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Title 98年臺中縣推動溫室氣體減量及空污管制宣導計畫
Abstract 「98年臺中縣推動溫室氣體減量及空污管制宣導計畫」,其計畫執行期程自簽約日98年11月23日起至99年11月22日止。本計畫各工作項目包括建立臺中縣溫室氣體排放清冊、推動綠色運輸活動、節能減碳宣導示範設備設置、蒐集國內外碳捕獲與封存相關技術資料、舉辦溫室氣體減量管制策略規劃會議、辦理節能減碳簽署活動、各項宣導作業等本計畫工作團隊自98年11月23日至99年10月31日止,完成更新和分析97、98年臺中縣溫室氣體排放清冊之工業部門、住商部門、運輸部門、農業部門和廢棄物部門溫室氣體排放量建立。並分析臺中縣96、97、98年度電燈用電量和臺中縣政府大樓97、98年度辦公大樓能源使用情況。另外,彙整95至98年臺中火力發電廠排放量、溫室氣體減量措施規劃和國內外碳捕獲與封存相關技術與文獻資料各報告1式。本計畫工作團隊於計畫執行期間辦理2場次臺中縣溫室氣體減量管制策略規劃會議,並由會議結果擬定臺中縣溫室氣體減量策略1式。以及辦理參訪北部空品區節能減碳績優單位觀摩及中部4縣市減碳合作夥伴會議1場次,以瞭解未來規劃和建構大臺中低碳都市願景方向。本計畫工作團隊於計畫執行期間追蹤和彙整臺中縣98、99年內政部「既有市區道路景觀與人本環境改善計畫」之經核定計畫及後續設置情形,並提出大臺中地區自行車道建置現況報告。於8月和10月辦理宣導住商部門省電及簽署節能減碳電子抽獎活動4場次和完成辦理機關、學校及村里溫室氣體減量競賽活動相關工作項目,分別為溫室氣體減量競賽活動說明會和種子教師訓練各1場次,推動機關、學校等單位所屬人員通勤共乘(併入減量競賽作業辦理)1場次和舉辦表揚大會並頒發新臺幣60萬元之獎勵金。本計畫建置相關專屬網站,放置各項溫室氣體減量、氣候變遷等相關訊息,提供民眾閱覽和查詢;於計畫執行間辦理相關工作項目成果,也上傳至專屬網站,並每日定期維護臺中縣網站和Ecolife網站。本計畫租用太陽能電力系統設備,設置於臺中縣環保局1樓大廳外,提供洽公民眾手機或筆記型電腦充電使用。98年度本計畫於計畫執行期間,辦理節能減碳簽署活動共計40場次,並由環保署登錄綠網結果得知,十大宣言簽署人數為15,534人(合約量15,000人)、電表號數量為3,804筆(合約量3,000筆)和節能減碳生活檢核表數量為2,328筆(合約量2,000筆);相關媒體宣導作業方面,新聞稿共計見報44則(含節能減碳宣導和溫室氣體減量、空氣污染防制及氣候變遷宣導,2大類主題),宣導住商部門省電及簽署節能減碳10分和30分鐘專題,各4檔次和1檔次,有線電視跑馬燈26則。
EngTitle The Reduction of Greenhouse Gas and the Guidance of Air Pollution in Taichung County in 2009
EngAbstract 「The Reduction of Greenhouse Gas and the Guidance of Air Pollution in Taichung County in 2009」was signed on November 2009 and ended on November 2010. This project included to establish the list about the green gas emission of Taichung County, green transportation, the model as equipments for greenhouse gas reducing, any kinds of greenhouse gas reduction propaganda, and to collect the information of the Carbon capture and storage. During this year, our group not only updated the list but also established five sectors in the capacities of greenhouse gas reduction. There were industry sector, residential and commercial sector, transport sector, agriculture and waste sector. Furthermore, we also analyzed the consumption of electricity power since 2007 to 2009 in Taichung County building and the situation of using energy on 2008 and 2009 in the office building. In addition, our group also collected the information and the documents about the thermal emission of power plants, the plan of greenhouse gas reduction and the carbon capture and storage techniques since 2006 to 2009. In order to construct the low- carbon Taichung in the future, our group convenes two meetings about the issue that is draft of the plan on greenhouse gas reduction. And the conclusion of the meeting had have been collected for the recording which could be used in the future, in order that people could be against the same situations. Besides, we not only hold an observation activity in Northern which is blue chip in the Air quality section, but also convened the carbon emission tactic in four counties cooperation meeting. During the executing time of the contract, our group traced and ordered the plan of 「Improve the Urban Road and Environment for people live」from Ministry of Interior. After this plan was checked and ratified, we need to mention that the reports about establishing the lane for bicycle in present situation. On August and October, there are four E-lottery activities and the competition of the greenhouse gas reduction from institutions to schools and villages. Those competitions were included the greenhouse gas reduction seminars and another activity to train teachers who are technical in the greenhouse gas reduction. Simultaneously, the peoples who belonged to institution and school could be put in practice on carpool. After this activity, we hold recognition of the general assembly award to the people who response to this activity. It was amazing that the prize was 60 million on this activity. On the other hand, the web site which the executing team established has many kinds of information with regarding to the greenhouse gas reduction and issues of the climate change. That information could provide the people who are interested in it. In this web site, we also could find the achievements that our group processed during the implementation period; moreover, we need to update and maintain the web site of the Taichung County and Eco life. In order to promote the concepts of greenhouse gas reduction, Taichung County rented the equipments which were solar energy system on the first floor of the Environment Protection Bureau (EPB), for the people who needed to recharge the notebook or the cell phone. Our group held about 40 manifestos propagandas that was about the greenhouse gas reduction, in the mean time, we amount the Green Net which the Environmental Protection Administration provides, the public could log to sign the manifestos. The quantity of manifestos people who signed the ten manifestos were 15,534. Furthermore, the numbers of electric meter are 3,804 groups, and then the life checklists about greenhouse gas reduction are 2,328 sheets. Besides, the propaganda with medium not only have 26 messages show on the marquee ,but also have forty-four news on the newspapers that are the topic with regard to the greenhouse gas reduction, climate change and air pollution control.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 思維環境科技有限公司