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Title 事業廢水水質特性分析及污染管制措施研議計畫
Abstract 環保署自99年起依據事業廢水水質特性調查結果,訂定高科技產業和石油化學產業放流水標準,本計畫追蹤放流水水質及放流水污染物削減管理計畫之執行情形與改善成效。另綜整化工業廢水水質特性,於本年度提出化工業放流水標準(草案),以及針對屠宰業和具動物屍體之化製製程之食品製造業和廢棄物焚化廠或其他廢棄物處理廠(場) 訂定放流水大腸桿菌群之管制;並評析美國聯邦環保署針對蒸汽發電廠放流水新增之管制規定,以及養牛業和電鍍業放流水標準COD管制限值合理性。本計畫綜整國內外文獻與廢水水質調查結果,建立製革業和印染整理業廢水管理指引,同步蒐集廢棄物掩埋場的廢水污染特性,形成廢水特性說明文件;另針對102年增訂水污染防制措施及檢測申報管理辦法中「逕流廢水污染削減管理」和「生物急毒性管理規定」部分,協助環保署累積逕流廢水和生物急毒性背景水質數據,追蹤事業逕流廢水污染改善成效。此外,研提生物急毒性鑑定和減量評估作業準則,以實際案例進行測試;以及歸納美國「依水體水質為基準之排放限值」計算之準則與實際案例,提出管理策略和管制方式建議。
EngTitle The Study of Pollutant Characteristics of Industrial Wastewater and Pollution Control Measures
EngAbstract Since 2009, based on a series of survey on industrial wastewater characteristics, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has amended the Effluent Standards of high-technology Industries and Petrochemical industries. In this project, we traced the effluent quality of the two industries and the implementation of their Effluent Pollutant Elimination Management Plans. The second focus was to conclude the wastewater characteristics of chemical industries and draft the Effluent Standard drafts for this year. Besides, we drafted the E-coli effluent limitations for the slaughter industry and food industry as well as waste incinerators and other waste treatment plants (facilities) with animal wastes. Furthermore, we assessed the new regulations of the Steam Electric Power Generating Effluent Guidelines drafted by the US EPA. The rationality of effluent standards of COD for livestock industry (Applicable to cow) and electroplating industry (chromium) were reviewed and assessed.For leather tanning industries and printing, dyeing, and finishing industries, this project summarized the domestic and international literatures and the relevant reports of wastewater characteristics to draft the “Industry Wastewater Management Guideline” of the two industries. Besides, the wastewater characteristics of waste landfill were investigated and the “Document of the Wastewater Characteristic” was proposed. For the run-off wastewater elimination and effluent acute toxicity control of the “Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management Regulations”, we accumulated the wastewater background data of run-off wastewater and effluent acute toxicity as well as traced run-off wastewater elimination measures. Besides, we proposed the acute toxicity identification and reduction evaluation protocol as well as tested one real case. In the project, we concluded the calculation protocol and real cases for water quality based effluent limitations of the US EPA. The suggestions were then proposed.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中興工程顧問社