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Title 臺南市安平港區污染防制計畫
Abstract 臺南市安平港區污染防制計畫執行期程為期一年,自98年6月23日至99年6月22日止,執行成果分述如下。一、 安平港區巡查管制作業(1)計畫執行巡查件數達245件次,各類別場所巡查件數達473件次,管理辦法法規符合度由初期三個月之27 %提升至執行截止日之100 %,共針對13件輕微缺失與2件嚴重缺失之單位進行發文通知改善,複查後為全數通過,整體改善率達100%。(2)港區污染防制設施替代方輔導核備案件達7件次。(3)安平港分局污染防制設施改善追蹤工作,建置完成三座自動洗車台、一座自動洗車台改善完畢;並預計於99年6月24日前完成港區密閉式倉儲規畫設計、建照申請及開工。(4)砂石裝卸作業輔導改善工作,改善船舶卸料高度過高之缺失、輸送帶接駁點設置自動灑水設施、作業料堆高壓灑水設施噴灑等防制措施。(5)港區污染防制經費編列由98年度之3,030萬提升至99年9,000萬。(6)運輸車輛之覆布下拉管制成效,由98年6月份使用防塵布比例24 %提升執行截止日之100 %,車牌辨識系統成功率達到97 %。(7)進行港區管制站直接攔檢作業提升港區柴油車自主管理納管率,統計至作業止7月1日設籍臺南市柴油車納管率為達到100 %。(8)研擬空氣污染加嚴標準與公告安平港區特定空品區之草案內容。二、 安平港區污染監測作業針對港區砂石裝卸作業區進行共計9點次機動性TSP(周界)檢測,檢測結果全數符合法規標準,平均監測值為178 μg/m3,相較歷年平均檢測值382 μg/m3為低。(2)協助本市境內固定污染源逸散性場所TSP檢測共計11點次,2家次瀝青拌合業、1家水泥製造廠、6家次堆置場,皆符合法規標準值。(3)24小時空氣品質監測,綜合結果顯示,港區砂石裝卸作業導致空品之NOx、O3及粒狀物濃度的增高,日間作業與夜間非作業期濃度差異,PM10可高達1.7倍(日間/夜間)、O3約為1.4倍、NOx約為1.2倍;另外,觀察車流量與污染物濃度相關性,由NOx、CO及粒狀物PM10濃度之相同走勢,港區砂石作業與柴油車對空氣污染物濃度造成影響。(4)落塵量監測點經第一次期中審查(98年12月23日)後,於99年1月即全數從重新規劃監測點,99/1/18~99/6/18落塵監測值濃度介於5.1~16.8 g/m2/month,依環保署公告落塵量污染程度評估標準屬中度污染。(5)作業機具用油品質抽測共計60件,檢測硫含量與芳香烴含量結果全數符合法規標準。三、 排放量削減推估港區防制措施之短中長期規劃,原始排放量估算為647.0公噸/年,短期(98年度)粒狀物排放可削減至479.2公噸,總削減率為25.9 %;而中期粒狀物排放量為110.0公噸,總削減率為83.0%;遠長期防制措施規劃之粒狀物排放量為17.4公噸,總削減率為97.3%。綜觀而言,港區粒狀物之污染防制最佳方式是為建造密閉式倉儲,可有效降低粒狀物之逸散污染。四、 民眾滿意度調查有五成六的民眾表示近一年來砂石車夾帶泥沙或漏砂情形已有改善,且多數民眾認為應持續推動立法管制砂石車車斗覆蓋帆布須下拉15公分以降低粉塵逸散,整體而言,有四成七的民眾肯定臺南市環保局執行安平港區污染管制工作成效。五、 聯繫會議辦理共計辦理7場次會議,包含(1)安平港區污染防制協商會、(2)安平港柴油車輛自主管理暨反怠速及砂石車覆蓋下拉政策法令宣導說明會、(3)各縣市港區污染管制交流會議、(4)各縣市執行空氣品質改善觀摩會-安平港參訪、(5)安平商港空氣污染防制成效評鑑會議(環保署)、(6)重劃區暨裸露地防制設施協商會、(7)固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物防制宣導會。六、 其他相關作業(1)新聞稿共計19則主題,完成固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法宣導影片1則、宣導手冊1,000份、柴油車管制宣導摺頁1,000份及反怠速遮陽板宣導品1,000份。(2)建置安平港污染管制資料庫、宣導網頁、並協助固定污源計畫依管理辦法清查具逸散作業之工廠。(3)配合本市環保局因世界地球日40周年,舉辦『揪』愛環保、關懷地球-表演比賽徵選活動及「2010年世界地球月系列活動網站」後台維護作業。
EngTitle The Tainan City Anping Harbor area’s pollution prevention plan
EngAbstract The Tainan City Anping Harbor area’s pollution prevention plan is covered by a one-year implementation period, which spans from June 23, 2009 to June 22, 2010, and the implementation results are separately described as follows,I. The Anping Harbor area’s roaming inspection control work (1) The project has conducted a total of 245 roaming inspections, and a total of 473 roaming inspections made to various sites, where the compliance ratio to the management measures has risen from 27% in the initial three months to 100% as of the implementation cutoff date, with improvement notices given to 13 cases found with minor deficiencies and 2 cases of major deficiencies, which have all surpassed the subsequent inspection, with the overall improvement ratio at 100%.(2) Completing a total of seven cases of the harbor area’s pollution prevention facility alternative developmental filing cases.(3)Completing the Anping Harbor pollution prevention facility’s improvement follow-up work, with the instilment of three automatic carwash platforms and one improved automatic carwash platform; with plans to complete the design of the harbor area’s enclosed warehouse storage facility, apply for the building permit and kick off the project prior to June 24, 2010.(4) Completing the gravel loading and unloading work’s developmental improvement work by improving the deficiency of excessive height on vessel unloading, installing automatic sprinklers at the conveyor relay points, incorporating preventive devices to prevent the forklifts from crushing the sprinkler facility.(5) The harbor area’s pollution prevention funding has been brought up from $30.3 million in 2009 to $90 million in 2009.(6) The transport vehicles’ canvas cover pull-down control results have seen the use of the dust-preventing cover ratio from 24% in June 2009 to 100% as of the implementation project’s cutoff date, and the vehicle license plate recognition system’s success ratio has reached 97%.(7) Conducting the direct intercepting inspection work at the harbor area’s control stations to improve the harbor area’s diesel vehicles voluntary management streamlining ratio, and the statistics shows that the streamlining ratio on diesel vehicles registered in Tainan City has reached 100% before July 1, 2010.(8) Studying and drafting the stepped-up air pollution criteria, and announcing the content of the draft bill on the Anping Harbor’s specific air quality zone. II. The Anping Harbor area’s pollution monitoring and testing work (1) A total of nine spots of the mobile TSP (periphery) testing has been conducted focusing on the harbor area’s gravel loading and unloading area, and the results of the screening found all tests to comply with the legal standards, with the median screening value at 178 ug/m3, which has been lowered when compared with the history median screening value of 382 ug/m3.(2) In facilitating the city to conduct a total of eleven TSP screening on fixed pollution source of permeable sites, with twice made to asphalt mixers, one to a cement fabrication plant, six to stockpile sites, all have been found to comply with legal standard ratings.(3)Of the 24-hour air quality monitoring, the integrated results show that the harbor area’s gravel loading and unloading work has drive the air quality’s NOx, O3 and particle concentration to rise, with the concentration disparity between daytime operation and nighttime non-operating period shows the rating on PM10 reaching 1.7 times (daytime/night), on O3 at approx. 1.4 times, and NOx at approx. 1.2 times; in addition, by observing the correlation of the traffic flow and the pollutant concentration, with the NOx, Co and particle PM10 concentrations on an identical trend, the harbor area’s gravel work and the diesel vehicles have impacted the air pollutant concentration.(4) Following the fallen dust volume monitoring points undergoing the first mid-term review (on December 23, 2009), all monitoring points have been redeveloped starting in January 2010, with the concentration of the monitored fallen dust volume recorded from Jan. 18, 2010 to June 18, 2010 falls between 5.1 ~ 16.8 g/m2/month, which has been found to fall under medium pollution according to the fall dust volume pollution level evaluation criteria announced by the Environmental Protection Administration.(5) A total of 60 fuel quality screening cases has been conducted on operating machinery and equipment, and the results of the sulfuric content and aromatic content have found all to comply with legally designated criteria.III. Discharge volume reduction estimates Of the short-, mid- and long-term development for the harbor area’s control measures, which initially have the discharge volume estimated at 647.0 ton/year, the particle discharge in the short term can be cut down to 479.2 tons, with a total reduction ratio of 25.9%; the particle discharge volume for the midterm set is at 110.0 tons, with a total reduction ratio of 83.0%; the particle discharge volume under the long-term preventive measure developed is at 17.4 tons, with a total reduction ratio at 97.3%. In an overview, the best way in particle pollution prevention around the harbor area has been to build the enclosed warehouses, which can effectively reduce the particles’ permeating pollution.IV. The public’s satisfaction survey Close to 65% of the general public indicate that the state of dirt brought by gravel trucks or leaky sand has been improved in the most recent tone year, and a majority of the public reckon that it should continue to push the legislative to regulate that the canvas covering the hopper of the gravel trucks needs to be pulled down by 15cm in order to reduce the powder dust from permeating. As a whole, 47% of the general public expressed recognition on the results of the pollution control work at the Anping Harbor area by the Tainan City Environmental Protection Bureau.V. Staging of contact meetings A total of seven sessions of meetings have been staged, which include, (1) The Anping Harbor area’s pollution prevention coordination meeting. 2) The Anping Harbor’s diesel vehicles voluntary management and anti-idle and gravel trucks’ cover pull-down policy awareness presentation. (3) The exchange meeting on various counties/municipalities’ harbor area pollution control. (4) The demonstrative meeting for air quality improvement implemented in various counties and municipalities – the Anping Harbor visitation. (5) The Anping commercial port’s air pollution prevention result evaluation meeting (by the EPA). (6) The rezoned area’s exposed land prevention facility coordination meeting. (7) The fixed pollution sources’ permeating particle pollutant’s prevention meeting.VI. Other relevant work (1) The press releases cover a total of 19 subject matters, with the completion of one awareness campaign clip on fixed pollution sources’ permeable particle pollutants and air pollution prevention facility management measures, 1,000 copies of the awareness campaign pamphlets, 1,000 copies of the diesel vehicle control campaign inserts, and 1,000 copies of the anti-idle sunshade awareness campaign decals. (2) Instilling the Anping Harbor pollution control database, campaign Webpage, and facilitating verifying factories running permeable operations under the fixed pollution source plan using the management measures. (3) Supporting the city Environmental Protection Bureau to stage the “Supporting the environmental protection, care for the earth – a performing contest and entry solicitation campaign” and the rear-end maintenance work for the “2010 The World Earth Month’s serial event Website” in observing the 40th anniversary of the World Earth Day.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司