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Title 桃園縣蘆竹鄉中福地區(中山高速公路北側)土壤污染控制場址污染改善計畫第一部份污染改善工作
Abstract 本計畫主要目的為針對桃園縣蘆竹鄉中福地區受重金屬污染農地之控制場址,藉由翻轉稀釋法配合排客土法進行土壤污染改善工作,俾能解除列管。計畫範圍包含中興段56筆地號(包含易地整治計畫),計畫開始時依合約內容於98年10月25日提送工作計畫書並經環保局核備據以實施,於100/09/23止已完成之內容包含(一)61筆地號資料收集與現勘: 其中有7筆地號被工廠等佔據,有5筆地號為造林地,另有1 筆地號內掩埋大量營建廢棄物。(二)地籍清查與鑑界: 有8筆地號為國道拓寬工程範圍且分割多出5筆地號,有2筆地 號其面積與原公告不符,地籍鑑界已完成56筆。(三)施工前地上物清除:已清運24筆地號共362.62公噸雜草及樹木(四)進行較細密補充調查: 已完成49筆地號調查工作,達成率100%,調查出之污染物大部分仍為重金屬鎘及銅。(五)污染改善工程: 主要使用之改善工法為翻轉稀釋法,改善進度為100%(地號面積 百分比)共計48筆地號。(六)驗證作業: 針對已完成施工之48筆地號皆進行自行驗證、監督單位驗證申 請及通過監督單位驗證,完成監督驗證後進行後續地力回復等工 作。(七)土壤肥力: 完成40筆地號之地力回復作業,因本計畫有8筆地號為國道拓 寬工程範圍屬道路用地,與環保局協商後不施做地力回復。
EngTitle The first part of pollution improvement task in the “pollution improvement project for soil pollution control sites at Chung-fu Area (north of Chung-shan Highway), Lu-chu Township, Taoyuan County”
EngAbstract The main purpose of this project is to engage in improving soil pollution at the control sites of farmlands with heavy metal pollution in Chung-fu Area, Lu-chu Township, Taoyuan County by way of turn-over dilution method in accordance with cleanup method which taking away the polluted soils and covering with clean soil, so as to lift the confinement. The scope of the project includes 56 numbers of lands(with plantation exchange project) in Chung-hsing section. When the project is started, the work plan would be handed in 25th, Oct. 2009 according to the contract, as well as audited and referred by the Department of Environment Protection for implementation. By 23th Stp, 2010 while the second middle-term report was presented, the tasks that were finished include: (1) Data collection and scene investigation of 61 numbers of the lands: among them, it was found that there were 7 numbers of lands occupied by factories, another 5 were plantation. Also, there was another land found with a large set of construction waste within the landfill. (2) Cadastral inventory and boundary survey: There were 8 numbers of lands within the compass of national highway widening project with surplus 5 numbers of lands comminuted, and the dimensions of 2 numbers of lands did not match the original notification. And the cadastral inventory and boundary survey of 56 lands were finished.(3) Lliquidating the objects on the ground before construction:The weeds and trees on 24 numbers of lands were removed. (4) More meticulous supplementary investigation was engaged: The land investigations for 49 numbers of lands were finished which reached a rate of 100%, and it was found that most of the pollutants were heavy metal Cd and Cu.(5) Engineering of pollution improvement: The method of turn-over dilution was used basically for pollution improvement, with the progress rate of 100% (counted by the percentage of all the lands’ dimensions), there were 48 numbers of lands finished. (6) The operation of verification: Self-verification and application for superintendent’s verification were done at 48 numbers of lands which constructions were finished, after the verification by superintendent unit, the tasks such as follow-up cultivation of soil fertility and so on were engaged.(7) The soil fertility:The 40 numbers of lands were finished and were fertilized
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 裕山環境工程股份有限公司