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Title 98年度臺南縣移動性污染源稽查管制計畫
Abstract 本年度『移動污染源稽查管制計畫』執行期程自98年9月21日起一年,主要針對機車排氣路邊攔檢、未到檢機車定點動態攔查、巡查、移動式定檢車檢測、定檢站查核、即時傳輸系統管理、定檢檢驗通知單寄發、充電站巡查、宣導活動之舉辦,以及其他業務相關宣導及行政工作等進行規劃執行,而截至99年9月20日止,各項工作執行如下:(一)機車路邊稽查作業1.完成機車排氣路邊攔檢1,508輛次,檢測不合格151輛次,檢測不合格率10.01%,其中140輛檢測不合格車輛完成複驗,複驗率92.72%。2.完成機車車牌辨識定點稽查25,045輛次,並以公文方式寄發附照片之定檢通知書給車主,截至99年9月20日止,回檢車輛有20,709輛次,回檢率82.69%。3.完成巡查作業5,097輛次,截至99年9月20日止,回檢數有4,262輛次,回檢率83.62%。(二)依據「使用中機器腳踏車排放空氣污染物檢驗站設置及管理辦法」規定設置移動式定檢站R33,每月定期至空區定點或配合申請至大專院校或機關團體進行檢測服務,共計完成1,204輛次,其中檢測不合格車輛154輛次,檢測不合格率為12.79%。(三)宣導相關作業包括計畫製作摺頁文宣12,000份,目前已完成12,000份製作、宣導品1,000份,目前已核發1,000份及新聞見報20則。另配合善化鎮牛墟管理委員會辦理機車排氣定期檢驗宣導活動並結合機車免費排氣檢測服務1場次,另於南科Park17廣場辦理低污染車輛推廣宣導活動1場次,活動現場除製作相關法規、機車定檢注意事項、新公告裁罰準則等內容之看板及布條,提供參與民眾參閱及發放相關贈品及宣導品外並有現場免費檢測服務及低污染車免費體驗試乘藉此提高民眾參與意願。(四)為有效規劃提昇本縣機車定檢數量,協助每月檢測量未達200輛之定檢站提出辦理戶外定檢申請或抄牌,並辦理定檢站認養學校、社區定期免費機車定檢活動。截至99年9月20日止總共辦理31場戶外定檢活動,完成1,519輛次之免費檢測服務。(五)依本計畫工作內容規定之頻率完成每季一次之定期查核工作,並每月不定期查核本縣定檢站至少5站,包含缺失複查、實車測試、人員及管制性耗材等。截至99年9月20日止,共完成552站次之例行查核及193站次不定期查核,整體查核缺失以月檢測數量不足為最多,其次為耗材不潔及檢測區標線脫落等。另完成51站次之實車查核,查核缺失主要有未印檢驗紀錄單11次。(六)針對縣內各鄉鎮設立之128座電動機車充電站,每半年進行巡查維護工作一次,截至99年9月20日止,共完成269站次之巡查維護,因原設置地點施工及設施損壞,發文報備拆除共計11站。(七)辦理檢驗人員教育訓練說明會1場次及年度評鑑表揚大會1場次,邀集學者專家、環保署長官、定檢站業者、服務站代表、機車公會代表,共同討論定檢業務工作執行,以及透過多元化教育訓練課程內容安排等,強化定檢站檢測之品保品管;此外,並於9月份辦理計畫執行人員在職教育訓練一場次。(八)定期寄發本縣轄內機車定檢檢驗通知單,依機車發照月份共計完成定檢通知寄發550,001件。另篩選六年以上未定檢機車寄發平信公文通知6,014件、十年以上未定檢機車寄發平信公文通知4,012、七年以上二行程未定檢公文通知5,020件、雙掛公文通知3,012件、定檢站抄牌公文通知5,003件,以加強提升定檢到檢率。(九)配合環保署實施未定檢機車禁止換發行照措施,修改新增既有之寬頻即時系統部份設備及功能,除即時與本縣定檢站以ADSL連線收取即時檢驗資料外,並定期維護更新定檢站專區及民眾專區定檢資訊網頁,作為與定檢站訊息交流的空間,提供最新的定檢相關資訊,建立便民服務的基礎。(十)在稽查處分作業方面,總計告發處分1,079件、罰鍰總金額215萬9,500元,對於告發車輛亦同時進行監理單位資料上傳,以辦理禁止異動作業。
EngTitle Migration Pollution Source Inspection Control Program
EngAbstract “Migration Pollution Source Inspection Control Program” carry out period from September 21, 2009 to September 20, 2010.The major items are motorcycle emission block & inspect on the roadside, un-inspection motorcycle dynamic block & inspect on the fixed place, patrol inspection, movable inspection station inspecting, inspection station check, transmission in-time system manage, inspection notification delivery, charge stations patrol, and to hold the campaigns of guidance, etc. Till September 20, 2010, each work execution is as follows:1. Motorcycles inspecting on the roadside(1) This project has completed 1,508 cases on this item. There are 151 disqualification, the rate of disqualification is 10.1%, in which there are 140 cases to finish re-inspection, the rate of re-inspection is 92.72%.(2) Finish 25,045 cases of motorcycles identification system inspection, and to delivery inspection notices with picture to motorcycles owner by the way of official document, in which, the cases of participation is 20,709, the rate of participation is 82.69% till September 20, 2010. (3) Finish 5,097 cases of patrolling work, in which there are 4,262 cases to inspect and the rate of participation is 83.62% till September 20, 2010.2. Establish movable inspection station R33 by “In-use Motorcycle Air Pollutants Inspection Stations Establish Manage Act” to carry out inspection service on fixed place. Finish 1,204 cases, in which 154 cases are unqualified, the rate of disqualification is 12.79%.3. In the tasks of promotion, this project made 12,000 promotion brochures, 1,000 promotion gifts, and 20 items of news. Otherwise this program carried out two campaigns of motorcycles emission periodic inspection, in which we made board and banner to explain laws and regulation, we also distributed guidance brochures and gifts to participator and to enhance the campaign’s effect.4. In the tasks of increasing inspection quantities, this project assist those inspection stations that inspection quantities not to reach 200 per month to carry out outdoor inspection offering or to write the license plate. Otherwise, this project also adopted schools and community, and for those motorcycles to inspect periodically for free. So far, this project has held 31 campaigns of outdoor inspection, this project has completed 1,519 cases for free.5. This program has to check inspection stations once a season periodically and at least 5 stations non-periodically every month, contains the flaw re-check, on-site inspections, and inspector and controlling consumable etc. This project has checked 552 cases periodically and 193 cases non-periodically. The major defect is inspection quantity that can not reach standard, next is material that is unclean, and inspection area graticule come off. Otherwise, to check by motorcycle has finished 51 cases, in which the hardcopy of inspection results didn’t be printed is 11 cases.6. To patrol 128 charging stations once every 6 months, this project has completed 269 cases, and to dismantle 11 stations in one year.7. This project organized one session of educational training for inspectors and one session of annual award ceremony, to invite scholars, experts, the head of EPB, inspection station owner, the delegate of service center, the delegate of Motorcycles Association, to discuss the works of I/M. Otherwise, this project held a conference of employee training in September 2010.8. To mail 550,001 inspection notifications by issue date of the driving license. By screening un-inspection motorcycles, to mail 20,049 official document notices with ordinary mail, to mail 3,012 official document notices with registered with A.R., so as to promote the rate of participation.9. That will ban change of driving permit for not inspecting the motorcycles, to modify equipment and add function of broadband on-line system, and to receive in-time inspection data from inspection station by ADSL, besides transmitting in-time data to EPA. To maintain and update the data of website every season periodically, and to provide convenient service.10. For violating the regulations, the total number of criminating is 1,079; the fines totaled to 2,159,500 NT dollars. At the same time, the criminating data also transmitted to Motor Vehicle Supervision Office to ban change.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 新研車輛科技有限公司