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Title 台南縣空氣污染防制宣導訓練計畫
Abstract 有關「台南縣空氣污染防制宣導訓練計畫」執行階段自民國98年05月8日起,經計畫變更後修改至99年06月30日止。期末報告統計期間自98年05月08日至99年06月30日止。依照契約之規定達成各項工作項目,工作進度表如2.3工作進度表(甘特圖)所示。 計畫執行期間,除了辦理清新空氣宣導活動2場次之外,亦進行宣導文宣及環保品製作及協助辦理環保義工及社區、團體成果彰顯等工作項目,相關重點陳述如下:一、清新空氣宣導活動(一)第一場次1. 於98/06/07執行完成第一場次環保宣導活動,參與人數為1,500人,已超過原規定人數。2.現場辦理資源回收兌換,回收績效良好。3.匯集南瀛優秀且成果優異之社區共20攤來展現多年來的環保相關成果及推廣生活環保概念。4.媒體報導刊出共11則。(自06/04~06/08,共5天)(二)第二場次1.於99/04/18舉辦第一場次環保宣導活動,參與人數為1,089人。2.現場辦理資源回收兌換,回收績效良好,共回收之資源物共96公斤(第一場次無統計)。3.社區共15攤展示、政令宣導共10攤、跳蚤市場共10攤、服務攤位共3攤,總計38攤,充份展現南瀛環保的在地紮根與環保意識的普遍觸達。4.以環保趣味競賽方式號召共50個隊伍(共41個社區)進行參與。5.媒體報導露出共10則。(自04/14~04/19,共6天)二、環保義(志)工訓練1. 已於99/05/28-29辦理完成,共40人參加。2. 縣外行程安排共有四個點:(1) 參訪桃園縣楊梅鎮秀才里(環保小學堂)。(2) 參訪南投縣牛屎崎鄉土文史促進會(環保小學堂)。(3) 南投埔里桃米紙教堂。(4) 新竹縣大窩口促進會。三、宣導文宣及環保品製作1. 於98/06/07活動中已購置環保筷850雙及摸彩宣導品(後壁鄉的米)。2. 於99/04/18活動中購置1,985雙環保套裝組。四、協助辦理環保義工及社區、團體成果彰顯1. 依主辦單位之需求進行更新;網站也定期更新並下載主辦單位官網之環保訊息。(活動訊息共47則、環保新動態2則、環保新知6則)2. 每週進行週誌用以紀錄網站之工作內容,共23則(於期中報告後,開始執行之)。3. 依主辦單位提供之社區進行電子報之撰擬共13則,並由民眾上網直接登錄。
EngTitle Summary of Implementation Results
EngAbstract With regard to the implementation stage of “Prevention and Publicity Training Project on Air Pollution in Tainan County” from 8th May of 2009, the date of the project was changed to 30th June of 2010 after modification. The final report will run from 8th May of 2009 to 30th June of 2010. According to stipulations of the contract, each of the items of task should be accomplished, and the schedule of works is found as indicated in table 2.3 (Gantt Chart).I. Publicity event on fresh air 1. First session of event A. On 7th June of 2009, it had successfully completed the first session of environmental promotion event, with participants numbering to 1,500 people, in excess of the previous number as regulated. B. At the site, it had sponsored resource recycle, with excellent performance of recycle. C. In gathering of a total for 20 stalls with outstanding scores from communities of Nan-yin, they have demonstrated years of related environmental protection accomplishments, and the concept for the promotion of environmental protection life. D. 11 stories were printed on media (from 4th to 9th of June, totaling 5 days)_ 2. Second session of event A. On 18th April June of 2010, it had successfully completed the first session of environmental promotion event, with participants numbering to 1,089 people. B. At the site, it had sponsored resource recycle, with excellent performance of recycle, with a total of recycled materials of 96kgs.C. There are 15 stalls with community, 10 stalls for promotion of government policy, and 10 stalls for flea market, totaling 35 stalls. All of them have fully demonstrated local permeation of environmental protection locally at Nan-yin and the penetrative reach of environmental protection awareness.D. It resorted to fun games and contest for environmental protection to call for 50 teams (totaling 41 communities) to take part in the event.E. 10 stories were printed on media (from 14th to 19th of April, totaling 6 days.)II. Training of environmental volunteer 1. It was completed of sponsoring on 28-29th May of 2010, with 40 participants.2. Four respective locations of itinerary are arranged outside the county:A. Visit to Xiu-cai Neighborhood (small classroom on environmental protection) of Yang-mei Township of Taoyuan County B. Visit to literary and history promotion society (small classroom on environmental protection) of Niu-shi-qi Township of Nantou County C. Tao-mi paper church of Puli Township of Nantou County D. Environmental protection model community of Chiayi County III. Promotional DM and production of environmental protection objects 1. During event on 7th June of 2009, it had purchased 850 pairs of environmental friendly chopsticks and publicity gifts for lottery draw (rice from Hou-bi Township) 2. During the event on 18th April of 2010, it had purchased 1,985 environmental friendly sets. IV. Assist sponsoring training of environmental protection volunteer and community and group achievements with brilliant results 1. Based on the needs of sponsoring authority, it had conducted updating, and the website had also renewed and downloaded environmental protection news from the official website of the sponsoring authority. (activity news totals 47 copies, new activities of environmental protection 2 copies, and new knowledge of environmental protection 6 copies) 2. For every week, it will use weekly journal to record the work content of website, totaling 23 copies (they will be implemented after the mid-term report) 3. Based on the communities provided by the sponsoring authority, it has, in total, composed 13 copies of stories for community electronic newspaper, and residents can register themselves on the net. 4. Suggestions and effect evaluation will be put forth after the final report to facilitate subsequent administration.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 卉紘公關行銷有限公司