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Title 事業廢棄物管制中心地理資訊系統(GIS)整合規劃計畫
Abstract 本計畫之目標重點主要包含:彙整現行管制中心各系統之空間資料,規劃地理資訊系統(GIS)整合平台;配合中心業務需求,規劃地理資訊系統(GIS)整合空間資訊及廢棄物管理之決策系統;研擬GIS平台發展策略及軟硬體建置方案;配合本計畫規劃項目,建立應用系統雛型。 於執行過程,訪談管制中心各系統之委辦廠商,瞭解各系統資料格式、數量、建立方式等訊息,彙整各項資料中之空間屬性,並結合與重要業務執行上所需之部分MIS資料,規劃地理資訊系統(GIS)整合平台。亦針對平台之規劃,著手規劃平台與中心現行各系統之「資料交換機制」;並針對EMS提供之機構基線資料,初步建立GIS圖層,另外,也針對IWMS之廢清書資料及IWRS之統計資料等,逐步進行資料庫建置與空間資料關連等相關作業。 並針對本計畫在平台的開發與未來整體需求,研擬整體平台發展之策略,並規劃相對應之軟硬體建置方案,進而透過GIS整合管理平台,逐步彙整相關業務需求,並提出「地理資訊系統(GIS)整合空間資訊及廢棄物管理之決策系統」之各項功能範疇,以及相關資料使用之情境模擬說明等,進一步提出如3D GIS之空間展示及聯單、軌跡等相關應用方式之未來方向等,期望可逐步配合GIS整合管理平台中資源的擴充與共享,逐步增添並著手建置更多符合業務需求之決策系統,提供相關業務單位決策支援使用。 期望本計畫執行期程中,可確立GIS整合管理平台之基礎,未來可逐步納入更多資源,已達成永續發展之目標。
EngTitle Industrial Waste Management Geographic Information System (GIS) integration planning
EngAbstract The main emphasis of this project including compiling all the spatial data of the current control center, planning geographic information system (GIS) integration platform, with the center of business needs, planning geographic information system (GIS) integration of spatial information and waste management decision-making system, planning the developing strategy of GIS platform and building software and hardware, with this project, building the applicational system of prototype. In the process of implementation, understanding the information of systems by interview the commissioned corporations. Compile spatial property of data, and combined with the important business of the part of the implementation of the required MIS data, planning Geographic Information Systems (GIS) integration platform. Also for platform planning, begin to plan platform with the center existing systems, the "information exchange mechanisms", and for the EMS to provide the institutional baseline data, the initial establishment of GIS layers, while also in the IWMS waste clear written information and IWRS statistical information, etc. Build the database of information related to space and other related operations gradually. And the platform for the development of this project and future overall demand, plan the developmental strategy of the platform, and plan to build the software and hardware, and then integrate the platform through GIS, and gather related business requirements, and to make " Geographic Information Systems (GIS) integration of spatial information and waste management decision-making system "of the various functional areas, and related information using the scenario descriptions, further, such as 3D GIS and associated spatial display, single track mode for applications of future direction, expected to operate in coordination with GIS integration management platform which could expand and share resources, build DSS which conform to business demands. Hope the implementation during this project, GIS platform can be established firmly. There are many resources which gradually bring into the GIS platform in the future.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 千一科技股份有限公司