。(三)研擬資源循環利用法草案及相關子法草案條文:1、完成追償不法利得之適用性及改善建議研析,並提出可行之不法利得追償方案。2、完成設置事業廢棄資源物清理基金之可行性及必要性研析,並提出事業廢棄資源清理基金收支保管運用辦法(草案)。3、完成非法棄置廢棄資源之裁處、求償準則。(四)協助資源循環利用法立法程序相關交辦事宜:1、完成資源循環利用法草案相關說帖。2、完成資源循環利用法草案相關簡報、意見彙整等文書資料製作。3、完成資源循環利用法草案相關新增子法之衝擊性評估,並研提「違反資源循環利用法裁處不法利得認定核算辦法」、「違反資源循環利用法違規記點準則」草案條文。4、協助回覆廢清法、資再法相關疑義共計18則。5、辦理10場次諮詢會議。
EngTitle The Project of the Resources Recycling Act and Relevant Regulations Amendment and the Relevant Measu
EngAbstract The implementation results of the project are outlined in four sections: 1.Explain the background of the Resource Recycling Act legislation: (1)Collect and review the past revision histories of the Waste Disposal Act, Resource Recycling And Reuse Act, and related regulations. (2)Assist Executive Yuan to review the proposed legislation for the Resource Recycling Act. The proposal was formally submitted to the Legislative Yuan for legislative review on August 5, 2013. 2.Study the Waste Disposal Act, Resource Recycling And Reuse Act, and related laws to develop the new combined legislation’s regulatory coverage and transitional procedures. (1)Outline the necessary public announcements and administrative regulations of the proposed Resource Recycling Act. (2)Review the current regulations under the Waste Disposal Act and Resource Recycling And Reuse Act and compare their applications under the proposed Resource Recycling Act. (3)Develop the necessary transitional regulations after the passage of the proposed Resource Recycling Act. (4)Prepare comparisons and references for the regulations of the proposed Resource Recycling Act. Produce a regulatory framework chart for the proposed Resource Recycling Act. 3.Draft the legislation and regulations of the proposed Resource Recycling Act. (1)Study the suitability of suggested improvements for the recovery of illegal profits. Draft feasible regulations for the recovery of illegal profits. (2)Analyze the feasibility and necessity for the establishment of an Enterprise Waste Disposal Fund. Propose regulations for the collection and management of the Enterprise Waste Disposal Fund. (3)Define the principles for the penalties and liabilities of illegal waste disposal. 4.Assist in the legislative process of the proposed Resource Recycling Act. (1)Prepare roduce explanatory materials for the proposed Resource Recycling Act legislation. (2)Produce presentations, survey opinions, and prepare other supporting documentation for the proposed Resource Recycling Act legislation. (3)Evaluate the potential impact of the proposed Resource Recycling Act legislation. Drafted regulations for the “Recognition And Calculation Of Illegal Profits From Violations Of The Resource Recycling Act” and “Point System For Violations Of The Resource Recycling Act”. (4)Reply to questions raised regarding the Waste Disposal Act and Resource Recycling And Reuse Act, totalling 18 issues. (5)Finished 10 consultant meetings.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會