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Title 應用生物處理技術去除臭味及水中有機物之可行性研究計畫
Abstract 養豬事業在臺灣,是一個事業龐大的生產產業體系。102年5月份的統計養豬頭數為600萬隻及養豬戶為8,881戶。粗估豬舍之沖洗水量約在20~50 L/頭.日,每日即產生12~30萬公噸(m3)之養豬廢水量,換算每年產生相當0.5〜1.2個日月潭的貯水量左右的污水。即使經過處理,排放水的COD常高達2,000mg/L以上,長久以來造成嚴重的水質污染。使用本「複合型微生物菌群」的工法,除了有效處理水質污染問題外,最大的好處是建置成本很低且操作簡易。在不更改農戶的污水處理設備下,穩定的操作可得到的水質數據如下:懸浮固體量(~75 mg/L)、油脂(~2.0 mg/L)、生化需氧量(~160 mg/L)、化學需氧量(~320 mg/L)及總磷(~10 mg/L)。粗估去除率分別達到90%、80%、90%、90%及70%。適當使用本「複合型微生物菌群」的工法,也將有效降低豬舍及是雞舍的異味。在本實驗的雞舍大門外施作前後,空氣中NH3 濃度由36.9 ppm下降到ND;而H2S濃度由172.4 ppb下降到ND。由現場的感官及照片蚊蠅數量都可以進一步證明臭味已大幅下降。本研究經實場等質化驗證,能在合理成本的考量下,有效去除水中有機物,而且沒有二次污染的疑慮。
EngTitle A feasibility project on application of biological treatment technology to remove odors and organics
EngAbstract Swine production has been one of the key agricultural industries in Taiwan for a long time. Over 6 million hogs were produced this year (2013), and they generated around ten million tons of solid sewage per year, an amount equivalent to the capacity of the Sun-Moon Lake. More importantly, the COD of effluent is often up to 2,000mg/L or more even after treatment. Large amounts of swine waste have been causing environmental concerns such as greenhouse gas, odor emission and potential nutrient contamination to surface and ground waters. The water pollution problem could be effectively improved by applying the new method —“Compound Microbial Flora” without requiring to change the sewage treatment facilities. Morever, the application cost is low and the operation procedure is easy for farmer. The following water quality could be obtained after continuous operation of the “Compound Microbial Flora” : SS(~75 mg/L)、OIL(~2.0 mg/L)、BOD(~160 mg/L)、COD(~320 mg/L) and P(~10 mg/L), and the roughly decontamination efficiency would be 90%, 80%, 90%, 90% and 70%, respectively.It can also reduce the odor of chicken coop or pigsty very significantly by proper use of “Compound Microbial Flora”. The concentration of NH¬3 and H2S is decreased from 36.9 ppm to ND and from 172.4 ppb to ND, respectively, after applied the method in outdoor of chicken coop. Through experiments on the the chicken coop and pigsties, it has been proven that “Compound Microbial Flora” is effective on swine wastewater treatment and deodorizing. And most importantly, it is low costed and easy to operate.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 旺德生技股份有限公司