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Title 102年提昇生活廢棄資源清理執行成效及整合維運相關管理系統計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間自民國102年2月21日起至102年12月底止,主要目的係協助推動廢棄物管理政策之回收、清除、再利用工作,期能提昇生活廢棄資源清理執行成效並整合維運相關管理系統。主要工作成果包括:(一)檢討地方清潔人員編制,協助研訂「地方清潔人員設置參考原則」,並已於102年11月函頒提供地方參辦;(二)檢討一般廢棄物清理法規制度,接續修正「一般廢棄物回收清除處理辦法」法制作業程序,已完成預告程序並辦理研商公聽會。同時,蒐集歷年一般廢棄物清理、廣告物管理、清潔人員管理相關文書及解釋函令,彙編成冊提供執行機關參考;(三)完成100個執行機關之清理現況調查及輔導,提昇減量及回收成效,掌握至102年8月份,全國之資源物、廚餘及巨大廢棄物等三項回收再利用率約較去年同期提升0.97%;(四)推動資源回收站登記管理制度,辦理5場次登記管理系統說明會,並完成206家資源回收業者現場訪查,輔導業者上網登記並定期填報資源回收現況;(五)整合建立「生活廢棄資源管理系統」,已確認系統架構、各業務單位應整合之資料範圍、資料介接方式、釐清重複申報項目與申報期間頻率等相關事項,完成第一階段系統建置作業。
EngTitle Project of promote general waste clean execution achievement and management system relating work mai
EngAbstract The Project was implemented over the period from February 21, 2013 to December 31, 2013. The key objective of the Project was to assist in the promotion of recovery, disposal and recycling work relating to waste management policy, with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness of household waste disposal implementation and coordinating the operation of the related management systems. The main work results achieved in the Project were as follows (1) Reviewing the organization of local sanitation workers, and assisting in the formulation of the Guidelines for the Establishment of Local Sanitation Personnel, copies of which were submitted to local governments for their reference in November 2013. (2) Reviewing the legal and regulatory framework for the management of general waste, and continuing with the drafting procedures for the revision of the Regulations Governing General Waste Recycling, Clearance and Disposal; the advance notice procedures have already been completed, and a public hearing for the revisions was held. In addition, documents and interpretation rulings from past years relating to general waste management, management of advertising materials, and sanitation personnel management, were collected and collated in book form for the reference of the implementing agencies. (3) A survey of current waste disposal practice at 100 implementing agencies was completed, along with the provision of related guidance, in order to enhance the effectiveness of waste reduction and recycling; as of August 2013, the nationwide recycling rate for three categories of waste – resource waste, kitchen waste and large-sized waste – had risen by 2% compared to last year. (4) Promotional efforts were made with respect to the adoption of a registration management system for recycling stations, with the holding of five workshops on the registration management system, and the conducting of on-site visits to 206 firms engaged in recycling activities, providing them with guidance regarding online registration and regular reporting of recycling status. (5) Coordination was provided for the establishment of the Household Waste Management System. The first stage of system establishment has been completed through the confirmation of the system architecture, the scope of the data that implementing agencies are expected to collate, as well as the data interface method, and through the clarification of issues relating to duplicated reporting and reporting frequency.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司