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Title 102年度臺中市PM2.5來源分析及管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要透過實測分析,深入探討臺中市PM2.5組成及貢獻來源,包含大氣環境PM2.5採樣分析、管道PM2.5檢測分析以及逸散源檢測分析。大氣環境PM2.5成分分析顯示硫酸鹽含量27.3%最高,次為硝酸鹽14.6%,再次為銨鹽13.4%,有機碳11.2%占第四,金屬占2.3%。排放管道PM2.5採樣顯示鋼鐵業電弧爐總微粒(FPM+CPM)濃度最高,約6.5mg/Nm3,次為食品業燃油鍋爐4.7 mg/Nm3,垃圾焚化爐約0.7 mg/Nm3排放濃度最低。逸散源PM2.5/TSP比值顯示電力業貯煤場0.19,水泥製造業0.10~0.13,鋼鐵業製程0.08~0.15,街塵0.06~0.13。指紋資料分析顯示電力業燃煤鍋爐的煙道PM2.5及貯煤場PM2.5指紋圖譜均以碳成分最高,鋼鐵業煙道PM2.5以金屬元素成分最大,鋼鐵業逸散PM2.5以碳組成、硫酸鹽及鈣化合物為主。本市大氣環境中衍生性PM2.5以硫酸鹽比例最高;衍生性硫酸鹽必須區域聯防,才能見到成效。原生性PM2.5貢獻以交通源的貢獻量15.7% 最高。臺中港區為本市排放原生性PM2.5最大工業區,應列為PM2.5優先管制地區,建議在港區示範「大型企業自主加裝一定比例濾煙器」方案,以長程運輸為主的大型柴油車加裝濾煙器為目標。臺中市欲達到105年的20μg/m3階段目標,原生性PM2.5需減量1,636公噸/年,衍生性PM2.5需減量1,660 公噸/年。105年到110年原生性PM2.5必須再減量1,781公噸/年,衍生性PM2.5必須再減量1,931 公噸/年。
EngTitle Source Analysis and Mitigation Strategy of PM2.5 over Metropolitan Taichung in 2013
EngAbstract The atmospheric PM2.5 ingredient proportion demonstrated that the majority sampling sites were highest in sulfate, next nitrate, followed by ammonium, organic carbon and last heavy metals. On average, sulfate was 27.3%, nitrate 14.6%, ammonium 13.4%, organic carbon 11.2% and heavy metals 2.3%.PM2.5 mass concentration in flue gas for stationary sources showed that the electric arc furnace total particle matters (FPM + CPM) are the highest, approximately 6.5 mg/Nm3; next the food industry fuel oil boiler 4.7 mg/Nm3; followed by steel industry sintering plant 2.8 mg/Nm3; the coal-fired plant 1.76 to 1.85 mg/Nm3; and the municipal solid waste incinerator 0.7 mg/Nm3 is the lowest. The dissipation of the PM2.5 demonstrated that coal store yard power plant PM2.5/TSP ratio was 0.19, the cement industry was between 0.10 to 0.13, the steel industry was between 0.08 to 0.15, and street dust was between 0.06 to 0.13. Carbon fractions were the most in fingerprints of PM2.5 of flue gas for fuel coal boiler and coal store yard in power plant. In steel industry flue gas, heavy metals were the main fraction for stationary sources whereas carbon, sulfate and calcium compounds for dissipation.As secondary pollutants of sulfate in PM2.5 was the main portion for Taichung, we would suggest, together with surrounding neighbor cities and counties to look into the mitigation strategies for the traffic emissions. Local primary pollutants PM2.5 contribution to the amount of traffic sources was less than 15.7%.To mitigate the PM2.5 in the region, the heavy load diesel trucks were fitted with catalyst particulate filter and this has been studied. Under the present air pollution control measure, we would suggest that the primary PM2.5 decrement goal may be 1,636 metric ton/year and secondary PM2.5 1,660 metric ton/year in the year of 2016. Furthermore, primary PM2.5 decrement goal to aim for is 1,781 metric ton/year and secondary PM2.5, 1,931 metric ton/year in 2021.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台灣綠碁科技股份公司