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Title 噪音感受度調查及對健康影響之評估
Abstract 交通噪音是都市化過程中衍生的環境問題,交通設施(如道路、鐵路和機場等)的建設與擴展,使得交通噪音的影響也越來越大。許多歐盟國家已經或者將要制定有關噪音暴露可接受程度的規定,也執行噪音煩擾度的全面研究,以確認高噪音量會對城市居民造成煩擾的主要因素,並評估其預測值。交通噪音等的形成相當複雜,對於民眾的影響不分日夜早晚,且感受各自不同,若單以聲音的響度來考量,並不客觀,若能再加上噪度的影響,較能反映民眾的感受,對於未來修訂相關噪音管制標準時有莫大助益。為測量、評估我國交通噪音導致的煩擾度,建立交通噪音量─反應關係曲線,本計畫初擬交通噪音民眾煩擾度現地調查作業要點(草案),其係參考ISO/TS 15666[1]採用社會聲學調查(socio-acoustics surveys)的方式進行調查,而煩擾度等級的定義則參考歐盟環境噪音指令,根據被調查者人數的比率來定義。透過今年度小批量調查之實際規劃、執行與分析過程,顯示本計畫目前初擬之作業要點(草案)應可應用於道路交通噪音民眾煩擾度之調查。此外,為了評估交通噪音對人體之主觀噪音情緒及客觀噪音情緒反應,以及為了建立完善交通噪音之動物生理實驗作業,以確保實驗結果品質,初擬交通噪音人體煩擾度調查實驗作業要點(草案)和交通噪音動物生理實驗作業要點(草案)。在交通噪音人體煩擾度調查及動物生理實驗部分,除研擬調查與實驗方法外,也依初擬內容實際執行實驗,期藉由實驗結果完善研擬之調查與實驗方法。人體實驗部分,驗證人體感受度實驗有效樣本數達16個,實驗刺激音為真實環境下道路交通噪音,但真實道路噪音的聲音品質及參數變動過大,建議未來人體實驗時,以模擬音源進行人體實驗較為合適。動物實驗方面,驗證動物生理實驗有效樣本7個,由於懷孕週期較短,以致懷孕母鼠未能完成所有噪音刺激實驗,建議未來動物實驗先不進行懷孕母鼠的實驗較為適宜。
EngTitle Investigation of noise annoyance and evaluation of the effects of noise on health.
EngAbstract Traffic noise is one of the environmental problems derived from urbanization which has caused significant impacts on people’s living. Many countries have already developed regulations concerning the acceptability of environmental noise exposure. In general, it is more objective to establish noise control standards based on the susceptibility of people. For this reason, it is important to obtain noise exposure/response relationships via social and socio-acoustic surveys. In order to establish the relationships between noise exposure and noise-induced annoyance in Taiwan, the “Guideline for the Annoyance Survey on Traffic Noise (Draft)” was proposed according to the Technical Specification ISO/TS 15666. The percentage of persons annoyed (%[A]) and the percentage of persons highly annoyed (%[HA]) are used as the descriptor of noise annoyance in a population based on the position paper prepared by the European Communities. In order to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed guideline for traffic noise annoyance surveys, a preliminary field survey was conducted according to the proposed guideline. The results show that the proposed guideline would be applicable to perform traffic noise annoyance surveys in the future.In addition,this project was to assess the traffic noise on human subjective and objective noise emotional responses, as well as for the establishment of animal physiology lab assignments to ensure that the quality of the experimental results, the proposed draft guidelines for human traffic noise annoyance survey experiment and traffic noise animal physiology experiments. The traffic noise annoyance to human and physiology of animal was investigated, in addition to develop the survey and experimental methods, but also the procedure of survey was to be in accordance with the actual implementation of the experiment. The experimental methods were improved and developed by the experimental results. For human experiment, human perception was verified by 16 subjects. The real environment of traffic noise was adopted as the experimental stimulus tone, but the sound quality and parameter changes in real road noise were uncertain. The simulated tone adopted for human trials was more appropriate for the future human experiments. For the animal experiment, there were 7 rats adopted in the animal physiology experiment. The pregnant rat failed to complete all the noise stimulation experiments because the period of pregnant was too short. The suggestions for future animal studies excluded the pregnant rat experiment were more appropriate.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立暨南國際大學