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Title 事業廢棄物認定、貯存、清除及處理之管理策略及法規研修專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫蒐集國內廢棄物質量情形、清除處理情形及處理技術現況等資料,分析環境風險較高之事業廢棄物管理現況及研擬相關改善建議,分析結果為無機性污泥及廢切削油製成之再生產品由於其成分及品質不穩定具爭議性,未來恐有造成產品/廢棄物認定之虞,建議針對部分風險較高之再利用產品建構再利用產品履歷制度,或採以切結書併聯單(轉售或再利用)方式加以管理。此外,本計畫參考國內歷年有關廢棄物判定之解釋函文及國外之認定規範,研提廢棄物判定原則,原則內容包括:(1)事業不能、不用或不願再用而拋棄者,屬廢棄物。(2)不具效用、效用不明而擬拋棄者,屬廢棄物。(3)由產源付費委由他人清理者,屬廢棄物。(4)需進一步資源化,缺乏銷售市場或去化管道,屬廢棄物。(5)長期貯存而有棄置污染環境之虞者,屬廢棄物。若疑義個案存在上述參考原則之一者,則該物質即判定為廢棄物。另,為使國內相關機關對於廢棄物疑義個案之判定更臻明確,本計畫依行政程序法規定訂定「是否屬廢棄物疑義個案判定原則」草案,以做為相關機關對於是否屬疑義個案之判定依據。配合實務需求,本計畫研修「指定廢棄物清理法第二條第一項第二款之事業」,新增事業項目包括(1)採土壤離場處理之土壤或地下水污染場址、(2)土石方資源堆置處理場(土資場)、(3)醫事檢驗所、醫事放射所與(4)公共下水道污水處理廠。另研修「有害事業廢棄物認定標準」,配合國內電子資訊產業發展競爭全球戰略物資趨勢,扶植國內資源再利用產業,以促進廢棄資源再生利用,故檢討我國與巴塞爾公約對有害廢棄物之輸出入管制規定,刪除混合五金廢料,俾與國際接軌。此外,為強化現行事業廢棄物於貯存、清除、處理及最終處置等階段之管理,並釐清實務執行面之相關疑義,研修「事業廢棄物貯存清除處理方法及設施標準」。為配合研擬廢棄物判定參考原則與法規修正,於計畫執行期間分別辦理6場次專家學者諮詢會與4場次研商會議。此外,協助署內就廢棄物清理法相關案件,已提供1則法律意見書及17則相關案件意見回復。
EngTitle Project on Management Strategy and Regulation Amendment for Determination, Storage, Clearance and Di
EngAbstract This project collected national information regarding waste material quantity, disposal process, and processing techniques. We analyzed the environmentally hazardous industrial waste disposal management situation and proposed improvement suggestions. Our analysis concluded that inorganic sludge and waste oil derivative products are potentially controversial due to their unstable content and quality. This may cause problems with the recognition of such products or waste materials in the future. We suggested that certain high-risk reused products require additional supervision, by implementing product history record regulations, or by requiring a liability waiver (for resale and reuse).In addition, the project has reviewed the history of regulatory decisions and other countries’ regulatory standards to propose new waste disposal classification guidelines. These guidelines include:1. Waste materials are materials that enterprise cannot, do not, or will not re-use.2. Discarded material without applications or with unknown applications is considered to be waste material.3. When the producer pays an outside agent to handle the cleanup, the material is considered to be waste material.4. If the material requires additional processing, and lacks a natural market or consumption channel, it is considered to be waste material.5. Material that requires long-term storage and cause contamination concerns is considered to be waste material.If the case in question falls within one of the above criteria, it should be classified as waste material. In order to clarify the classification of waste materials in future cases, the project drafted “Waste Material Case Classification Guidelines” in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, for reference by related agencies to make determinations on future cases.To meet practical requirements, we revised “Industries Regulated By Waste Disposal Act 2.II.A” to cover additional industries including:1. Contaminated sites where the soil or groundwater have been excavated for offsite processing.2. Soil and construction debris processing sites.3. Medical testing labs and radiology clinics.4. Public wastewater treatment plants.We also drafted “Standard for Defining Hazardous Industrial Waste” in accordance with national electronic and IT industry developments and competitive needs for globally strategic raw materials to promote the national resource reuse industry and the recycling of waste materials. We reviewed national regulations in comparison with the Basel Convention regarding the import and export of hazardous waste materials, and proposed to eliminate the ban on mixed metal scrap materials to match international standards. In addition, to strengthen the supervision of waste material storage, cleanup, processing, disposal, and to clarify questions regarding their implementation, we prepared a proposal for “Methods and Facilities Standards For The Storage, Clearance And Disposal of Industrial Waste.”To support the proposed guidelines and legislations regarding waste material classification standards, six expert panels and four public opinion hearings were conducted. Additionally, we provided the Bureau with one legal opinion and seventeen case reviews regarding the Waste Disposal Act.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會