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Title 推廣垃圾焚化灰渣及都市下水道污泥運用於工程輔導計畫
Abstract 本年度計畫執行期間自民國98年12月31起至99年12月30日止,主要目的在於協助環保署及主辦縣市政府推動灰渣再利用,並進行垃圾焚化底渣再利用之相關工程性質調查、分析,研擬垃圾焚化底渣再利用作為控制性低強度(Controlled Low Strength Materials,CLSM)產品品質之輔導管理制度。另為解決都市下水道污泥佔用掩埋空間之問題,藉由蒐集國內外都市下水道污泥處理之技術、實蹟及研究等相關資料,並協助規劃都市下水道污泥之個案再利用申請審查。本(99)年度已有14縣市計20座焚化廠參與底渣再利用,統計92至98年累積達215萬公噸,再利用率達到80.87%,已協助完成參與底渣再利用計畫按季提送處理費審查及提供主辦縣市政府相關諮詢輔導,並辦理1場次業務檢討會議及2場次公共工程觀摩會議,以作為往後施政方向與推動政策之重要參考依據。
EngTitle Promotion of Recycling Incinerator Ash and Sewage Sludge to Engineering Project
EngAbstract The project was implemented over the period from 12/31/2009 to 12/31/2010. The main purpose of the project is to assist the Environmental Protection Administration and the sponsoring county and municipal governments to promote the recycling of incinerator ash,and carry out the engineering investigations and analyses associated with the recycling of bottom ash from waste incineration,as well as and to set up a management system for recycled incinerator bottom ash for additive in Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)production. In addition, in order to solve the problem of urban sewage sludge occupying the landfill space, we project to assist in the review of individual cases of urban sewage sludge recycling applications. This year (2010), 20 incineration plants in 14 counties and municipalities have participated in bottom ash recycling. Statistics collected from 2003 to 2009 show that a total of 2.15 million metric tons have been recycled, which represents a utilization rate of 80.87%. The project also assists in the completion of the review of processing fees submitted on a quarterly basis by counties and municipalities participating in incinerator bottom ash recycling programs, as well as the provision of consultation services to these local governments and the hosting of an operational review meeting and two observation meetings of public engineering, which will serve as an important basis for future policy formulation.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司