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Title 98年度台南縣固定污染源及燃燒金紙排放戴奧辛與多溴聯苯醚檢測調查計畫
Abstract 本計畫針對電弧爐EAF、鋁二級冶煉廠ALS、火葬場CRE及金爐J1及J2進行煙道廢氣PCDD/Fs與PBDEs之採樣分析,成果如下:1.電弧爐EAF與鋁二級冶煉廠ALS煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ濃度分別為0.0413及0.221ng I-TEQ/Nm3,皆符合法規標準規範。排放係數分別為0.416及3.50 μg I-TEQ/ton-feedstock。2.火葬場CRE、金爐J1及J2煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ濃度分別為0.139、0.703及0.00681ng I-TEQ/Nm3;排放係數分別為3.83μg I-TEQ/body及0.166、0.00827 μg I-TEQ/kg。本計畫中金爐J2(具有水洗塔設備) (0.00827 μg I-TEQ/kg)較金爐J1(無空污防治設備)之排放係數(0.166 μg I-TEQ/kg)低上許多。3.電弧爐EAF、鋁二級冶煉廠ALS底渣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ含量分別為0.0213及0.000493ng I-TEQ/g,而飛灰中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ含量分別為0.0740及0.0499 ng I-TEQ/g。另外,在金爐爐灰部分,金爐J1及J2爐灰中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ含量平均分別為0.000457及0.000148ng I-TEQ/g。4.電弧爐EAF與鋁二級冶煉廠ALS煙道廢氣中總PBDEs濃度分別為4.32及34.9 ng/Nm3,排放係數為43.7及551μg/ton-feedstock。5. 火葬場CRE、金爐J1及J2煙道廢氣中總PBDEs濃度分別為35.8、52.3及45.0 ng/Nm3,排放係數為1000 μg/body及12.2、54.2 μg/kg。6.電弧爐EAF與鋁二級冶煉廠ALS底渣中總PBDEs分別為2.15及0.231ng/g,而飛灰中總PBDEs含量為9.59 及57.4ng/g。在金爐爐灰部分,金爐J1及J2 爐灰中總PBDEs含量平均分別為0.438及0.539ng/g。7. 台南縣鋁二級冶煉廠、電弧爐、火葬場及廟宇金爐這四種固定污染源PCDD/Fs之年排放量分別為0.323、0.396、0.0237及2.26 g I-TEQ/yr。若以這四種污染源PCDD/Fs年排放總量來看,其各別佔全部排放量之10.8%、13.2%、0.789%及75.3%;而PBDEs之年排放量則分別為70.5、524、7.24及188.7 g/yr。若以這四種固定污染源年排放總量來看,鋁二級冶煉廠、電弧爐、火葬場及廟宇金爐分別佔全部排放量之8.9%、66.3%、0.92%及23.9%。
EngTitle Emissions of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans from Tainan stationary sources (a Crematory and Joss Paper) in 2009
EngAbstract One electric arc furnace (EAF), one secondary aluminum smelter (ALS), one crematory and two joss paper furnaces in Tainan County were investigated for their emission of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polybrominateddiphenyl ethers (PBDEs). The results are as follows. 1. PCDD/F concentrations in the stack flue gases of the EAF and secondaryALS were 0.0413 and 0.221ng I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively. Their corresponding emission factors were 0.416 and 3.50 μg I-TEQ/ton-feedstock. 2. PCDD/F concentrations in the stack flue gases of the crematory and the two joss paper furnaces were0.139、0.703and 0.00681ng I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively.Their corresponding emission factors were3.83μg I-TEQ/body, and 0.166、0.00827 μg I-TEQ/kg. The joss paper furnace with one wet scrubber as air pollution control device possessed a much lower emission factor (0.00827 μg I-TEQ/kg). 3.PBDE concentrations in the stack flue gases of the EAF and secondary ALS were 35.8, 52.3 and 45.0 ng/Nm3, respectively.Their corresponding emission factors were 43.7 and 551μg I-TEQ/ton-feedstock. 4. PBDE concentrations in the stack flue gases of the crematory and the two joss paper furnaces were 0.139、0.703and 0.00681ng I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively. Their corresponding emission factors were 1000 μg/body, 12.2 and 54.2 μg/kg. 5. Annual PCDD/F emission quantities from secondary ALS, EAF, crematory and the joss paper furnaces were 0.323、0.396、0.0237 and 2.26 g I-TEQ/yr, respectively. 6. Annual PBDE emission quantities from secondary ALS, EAF, crematory and the joss paper furnaces were 70.5、524、7.24及188.7 g/yr, respectively.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 正修科技大學