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Title 推動資源循環及低碳永續運作機制整合工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫目標為促進資源循環體系運作,協助進行跨部會會議與推動成果彙編,蒐集國外最新資訊,強化資源回收再利用法機能;計畫中以推動資源循環及低碳永續兩方向做為主軸,在進行例行工作的同時,借鏡國外案例供未來施政方向參考,成為推動計畫的最佳幕僚角色。資源循環方面,本計畫已完成「101年度資源回收再利用年報」定稿,協助彙整各部會提交今年前三季成果,及「103年至104年資源回收再利用推動計畫」之下階段目標提報,協助招開工作小組及再生資源促進委員會會議以維護資再法運作機能。低碳永續方面,一方面協助環保署生態社區推動方案室,建立低碳永續家園之資源循環行動項目;另一方面蒐集國際上近三年會議資料與資源循環零廢棄相關實施策略,共10篇會議資料及32筆期刊報告。為達資源循環零廢棄之願景,本計畫從新檢視並修訂明年度「廢棄資源管理績優事業選拔活動」報名須知,追蹤歷年獲獎事業後續執行成果,加深業界對於資源循環之共識;舉辦「低碳永續家園之資源循環示範點-臺北市延慧書庫觀摩」活動及102年「臺北101資源循環觀摩」組織學習活動。強化政府與產業、地方與中央之間的交流。
EngTitle Integration Program of Promoting Resource Recycling and Low-Carbon Sustainable Operating Mechanism
EngAbstract Goals of this program are to promote a resource recycling system, to support cross-agency meetings and editing of the outcomes, to collect latest information from abroad, and to strengthen mechanisms of recycling and reusing. The program puts emphasis on promoting the recycling system and the sustainable low-carbon management. While implementing routine procedures, case studies of foreign countries are used to be references of future policies in order to aid in performing the program.On the recycling system, the “Annual Report on Resource Recycling and Reusing of Year 101” has been completed to support appropriate authorities to submit the outcomes of this year’s first three quarters. The next stage of “Promotion Program of Resource Recycling and Reusing during Year 103 and 104” has also been submitted to further help forming task groups and meetings of resource recycling committees to enhance the compliance of the Resource Recycling and Reuse Act.On the sustainable low-carbon management, resource recycling procedures has been founded in order to achieve a low-carbon sustainable environment by supporting the Office of Ecological Community Promotion, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, while collecting data and strategies from foreign conferences and implementation of resource recycling and zero waste in last three years, and consequently 10 conference reports and 32 journal reports have been collected.To achieve the goal of resource recycling and zero waste, the program has reviewed and modified the registration information of "Waste Resource Management Remarkable Performance Institutional Selection Campaign" of next year, while tracking previous rewarded organizations to strengthen a common understanding of the importance of resource recycling between industries. Two learning activities, “Yanhui Book Shop Observation: A Reference Site of Resource Recycling Regarding Building a Low-carbon Sustainable Environment” and "Taipei 101 Resource Recycling Observation 2011," were also taken place to further enhance communications and idea exchanging between the government and industries/central and local governments.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司