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Title 排放管道粒狀污染物檢測比測執行計畫(2/3)
Abstract 量測固定汙染源的粒狀物排放量的檢測,是所有環境採樣與分析中最複雜也最具挑戰性的項目。粒狀物排放量的量測過程中,排氣速度、溫度、溼度、氣膠濃度、氣膠粒徑分布、採樣設備類型、採樣團隊的經驗之間的相互作用,會影響到最終的量測結果。本計畫的主要目的,是提高煙道中粒狀物的量測能力,以及各項影響因子對於量測準確度變化上的貢獻。研究計畫中的模擬煙道測試系統於1997年建置完成,其主體為一高13.4公尺、直徑0.6公尺的不鏽鋼材質管道,在其進口端裝設有進氣過濾裝置與一具15匹馬力的離心式送風機,在出口端裝設有過濾裝置,將測試用粒狀物質收集避免造成周遭環境汙染。在模擬煙道測試系統中,主要的操作條件為粒狀物濃度、排氣溫度、相對濕度、與風扇轉速,粒狀物的產生是藉由一台PALAS粉塵產生器將已知粒徑的水泥粉末出入至系統中,來控制系統中粒狀物質量濃度;溫度控制單元則由一組750kW的加熱器與PID監測回饋系統所組成,可任意的調整排放氣體的溫度條件;排放氣體的濕度控制由一台120kW的蒸氣產生器,其水分含量控制範圍在2%至10%之間;同時藉由控制風扇的轉速來調整的風速條件,最高可提供15m/s的風速。本計畫已進行10年,在各項因子的影響方面,藉由歷年來所累積之資料所作之變異性分析所得結果發現,在管道中,無論是溫度或是含水量在不導致冷凝現象時其影響並不顯著,其最主要的影響因子為風速,其次是粉塵的輸入速度;在粒狀物的量測能力方面,經由歷年累積資料所建立的統計回歸模式,由該回歸模式可有效的預測模擬煙道系統中的粒狀物質量濃度,藉以進行量測能力的測試,經歷年測試結果顯示其成效是顯著的,計畫中參加的採樣團隊在經歷年測試後,其對粒狀物的量測能力上明顯的有較好的表現。
EngTitle Proficiency Analytical Testing Program of Stack Samplings
EngAbstract Determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources is the most complicate and challenging task among all environmental sampling and analytical procedures. It is speculated that the dust concentration measurement is affected by the interactions among exhaust velocity, temperature, humidity, aerosol concentration, aerosol size distribution, type of sampling equipment and level of experience of the sampling team. The results of this work can be used to identify the factor(s) contributing to the variability of measurements. The primary goal is to enhance the proficiency of stack particulate measurement.Built in 1997, this testing system simulating a stack is composed of an inlet filtration unit, a 15-Hp blower, a 13.4-m height, 60-cm diameter stainless steel duct, and an outlet filtration unit. The blower is capable of propelling the face velocity up to 15 m/sec. A Palas Powder Disperser is used to generate aerosol particles. A heater of 750 kW with a PID feedback system is used to control the temperature of the exhaust gas. A 120 kW steam generator is used to change the humidity of the exhaust gas, i.e., water content ranging from 2 % to 10 %. The major operation parameters include dust concentration, temperature, relative humidity, and fan rotation speed.According to the analysis of variance, the duct velocity is the most influential operation factor, followed by dust feed rate, and the interaction of duct velocity and water content in determining the aerosol concentration in the stack. However, neither temperature nor water content of the exhaust gas shows significant effect. A statistical model for predicting mass concentration of particles in the stack is established. This proficiency testing program has now been executed for 10 years. The cost-effectiveness is clear. The participated stack sampling teams showed clearly better performance.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學職業醫學與工業衛生研究所