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Title 98年度柴油車動力計排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫
Abstract 為改善臺北市之空氣品質,給予市民乾淨清新之生活環境,臺北市政府環境保護局本年度也依據「空氣污染防制法」之目標與精神,在柴油車污染方面,透過不定期檢驗管制與調修改善,以有效提升臺北市之空氣品質狀況,達成污染減量及環境保護之成效。本計畫針對行駛臺北市柴油車,由民眾檢舉、目視判煙等方式,通知轄區內柴油車到站檢測;而油品抽測部分,則以站內採油、路邊攔檢及到客貨運場站稽查方式進行,以管制含硫量過高之非法油品。本計畫執行期間,總共檢驗柴油車輛8,868輛次,其中有565輛次馬力比不足退驗,102輛次轉速退驗,而在完成檢驗的輛次中,98年到檢車齡集中於4~6年及6~8年,主要因為98年推動公車專用道加嚴排氣分級標章專案,公車佔整體到檢比例3.8成以上,而到檢之公車車齡較新故導致,而不合格率較高之車齡歷年都出現在車齡10年以上之車輛,以行駛里程來看,歷年皆以落在50萬公里以上的車輛最多,而由污染度可發現,行駛50萬公里以上的車輛,其污染度明顯偏高。而歷年不合格率則是以行駛5-15萬公里車輛最高。本計畫執行期間,共執行柴油車目視判煙紀錄128,006輛次,篩選通知到站檢驗2,506輛次,已到檢的1,073輛中,有36輛檢測不合格,不合格率為3.4%,以車齡來看,目判最多為10~12年車輛;以車種來看,則以自用小貨車及自用大貨車被目判最多,不合格率以營業大客車最高。另外,馬力比不足退驗車輛中,大多為自用小貨車,車齡多為10~12年車輛。在油品抽驗部分,自94年1月1日起柴油油品含硫量由低於350ppm降為低於50ppm,不合格率雖然稍略降低,但是平均含硫量卻有明顯之下降,可見在經過中油於96年開始提供超級柴油後,油品含硫量確實有下降之趨勢。98年度計畫執行,抽查6,377件,送驗677件中655件完成報告,其中不合格1件,不合格率為0.15%(1/655)。另外,本計畫針對柴油車較頻繁行駛之路段,執行路邊攔檢無負載急加速排煙檢測,本計畫執行期間,發現車輛不合格率為26.2%;以車齡來看,污染度大致隨著車齡增加而增加;以車種來看,以特營大貨車及自用大貨車最高。對於污染物排放削減量推估主要改善效益來自於檢測不合格之高污染車輛之污染改善以及車輛事前調修,本計畫依環保署年行駛里程推估粒狀污染物削減149.2噸/年。
EngTitle The Project of Inspection into the Diesel Vehicle’s Exhaust Emissions and Inspection into the Diesel Fuel
EngAbstract In an effort to improve the air quality in Taipei City and offer the citizens a clean and fresh living environment and in accordance with the objectives and spirits of 「Air Pollution Control Act」, In this year the Department of Environmental Protection of Taipei City Government has enforced periodic inspection, modification and maintenance ,so that the effective refinement for the condition of air quality and the effect of pollution reduction plus environmental protection in Taipei City are achievable. The motor vehicles with diesel engine within the Taipei city area were targeted in this project. Through the approaches of citizens’ violation reporting and judgment by visual determination of smoke, motor vehicles with diesel engine were notified to report to the station for testing. As for the sampling inspection of fuel product, the methods of in-station fuel sampling and block-to-test at roadside were carried out for the purpose of controlling the illegal fuel in possession of excessive sulfur content.There were 8,868 motor vehicles with diesel engine tested in total with 565 tested vehicles rejected which aren’t reach the legal h.p rate and 102 tested vehicles rejected which rotational speed insufficiency, during the implementing period of this project. But in completes the examination in quantity, 98 years to examine the vehicle age to concentrate in 4~6 years and 6~8 years, because mainly 98 year impetus bus special-purpose road marker case, the bus occupies the whole to examine above the proportion 38%, but is examined the bus vehicle age to be new, therefore creates this situation; and the degree of pollution goes up with the age roughly, the vehicles of 10 ~ 12 years old have the highest failure rate; the most of the tested vehicles have been driving 500,000 kilometers, the pollution is increase along with the mileage while the vehicles that have been driving 50,000 kilometers to 15,0000 kilometers access a higher failure rate. During the period of enforcing the product, there are 128,006 motor vehicle with diesel engine in total performed the judgment by visual determination of smoke, 2,506 vehicles were screened and notified to report to the Station for testing, 36 vehicles amongst the 1,073 tested vehicles failed to pass the test, the failure rate is 3.4%. For the age of vehicle, most of the visually determined vehicles are10~12 years old. For model of vehicle, most of visually determined vehicles are private-heavy trucks and private- light truck while the business- town bus have the highest failure rate. Most of the test rejected vehicles, which aren’t reach the legal h.p rate, are private-light truck with an age ranging from 10 years to 12 years. Their condition of maintenance is mostly done by service providers of inspection agent.In the aspect of sampling inspection of fuel product, the failure rate has slightly dropped because of an mandatory measure to reduce the sulfur content in the diesel fuel product from 350ppm to 50ppm has been put into practice from January 1, 2005. Nevertheless, the average sulfur content has been noticeably decreasing. It is thus evident that sulfur content in fuel product is truly in a dropping tendency after the supply of super diesel fuel from China Petroleum Company incepted in October 2004. During the period of 98’s project, spot check 6,377 samplings. there are 655 sampling of 677 delivers to the research center to make the examination, and 1 of them failed to pass the test of fuel product inspection, the failure rate is 0.15%(1/655).In addition, performed the method of test for exhaust smoke under no-load and rapid acceleration for diesel automobiles at roadside mainly focusing on the road section where motor vehicles with diesel engine come and go frequently. According to the outcomes after performing the block-to-test at roadside, the failure rate is 26.2%, therein, as for the age of vehicle, degree of pollution becomes severe when vehicles get old ; considering the model of vehicle, special business - heavy trucks and private- heavy trucks have the highest degree of pollution. According to the estimated reduction volume of pollutant emission, the beneficial results of improvement is originated from the correction of pollution for highly polluted vehicles that failed to pass the test and vehicle’s beforehand modification. Reduction of particulate pollutant by 149.2 tons/year from this project is estimated in accordance with the annual driving mileage of Environmental Protection Administration.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台北市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司