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Title 環境災害資訊整合及管理支援維運推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作內容可分成有【行政與作業支援】及【系統維運與功能開發】等2個面向。在行政與作業支援中,今年度除提供了1,630通的電話諮詢服務外,為使環保署、縣市環保局、鄉鎮市區清潔隊等相關人員能暢通資訊往來及熟捻通報程序,工作團隊也逐一確認各機關單位的災害聯絡人員資料,並以情境模擬方式,於臺北、臺中、臺南、台東、花蓮等地方,舉辦了8場次的實機教育訓練(參與人數達443人)及3次全國性的災害模擬演練。此外,在今年8個侵臺颱風期間,工作團隊亦依合約規定,完成6次的進駐服務工作,總投入人力累計達52人天。在系統維運與功能開發方面,為有效提高災害通報的效率,今年度除創新利用數字組合的方式,改善電話語音通報速度外,也整合GPS定位、照片上傳、顏色變化、作業提醒、我的首頁等功能,開發了Android的行動通報系統。此外,在現行系統中,為強化災害發生期間中有關調度分配、統計分析、審查核定等請求支援作業效率,工作團隊除將請求支援功能進行重新改版外,也開發了縣市救災資材相互支援的資訊建置與查詢功能、自動產製DOC格式的工作日報表功能、進駐人員快速簽到功能、線上統計報表列印功能等。最後,今年度工作團隊也蒐集226則相關災害新聞供通報者參考,並配合環保署執行11次安全性檢核及5次系統的更新作業。
EngTitle 2013 Environmental Emergency Management Information System integration and maintance
EngAbstract This project was divided into “administrative and operational support” and “system maintenance and function development” two dimensions. In respect of administrative and operational support, in addition to providing 1,630 calls for consulting services, the team also identified the disaster contact personnel information of each government agencies to let the concerned personnel in the Environmental Protection Administration, county/city environmental protection bureaus, township and municipal cleaning squads be smooth in communication and familiar with the reporting process. There were also 8 on field training via scenario simulation held in Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, Taitung and Hualien (total in 443 participants) and 3 national disaster simulation practices. In addition, the team also completed 6 stationing service tasks as set forth in the contract during the period of 8 typhoons attacking Taiwan. Totally, 52 people were involved in the project.As to system maintenance and functional development, in addition to improve the voice reporting sped by using creative number combination, there were also Android mobile reporting system integrating with the Global Positioning System(GPS), photo uploading, color changing, operation reminder and home functions to effectively enhance the disaster reporting efficiency. Besides, to reinforce current operational efficiency in term of allocation, statistical analysis, review and approval such supporting operations, the team has developed establishment and searching for mutual rescue resources support among counties and cities, auto-generated working journal in WORD format, speed sign up function for stationing personnel, online statistic report printing functions other than update the support request functions. Finally, the team has also collected 226 related disaster news as references for the reporting people and implemented 11 safety inspections and 5 system updates in cooperated with the Environmental Protection Administration this year.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 方達科技股份有限公司