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Title 研析環境影響評估納入處理機構許可程序專案工作計畫
Abstract 為使廢棄物處理機構之管理更臻完備,本計畫將蒐集國、內外處理機構應實施環評之相關認定規範,以檢討我國與其他國家的差異,並依據分級分類概念,分析國內處理機構之種類,提出國內應實施環評之處理機構之認定標準及修法建議。另評析全國廢棄物處理機構於興建、增建及擴建時執行政策環評之可行性。再透過我國與其他國家環評制度的差異比較,研擬環評制度納入許可程序之可行性及提出具體之修法建議。
EngTitle A Study on Including Environmental Impact Assessment into Institutions Permit Procedures Project Wor
EngAbstract To ensure that management of waste handling institutions are more complete, this program collects the related recognition specifications of implementation environmental assessments by institutions domestically and internationally. This is done to discuss the differences between what is done in our country and others, and based on a concept of grading and classification to analysis the types of domestic disposal institutions and propose the recognized standards and recommendations for amendment of laws and regulations for the environmental assessment that should be done by disposal institutions domestically. In addition, an analysis of the feasibility of implementing government policy related environmental assessment when disposal institutions nationwide construct, construct more and expand. Also, by comparing the differences of the environmental assessment system of our country with those of other countries, we propose to research the feasibility of including environmental impact assessment into the permit granting procedures and propose concrete recommendations to amend existing laws and regulations.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會