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Title 固定污染源稽查管制計畫
Abstract 本(98)年度本計畫主要執行項目包括:一、執行固定污染源之許可證管理、稽巡查、檢測及資料管理等工作。二、固定污染源空污費徵收工作。三、加油站油氣回收管制工作。四、烹飪油煙管制工作。五、露天燃燒管制工作。六、節能減碳政策之相關工作。七、本年度創新作法。八、其他協助或配合之工作事項,執行之各工作項目內容說明如下: 一、執行固定污染源之許可證管理、稽巡查、檢測及資料管理等工作:1.執行各項許可證申請審查共33件,其中完成發證有25件,在設置許可證申請方面,有3件變更及3件新設申請案件,經審查通過完成發證有5件,審查中通知補正有1件(書面資料不完整),在操作許可證申請方面有27件申請案件,經審查通過已完成發證有20件,審查中通知補正有3件(現場污染防制設施設置不足),被駁回申請有4件(逾期未繳費有3件,逾期未補正有1件)。2.許可現場查核73件,其中有25件查核內容與許可證規定不符,經要求改善或補正及輔導追蹤後,22件已改善完成,未改善3件中有2件因廠區受莫拉克颱風重創復建中尚未複查、1件(臺灣岩灣技能訓練所)尚未提出申請。 3.執行空氣污染防制專責人員變更申請案件之審查5件。4.執行公告應定期檢測者之監督檢測及上網申報資料審查17件。5.環保局稽查184件及處分11件,皆已完成建檔及協助改善追踨工作。6.執行公私場所污染源巡查357件,其中包含揮發性有機物(VOCs)排放源31件,並完成資料建檔工作。巡查過程中有發現93件缺失較嚴重,執行人員亦針對各缺失加強輔導,並要求立即改善或限期改善,使其缺失降至最低,以達污染管制之目的。執行成效皆於作業完成後鍵入固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統,且每月提請空氣品質管理計畫(AQMP)彙報環保署。7.本(98)年度第1~3季,公告第1、2批公私場所應申報年排放量之固定污染源有93家次,已完成申報數為93家次,申報率為100%,在排放量申報審查方面,第1~3季有62家審查符合規定,31家未符合需補正,符合率為67%,不符合之業者經由審查人員輔導修正後已完全補正改善,補正改善率100%。8.執行空氣污染物排放量申核現場查核26件,查核結果均符合規定,符合率100%。9.完成煙道空氣污染物排放粒狀污染物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物之檢測6根次、周界空氣中粒狀污染物(TSP)檢測12件、異味污染物採樣官能測定3件及液體燃料含硫量採樣檢測10件,檢測結果只有鵬燁實業股份有限公司豐工廠粒狀污染物檢測值122mg/Nm3超過瀝青拌合業粒狀污染物排放標準值100 mg/Nm3為不合格,已提送環保局裁罰,並於98年12月25日執行改善後複測,其檢測結果排放粒狀污染物檢測值29.9mg/Nm3,符合排放標準;其他檢測結果皆符合排放標準,合格率為97%。10.執行29件次異味污染源巡查,本(98)年度異味污染物採樣官能測定亦會以民眾陳情次數較高者為主,並加強稽巡查及改善追蹤。11.依照執行進度完成許可審查與查核、稽巡查、檢測及處分等資料鍵入固定污染源空氣污染管理資訊系統中。12.完成固定污染源空氣污染管理資訊系統之各項資料品管與品保(QA/QC)錯鋘修正383件、更新作業90件及擴充作業1件。更新、擴充後粒狀污染物納管排放量為710.965公噸/年、硫氧化物納管排放量為200.778公噸/年、氮氧化物納管排放量為606.984公噸/年、揮發性有機物質納管排放量為85.268公噸/年。13.本縣自從推動公私場所廠區綠美化活動以來,共計砂石場,預拌混凝土廠、瀝青拌合廠及堆置場等32家陸續參與此項活動,本(98)年度亦有15家業者持續參與,其中永豐餘造紙股份有限公司台東廠、鵬燁實業有限公司、正群實業股份有限公司及富源製磚有限公司等4家為新增家數,另礐興企業股份有限公司因受莫拉克颱風重創復建中,扣除其原種植面積300平方公尺,則累積種植面積為27,620平方公尺,TSP削減量為0.704公噸/年。 14.推動公私場所認養周界道路,目前承諾認養之業者有28家,承諾認養總長度為13.3公里,實際洗掃總長度達2,801.956公里,TSP削減量38.7公噸/年、PM10削減量7.3公噸/年,並加強執行現場洗掃情形查核33件,查核時若發現未依承諾確實洗掃者立即要求改善。15.於98年4月13日時舉辦固定污染源相關法規與污染防制說明會1場次,其主要議程內容(1)空氣污染防制法相關法規。(2)固定污染源設置與操作許可證管理辦法。(3)許可查核缺失及改善方法。(4)固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法。(5)節能減碳及諮詢服務宣導。16.於98年6月16日、8月20日及11月29日,於池上檢查哨、台九線356.5公里處(鹿野)及森永檢查哨等3處砂石車車流量較大的地方,配合柴油車排煙及油品檢測計畫執行人員及警察單位人員等執行路邊攔查工作,以督查砂石車之污染防制情形。17.執行固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法相關作業:(1)協助既存污染源空氣污染防制設施改善期限申請案件審查43家次,其中有20家符合提出污染防制設施改善期限申請,經審查後均核准申請,其核准項目皆為自動洗車設備改善期限至99年3月31日止。(2)協助調查固定污染源列管公私場所及縣內主要河川裸露地面積情形,調查結果,砂石場、預拌混凝土廠、瀝青拌合廠及堆置場等裸露地面積為11.86公頃,河川裸露地面積為633.45公頃。(3)執行現場查核污染防制設施設置操作情形及追蹤輔導改善等工作,本(98)年度共查核30家,其中輕微缺(缺失點數5點)及嚴重缺失(缺失點數10點(含)以上)各有7家,已責成限期改善,符合管理辦法規範有16家,符合率為53%。二、固定污染源空污費徵收工作:1.於98年10月22日辦理1場次「固定污染源空污費申報繳納」說明會,其主要議題內容(1)法源及相關法規。(2)申報及收費制度說明。(3)申報流程及方法。(4)案例說明。(5)檢測頻率分級。(6)結算與初審說明。(7)空污費申報常見問題。2.97年第4季至98年第3季已完成253件SOx、NOx及VOCs空污費申報建檔、審查及結算(SOx、NOx的部分199件,VOCs的部分54件),於98年第3季完成結算作業並發文通知各公私場所。3.本(98)年度完成46家次催繳作業,催繳率達100%,總申繳率亦達100%,催繳金額共計13,106元整,並執行空污費申報現場查核139件,查核結果與申繳內容均相符者有130件,查核不符合者有9件,查核不符合者,經現場輔導後已完成改善,完成改善率為100%。4.完成空污費申報系統之軟硬體設備維護,並維持正常運作。三、加油站油氣回收管制工作:1.受理1件新設加油站(瑞洋加油站股份有限公司)油氣回收設施設置第二階段申請案,分別於98年3月10日、98年9月3日派員派員親赴現場勘查及進行管線覆土前及覆土後液阻測試監督檢測,以確保品質,2.本年(98)度完成加油站之基本營運資料、油槍、油氣回收設備運作等查核54站次,並更新維護資料庫,查核時發現7站有缺失,經後續追蹤各站均已完成改善。3.完成加油站氣漏檢測及氣油比檢測25站,氣漏測試方面25站全數合格,氣油比測試亦均符合法規要求(油槍合格率達70%以上),然此25站共350支加油槍,抽測350支,抽測比例100%,初測合格槍數347支,不合格槍數3支,此3支油槍經責成改善後,並執行完成改善後之複檢,結果皆已合格,改善完成率100%。4.在加油至油槍自動跳停之油氣回收宣導方面,執行情形如下:(1) 委託有線電視走馬燈插播宣導4次(每次3線、1日)。(2)委託3個地方廣播電台插播宣導2次(每次播放30日、每日插播至少6檔次)。(3) 印製宣導海報200張,並完成發放至各鄉鎮市公所、加油站等地方張貼宣導。(4)製作宣導錄音帶50卷及CD光碟50片,並發送至各加油站播放宣導及與各鄉鎮村里長進行溝通利用各村里廣播系統進行播放宣導。(5)製作宣導帆布條15條,並張掛於環保局洗街車、掃街車、資源回收車、各重要路口及加油站等地方加強宣導工作。(6)不定期利用國立台東生活美學館、行政院退輔會馬蘭榮譽國民之家、台東縣池上鄉公所、台東縣民服務中心、台灣鐵路管理局台東車站、行政院衛生署台東醫院及台東縣觀光旅遊服務中心等7處之電子式看板播放宣導。5.於98年6月22日假國立臺灣史前文化博物館學習教室,辦理1場次加油站油氣回收設施設備操作及維護講習會,議題包括加油站相關法規說明及加油站維護保養訓練。6. 為激勵各加油站能見賢思齊,落實油氣回收設施操作維護及環境維護等污染防制工作,並支持加油至油槍自動跳停等不強迫加油政策,於98年11月23.24日完成辦理加油站油氣回收暨環境管理優良加油站之評鑑作業,評鑑結果台糖中興加油站、瑞鹿加油站、太麻里加油站3站獲評為本(98)年度優良加油站,並製頒獎牌表揚。7.本年度為進一步瞭解加油站油氣回收管制宣導成效及民眾對加油站油氣回收及強迫加油造成油氣逸散的危害,針對119位民眾進行問卷調查,並分析其結果。受訪者以居住台東市區佔多數,為年輕一代族群並且大多數具有高中以上程度,有97%受訪者覺得目前加油站之油氣味大有改善。有64%的人知道汽油揮發含甲苯、二甲苯之油氣逸散會污染環境及危害人體健康後,會改變加油習慣。但仍有36%的受訪者不知道相關資訊,未來針對宣導媒介應加強資訊網路、報紙媒介及電視走馬燈等多方面宣導。四、烹飪油煙管制工作:1.本(98)年度完成82家次餐飲業查核作業,其中包含65個中式餐館、5個西式餐館、4個速食餐館、4個日本料理、2個學校餐廳、1個義式餐館、1個量販店,查核結果,只設有簡昜式前處理空氣污染防制設備(如:檔板、濾網及排煙管道經水過濾後排出等)43家佔52%,設有前處理及後處理設備(水洗機或靜電集塵器等)較具防制效果之業者有39家佔48%,並完成更新維護管制資料庫。2.執行列管或遭陳情油煙污染者之烹飪油煙防制狀況巡查54件,並輔導6家餐飲業者進行烹飪油煙污染排放之收集或處理改善工作,改善業者有龍港海鮮餐廳、楊記地瓜酥、太師傅中式餐館、愛家國際餐飲、圓滿小吃店及台東大學知本校區等皆增設靜電集塵機並將排放口設置於適當位置等。3.完成印製餐飲業污染防制手冊200份,並利用辦理座談會及巡查時發放予各餐飲業業者。4.於98年10月26日完成辦理1場次餐飲業烹飪油煙污染防制座談會,其主要議題內容(1)油煙可能對人體產生的影響。(2)烹調可能造成的環境污染。(3)烹飪者的防範對策。(4)烹飪油煙污染來源、特性與影響。(5)油煙污染防制技術。(6)相關管制法規說明。(7)常見之餐飲業油煙問題及改善對策。(8)節能減碳宣導。五、露天燃燒管制工作:1. 本(98)年度共有63件山林田野引火燃燒申請,其中申請山坡地整地樹枝(葉)及雜草焚燒有59件,稻作及果(茶)園修枝整地焚燒有4件,燃燒面積約670,105平方公尺,燃燒重量共計247.2公噸。2.露天燃燒案件巡查方面,本(98)年度共查獲露天燃燒案件57件,其燃燒物質以稻草31件,佔54%最多,依序為樹枝葉19件,佔33%、都市垃圾6件,佔11%及木材1件,佔2%,燃燒面積為977.606平方公尺,燃燒量共計398.474公噸,經勸導後減少燃燒面積為242.198平方公尺及燃燒量所產生之減量成效,TSP削減1.592公噸,PM10削減0.759公噸,硫氧化物削減0.038公噸,氮氧化物削減0.542公噸,一氧化碳削減11.508公噸,揮發性有機物削減1.36公噸。3.在避免露天燃燒宣導方面,執行情形如下:(1)委託有線電視走馬燈插播宣導4次(每次3線、1日)。(2) 印製宣導海報200張,並張貼於銀行、郵局、鄉鎮市公所、超商、車站、加油站及農會超市等人口出入密集地方加強宣導。(3)委託3個地方廣播電台插播宣導2次(每次播放30日、每日插播至少6檔次)。(4)宣導稻草再利用及避免露天燃燒:第1期及第2期稻作收割時,利用宣導車於稻作密集鄉鎮市區域宣導10日半。(5)不定期利用國立台東生活美學館、行政院退輔會馬蘭榮譽國民之家、台東縣池上鄉公所、台東縣民服務中心、台灣鐵路管理局台東車站、行政院衛生署台東醫院及台東縣觀光旅遊服務中心等7處之電子式看板播放宣導。4. 於98年6月4日協助環保局邀請台東縣各鄉鎮市農會代表、行政院農業委員會台東區農業改良場及台東縣政府農業處等相關單位共同針對稻草露天燃燒問題之處理、稻草資源回收再利用管道、稻草再利用方法與建議、環保署目前進行之工作(資源回收利用)及分工合作等議題進行研商討論並共同決解稻草露天燃燒問題5.在不燒/減燒紙錢宣導方面,執行情形如下: (1) 印製宣導海報200張,並於中元普渡前發放至銀行、郵局、鄉鎮市公所、超商、車站、加油站及農會超市等人口出入密集地方張貼宣導(2)製作宣導帆布條20條,並張掛於環保局洗街車、掃街車、資源回收車、路口、加油站等地方加強宣導。(3)於7月31日邀請縣內共54座較大廟宇及各宗教禮俗行政主管機關辦理1場次紙錢焚燒減量及污染改善座談會,會議內容包括:祭拜活動對環境之影響、空污相關法規說明、紙錢焚燒減量及污染改善說明、環保金爐功能及特性介紹。(4)於中元普渡時節委託有線電視走馬燈插播2次(每次3線、2日)。(5)於中元普渡時節利用國立台東生活美學館、行政院退輔會馬蘭榮譽國民之家、台東縣池上鄉公所、台東縣民服務中心、台灣鐵路管理局台東車站及行政院衛生署台東醫院等6處之電子式看板播放宣導。六、減碳議題相關作業:1.利用空氣污染防制費審查系統及固定空氣污染源資訊管理系統,針對轄區內使用煤、廢塑膠混合物、漿紙污泥、低硫燃油、煤油及超級柴油等排碳源之排放量管制資料進行擴充、更新與維護,建立排放量資料,統計結果溫室氣體排放量CO2 197031.725公噸/年、CH4 2.739公噸/年、N2O 2.266公噸/年、總溫室氣體則為197808.722公噸/年。2.在減碳之評估分析方面,就工業/工廠節能減碳建議措施、辦公室/住宅節能減碳措施建議措施(節能效益最佳方向)及全民減量行動方法等議題進行評估。3. 於98年11月13日假台東縣政府社會福利館之會議室舉辦「固定污染源之節能減碳座談會」,主要議題涵蓋全球暖化與氣候變遷、國際及台灣因應對策、如何遏止全球暖化(即如何節能減碳)等。4.在配合環保署政策,推動本縣相關減碳宣導方面,於98年6月15日協同環保局宣導人員至台東縣鹿野鄉武陵村活動中心,配合該地區辦理社區治安會議時,向社區民眾宣導「節能減碳無悔措施全民行動方案」。七、本年度創新作法:為落實環保署公告公私場所定期檢測申報、年排放量申報、空污費申報及最新公告(97年8月14日) 以電子網路傳輸方式辦理固定污染源設置與操作許可證申請等業務之網路申報作業,特別規劃設立固定污染源網路申報作業諮詢服務窗口,提供連接有網路系統之電腦軟硬體設備,可供公私場所申報人員使用,如有申報上疑問亦可即時提供申報諮詢與輔導,以提昇相關網路申報審查作業之品質與效率。八、其他協助或配合之工作事項:1.計畫執行期間隨時新增或更新與本計畫相關業務資訊資料之網頁。2.計畫執行期間提供環保局相關業務之新聞稿並發佈新聞,刊登篇數有22篇。3.本計畫為配合台東縣政府及台東縣環境保護局辦理各項大型宣導活動時宣導品發送,於本年度協助製作宣導品(環保袋)200份。4.本計畫亦協助環保局完成轄內109家潛在高風險工業區污染源調查作業。5. 本(98)年度依照評選時承諾,製作更新懸掛於空氣噪音防制科樑柱之固定污染源相關管制內容看板2幅。6.本(98)年度協助環保局提送99年度空氣污染防制基金補助地方執行空氣品質改善維護計畫-固定污染源稽查管制計畫書草案,向環保署申請補助經費。
EngTitle Stationary Source Examination Control And Management Plan
EngAbstract This (98) year the main work items of Stationary Source Examination Control Plan are: (1) Stationary Sources Permit application documents exam and issue, including permit inquisition and elaboration conference. (2)Pollution sources control, including patrol, stack inorganic content inspection, sulfur content inspection of fuel oil, regular inspection surveillance and gasoline vapor recovery control. (3) Air Pollution Fee payment review and audit. (4)Cooking lampblack control. (5)Open Burning control. (6) The energy conservation reduces the carbon policy the related work(7)This year innovates the method.(8)Other assistance or the coordinate work of item, the execution each work project contents note is as follows:First, carries out permit of management the fixed source of pollution, to check does an inspection, work and so on examination and document management:1. Carries out each item of permit application to examine altogether 33, completes issues the card to have 25, in the establishment permit application aspect, some 3 changes and 3 supposes the application case newly, through completes after the examination issues the card to have 5, in the examination informs to supplement and correct has 1 (written material incomplete), has 27 application cases in the operation permit application aspect, through has completed after the examination issues the card to have 20, in the examination informs to supplement and correct has 3 (the scene to pollute against system facility establishment insufficiency), is rejected the application to have 4 (to exceed the time limit the payment not to have 3, exceeds the time limit has not supplemented and corrected has 1). 2. Permitted that the scene checks 73, including 25 check the content and the permit stipulation not symbol, or supplements and corrects and counselling tracing after the request improvement, 22 improved completes, because has not improved in 3 to have 2 the factory district to cause heavy losses the Molake typhoon duplicate constructs not yet reexamines, 1 (Yanwan Training Institute) not yet to propose the application. 3. The execution air pollution against system sole responsibility personnel change the application case to examine 5. 4. The execution announcement should the regular examination the surveillance examine and accesses the net the declaration material examine 17. 5. Environmental Protection Bureau examiner 184 and punish 11, all has completed constructs the files and assists to improve pursues the work.6. The execution public and private place source of pollution does an inspection 357, contains the volatile organic matter (VOCs) to discharge source 31, and completes the material to construct the files work. Does an inspection in the process to have discovered that 93 flaws are serious, the enforcement agents also aim at various flaws to strengthen counselling, and requests to improve immediately or to improve by a set time, causes its flaw to drop to lowly, reaches goal of the pollution control. Carries out the result all completes after the work to enter the fixed air source of pollution management information system, and each month proposes the air quality control plan (AQMP) to report the environmental protection bureau. 7. This (98) the year 1~3rd season, announced that the 1st, 2 batch of public and private places should report the year withdrawal the fixed source of pollution has 93 time, has completed the declaration number is 93 time, the declaration rate is 100%, in the withdrawal declaration examination aspect, the 1~3rd season has 62 to examine conforms to the stipulation, 31 have not tallied must supplement and correct, the coincidence rate is 67%, does not conform to the entrepreneur counsels after the examination personnel revises to supplement and correct the improvement completely, supplements and corrects the improvement rate 100%. 8. The execution air pollutant withdrawal Shanghai nuclear scene checks 26, checks the result to conform to the stipulation, the coincidence rate 100%.9. Completes the flue air pollutant emissions granular pollutant, the sulfur oxide compound, the nitrogen oxide to examine 6 times, in the border air the granular pollutant (TSP) to examine 12, the unusual smell pollutant sampling function to determine 3 and the liquid fuel sulphur content sampling examines 10, the test result only then huge mythical bird ye industry limited liability company abundant factory granular pollutant examination value 122mg/Nm3 surpasses the asphalt to mix industry granular pollutant discharge normal value 100 mg/Nm3 is unqualified, has sent the Environmental Protection Bureau to cut punishes, and on December 25 carries out the improvement after 98 years repetition measurement, its test result emissions granular pollutant examination value 29.9mg/Nm3, conforms to the emission standard; Other test result all conforms to the emission standard, the qualified rate is 97%. 10. Carries out 29 instance of unusual smell sources of pollution to do an inspection, this (98) year unusual smell pollutant sampling function determination also by populace state one's case number of times high primarily, and strengthens checks does an inspection and improves tracing. 11. Defers to carries out the progress to complete the permission examination with to check, to check does an inspection, material and so on examination and punishment enters in the fixed source of pollution air pollution management information system. 12. Completes the fixed source of pollution air pollution management information system each item of material tube with to guarantee (QA/QC) wrong wu to revise 383, the renewal works 90 and expansion work 1. After renewal, expansion, the granular pollutant accepts the tube withdrawal is 710.965 metric ton/years, the sulfur oxide compound accepts the tube withdrawal is 200.778 metric ton/years, the nitrogen oxide accepts the tube withdrawal is 606.984 metric ton/years, the volatile organic matter accepts the tube withdrawal is 85.268 metric ton/years. 13. This county since the impetus public and private place factory district green beautification activity, total the granulated substance quarry, has mixed the concrete plant, the asphalt to mix the factory and the yard in advance and so on 32 participates in this activity one after another, this (98) the year also has 15 entrepreneurs to participation continually, because the Yongfeng -odd papermaking limited liability company Taitung Factory, the huge mythical bird ye industry Limited company, the group industry Limited liability company and the natural resources make bricks Limited company and so on 4 for the addition number, ch are popular the enterprise Limited liability company to cause heavy losses in addition the Molake typhoon duplicate constructs, deducts its original sown area 300 square meters, then the accumulation sown area is 27,620 square meters, TSP reduces the quantity is 0.704Metric ton/year. 14. The impetus public and private place recognizes raises the border path, at present pledged that recognizes raises the entrepreneur to have 28, pledged that recognizes raises the total length is 13.3 kilometers, washes actually sweeps the total length to amount to 2,801.956 kilometers, TSP reduces the quantity 38.7 metric ton/years, PM10 to reduce the quantity 7.3 metric ton/years, and strengthens carries out the scene to wash sweeps the situation to check 33, checks, if the discovery has not washed sweeping according to the pledge to request the improvement immediately truly. 15. In 98 years when April 13 conducts the fixed source of pollution related laws and regulations with to pollute against system explanation to be able 1 number, its main agenda content (1) air pollution against facture related laws and regulations. (2) fixed source of pollution establishment and operation permit policing method. (3) permitted that checks the flaw and the improvement method. (4) fixed source of pollution escape granular pollutant air pollution against system facility policing method. (5) conserves energy reduces the carbon and the consultation service guidance. 16. In 98 years on June 16, on August 20 and on November 29, in pond check post, Taiwan nine 356.5 kilometers place (deer wild) and woods forever check post and so on 3 sand and crushed stone vehicle traffic flow magnitude big place, coordinates the diesel car to discharge fume and the oil quality examination plan enforcement agents and police the unit personnel and so on carries out the roadside to block looks up the work, supervises the sand and crushed stone vehicle to pollute against system situation. 17. Carries out the fixed source of pollution escape granular pollutant air pollution against system facility policing method related work: (1) assists already to save the source of pollution air pollution against system facility improvement deadline application case to examine 43 time, including 20 tally proposed that pollutes against system facility improvement deadline to apply, after examination approves the application, it approves the project to improve the deadline for the automatic car washer installation on March 31 to stop to 99 years. (2) assists to investigate in the fixed source of pollution row tube public and private place and the county the main river exposed area situation, the survey result, the granulated substance quarry, mixes the concrete plant, the asphalt to mix the factory and the yard and so on exposed area is in advance 11.86 hectares, the river exposed area is 633.45 hectares. (3) carries out the scene to check pollutes against system facility establishment work and so on operation situation and tracing counselling improvement, this (98) the year altogether checks 30, lacks (flaw points 5 spots) slightly and the serious flaw (the flaw points 10 spots (including) above) has 7 respectively, has charged to improve, conforms to the policing method standard to have 16, the coincidence rate is 53% by a set time. Second, the fixed source of pollution spatial dirt spends the collection work: 1. On October 22 handles 1 number in 98 years “the fixed source of pollution spatial dirt to spend the declaration payment” the explanation to be able, its main subject content (1) law origin and related laws and regulations. (2) reports and the charge system explanation. (3) reports the flow and the method. (4) case explanation. (5) examines the frequency graduation. (6) settles accounts and the first trial explanation. (7) the spatial dirt spends the declaration frequently asked questions. 2. This (97) the year from the 4th season to 98 year 3rd season has completed 253 SOx, NOx and the VOCs spatial dirt spends the declaration to construct the files, the examination and the settlement (SOx, NOx part 199, VOCs part 54), completes the settlement work and the outgoing message in the 98 year 3rd season informs each public and private place.3.This (98) the year completes 46 inferior press for payment works, the press for payment rate reaches 100%, total Shen Jialv also reaches 100%, press for payment amount total 13,106 Yuan, and carries out the spatial dirt expense to report that the scene checks 139, checks the result and Shanghai gives the content match case to have 130, checks tallying not to have 9, does not check tallying, after the scene counselling has completed the improvement, completes the improvement rate is 100%. 4. Completes the spatial dirt to spend the declaration system the soft hardware maintenance of equipment, and maintains the normal operation. Third, gas station oil gas recycling control work: 1. Accepts 1 to suppose the gas station (Swiss foreign gas station Limited liability company) the oil gas to recycle the facility newly to establish the second stage application document, after 98 years on March 10, 98 years on September 3 dispatches an official to go in person the scene separately to investigate and carries on the pipeline fills in and fills in the fluid anti- test surveillance to examine, guarantees the quality, 2. This year (98) completes the gas station the basic transport business material, the oil gun, the oil gas recovery system operation and so on to check 54 station times, and renews the maintenance information bank, checks when discovered that 7 stations have the flaw, has completed the improvement after following tracing each station. 3. Completes the gas station gas leakage examination and the gas-to-oil ratio examines 25 stations, the gas leakage test aspect 25 station totals is qualified, the gas-to-oil ratio test also meets the laws and regulations requirement (oil gun qualified rate to reach above 70%), however this 25 stand the altogether 350 grease guns, samples 350, samples proportion 100%, initially measured that qualified gun several 347, unqualified gun several 3, this 3 oil guns after charging the improvement, after and carries out completes the improvement, duplicate to examine, result all already qualified, improvement finish rate 100%. 4. Is refueling to the oil gun jumps automatically stops the oil gas recycling guidance aspect, carries out the situation to be as follows: (1) request cable TV galloping-horse lantern emergency broadcast guidance 4 times (each time 3, on 1st). (2) entrusts 3 Local radio emergency broadcast guidance 2 times (each time to broadcast on 30th, daily emergency broadcast at least 6 scales). (3) print guidance playbill 200, and complete the provide to various villages and towns places and so on city geographical unit of government, gas station to post the guidance. (4) manufactures the guidance recording tape 50 volume and the CD disc 50 pieces, and transmits to various gas stations broadcast guidance and long carries on the communication with various villages and towns village to use in various villages the broadcast system to carry on the broadcast guidance. (5) manufactures guidance sail cloth strip 15, and hangs up in the environmental protection bureau washes places and so on street vehicle, street sweeper, resource recovery vehicle, each important street intersection and gas station strengthens the guidance work. (6) non-periodical use state-run Nationaf Tatwng Living Art Center. the Ma Lan Veterans Home,VAC Executive Yuan. the Chihshang Township Office,Taitung-County. the Taitung County Government Contact Center. Taiwan Railways Administration Taitung Station. the Department of Health ,Executive Yuan,R.O.C , Taitung Hospital and the Department of Culture and Tourism,Taitung Government and so on 7 electronic formula electronic monitoring system broadcast guidance. 5. On June 22 the false state-run National Museum of Prehistory the classroom in 98 years, handles 1 number gas station oil gas to recycle the facility equipment operation and the maintenance seminar, the subject including the gas station related laws and regulations explanation and the gas station maintenance maintenance training. 6. In order to drive that various gas stations can see a worthy person and be inspired to be likewise, carry out the oil gas to recycle the facility operation maintenance and the environment maintenance and so on pollute against system work, and supports refuels jumps automatically to the oil gun stops and so on not to force to refuel the policy, November 23.24 dates completes in 98 years handles the gas station oil gas recycling and the environmental management fine gas station comments the work, comments the result Taiwan sugar resurgence gas station, the auspicious deer gas station, the Taimali gas station 3 stations to attain evaluates this (98) the year fine gas station, and the system proclaims the medal praise. 7. This year to further understand that the gas station oil gas recycling control guidance result and the populace refuel to the gas station oil gas recycling and the force create the oil gas escape the harm, carries on the questionnaire survey in view of 119 populace, and analyzes its result. The participant occupies the Taitung urban district to occupy most, for the younger generation tribal grouping tribal group, and majority has above the high school the degree, some 97% participant thought that oil of smell the present gas station has the improvement greatly. Some 64% person knew the gasoline volatility after the toluene, the xylene oil gas of escape can the pollution of the environment and the harm human body health, will change refuels the custom. But still had 36% participants not to know the related information, in the future should strengthen the information network, the newspaper medium and the television galloping-horse lantern in view of the guidance medium and so on various guidance. Fourth, cooking lampblack control work: 1.This (98) the year completes 82 inferior food and beverage industries to check the work, contains 65 Chinese type restaurants, 5 western-style restaurants, 4 fast food restaurants, 4 Japan to attend to, 2.School dining rooms, 1 righteousness type restaurant, 1 quantity to sell the shop, checks the result, before is only equipped with Jan I shi, to process the air pollution against system equipment (for example: The thrustplate, the mesh and discharge fume the pipeline menses filtration back row to leave and so on) 43 to account for 52%, before being equipped with, processing and the post-processing equipment (laundering machine or static electricity dust catcher and so on) has entrepreneur of against system effect to have 39 to account for 48%, and completes the renewal maintenance control information bank. 2. holds the ranks tube or suffers state one's case cooking of lampblack against system condition the lampblack pulluter to do an inspection 54, and counsels 6 dining entrepreneurs to carry on collection or the processing improvement work the cooking lampblack pollution emissions, improves the entrepreneur to have the Longgang seafood restaurant, Yang to record the sweet potato crisp, too skilled worker the Chinese type restaurant, the love family international dining, the complete snack bar and the Taitung University knows this school district and so on to additionally build the static electricity precipitron and the discharge outlet establishment in the appropriate position and so on. 3. Completes the print food and beverage industry to pollute against system handbook 200, and using handles the symposium and does an inspection when provides gives various food and beverage industries entrepreneur. 4. On October 26 completes in 98 years handles 1 number food and beverage industry cooking lampblack to pollute against system symposium, its main subject content (1) the lampblack possibly the influence which produces to the human body. possibly (2) cooks the environmental pollution which creates. (3) cooking guard countermeasure. (4) the cooking lampblack pollution originates, the characteristic and the influence. (5) the lampblack pollutes against system technology. (6) is related the control laws and regulations explanation. (7) common food and beverage industry lampblack question and improvement countermeasure. (8) conserves energy reduces the carbon guidance. Fifth, open burning control work: 1. This (98) the year altogether has 63 wooded mountain field ignition combustion to apply, applies for the hilly land preparation of soil branch (leaf) and weed burning down has 59, the rice makes and the fruit (tea) the garden prunes preparation of soil burning down to have 4, the combustion area the approximately 670,105 square meters, the combustion weight total 247.2 metric tons. 2. The open burning case does an inspection the aspect, this (98) the year altogether ferrets out open burning case 57, its combustion material by straw 31, accounts for 54% many, for tree branches and leaves 19, occupies 33%, metropolis trash 6 in order, accounts for 11% and lumber 1, accounts for 2%, the combustion area is 977.606 square meters, the burning capacity total 398.474 metric tons, after advising reduces the combustion area is 242.198 square meter and the burning capacity has the decrement result, TSP reduces 1.592 metric tons, PM10 reduces 0.759 metric ton, the sulfur oxide compound reduces 0.038 metric ton, the nitrogen oxide reduces 0.542 metric ton, the carbon monoxide reduces 11.508 metric tons, the volatile organic matter reduces 1.36 metric tons. 3. Is avoiding the open burning guidance aspect, carries out the situation to be as follows: (1) request cable TV galloping-horse lantern emergency broadcast guidance 4 times (each time 3, on 1st). (2) print guidance playbill 200, and post in the bank, the post office, villages and towns population difference crowded places and so on city geographical unit of government, ultra business, station, gas station and peasant association supermarket strengthens the guidance. (3) entrusts 3 Local radio emergency broadcast guidance 2 times (each time to broadcast on 30th, daily emergency broadcast at least 6 scales). (4) the guidance straw uses and avoids the open burning again: 1st issue and the 2nd issue of rice does when harvests, using guidance Che Yudao makes the crowded villages and towns urban district territory guidance 10th -and-a-half. (5) non-periodical use state-run Nationaf Tatwng Living Art Center. the Ma Lan Veterans Home,VAC Executive Yuan. the Chihshang Township Office,Taitung-County. the Taitung County Government Contact Center. Taiwan Railways Administration Taitung Station. the Department of Health ,Executive Yuan,R.O.C , Taitung Hospital and the Department of Culture and Tourism,Taitung Government and so on 7 electronic formula electronic monitoring system broadcast guidance.4. On June 4 assists the environmental protection bureau in 98 years to invite the Taitung County various villages and towns city peasant association to represent, the Executive Yuan Agriculture committee Taitung District agricultural reform field and the Taitung County government agriculture place and so on Coherent units aims at processing, the straw resource recovery together the straw open burning question again using the pipeline, the straw again using the method and the suggestion, the environmental protection bureau carries on the work at present (resource recovery use) and subjects and so on division of labor and cooperation carries on the discussion discussion and solves the straw open burning question .5.In not to burn definitely together/reduces burns the paper money guidance aspect, carries out the situation to be as follows: (1) print guidance playbill 200, and Before Zhongyuan Pu crosses provides to the bank, the post office, villages and towns population difference crowded places and so on city geographical unit of government, ultra business, station, gas station and peasant association supermarket posts the guidance (2) to manufacture guidance sail cloth strip 20, and hangs up in the environmental protection bureau washes places and so on street vehicle, street sweeper, resource recovery vehicle, street intersection, gas station to strengthen the guidance. (3) invites in the county on July 31 the altogether 54 big temples and various religious decorum and customs administration Controlling organization handles 1 number paper money burning down decrement and the pollution improvement symposium, the conference content includes: Worships the activity to influence, the spatial dirt related laws and regulations explanation, the paper money burning down decrement and the pollution improvement explanation, the link earnest money stove function and the characteristic introduction the environment. (4) Yu Zhongyuan Pu crosses the season request cable TV galloping-horse lantern emergency broadcast 2 times (each time 3, on 2nd). (5) Yu Zhongyuan Pu crosses season use state-run Nationaf Tatwng Living Art Center. the Ma Lan Veterans Home,VAC Executive Yuan. the Chihshang Township Office,Taitung-County. the Taitung County Government Contact Center. Taiwan Railways Administration Taitung Station.and the Department of Health ,Executive Yuan,R.O.C , Taitung Hospital. and so on 6 electronic formula electronic monitoring system broadcast guidance. Sixth, reduces the carbon subject related work: 1.Spends the auditing system and the fixed air source of pollution information management system management system using the air pollution against system, uses the coal, the waste revertex mixture, the thick liquid paper sludge, the low sulfur fuel oil, the petroleum and the super diesel oil in view of the area of jurisdiction in and so on withdrawal of control material the row of carbon source carries on the expansion, the renewal and the maintenance, establishes the withdrawal material, the statistical result greenhouse gas withdrawal CO2 197031.725 metric ton/years, the CH4 2.739 metric ton/years, the N2O 2.266 metric ton/years, the total greenhouse gas is 197808.722 metric ton/years. 2. Is reducing appraisal of analysis aspect the carbon, reduces the carbon on the industry/factory energy conservation to suggest that the measure, the office/housing energy conservation reduces the carbon measure to suggest the measure (energy conservation benefit best direction) and subjects and so on all the people decrement motion method carry on the appraisal. 3. On November 13 conference room of the false Taitung County government social welfare hall conducts “energy conservation of the fixed source of pollution in 98 years to reduce the carbon symposium”, does the main subject cover the global warming and the climatic change, international and Taiwan in accordance to the countermeasure, how suppresses the global warming (i.e. how to conserve energy reduces carbon) and so on. 4. In the coordinate environmental protection bureau policy, impels this county to reduce the carbon guidance aspect related, on June 15 coordinates the environmental protection bureau guidance personnel in 98 years to the Taitung County Luye Town Wuling village activity center, coordinates when this area handles the community public security conference, to the community populace guidance “the energy conservation reduces the carbon regretless measure all the people action plan”. Seventh, this year innovates the method: In order to carry out the environmental protection bureau announcement public and private place of regular examination declaration, the year withdrawal to report that the spatial dirt spends the declaration and the newest announcement (97 years on August 14) handles fixed network of declaration works service and so on source of pollution establishment and operation permit application by the electronic network transmission mode, plans specially sets up the fixed source of pollution network declaration work consultation service window, provides the connection to have computer of soft hardware equipment the network system, may supply the public and private place to report the personnel to use, if has in the declaration the question also to be possible to provide the declaration to consult and to counsel immediately, promotes quality and the efficiency the related network declaration examination work. Eighth, other assistance or coordinate work of item: 1. Plan execution period momentarily increases or the renewal and homepage of this plan related service information material. 2. Plan execution period provides news release of the environmental protection bureau related service and issues the news, publishes a number to have 22. 3. This plan to coordinate the Taitung County government and the Taitung County environmental protection bureau handles when each item of large-scale guidance activity the guidance transmission, assists in this year to manufacture the guidance (environmental protection bag) 200.4. In this plan also assists the environmental protection bureau to complete governs 109 latent high risk industrial district source of pollution investigation work. 5. This (98) year according to evaluation when pledged that the manufacture renewal is hanging fixed source of pollution related control content electronic monitoring system 2nd in air noise against system branch beam column. 6. This (98) the year assistance Environmental Protection Bureau sends 99 year air pollution against system fund to subsidize the place execution air quality improvement maintenance plan - fixed source of pollution examination control plan book draft, to Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan , R.O.C application subsidy funds.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台東縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 元科科技股份有限公司