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Title 室內空氣品質管理法相關子法建置與公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理及分級標章制度推動
Abstract 近年來政府積極關心室內空氣品質相關議題,因此包含法規訂定與自主管理制度等室內空氣品質重要課題均已列為政府重要施政項目當中。本年度的計畫成果包括:(1)在推動公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理制度方面,本團隊順利完成國內150家公共場所的現況訪查及巡檢,並檢測其中80家公共場所之室內空氣品質現況,進一步建構室內空品基線資料庫;此外,亦說明對各國室內空品自主管理制度彙整研析之方向,及專責人員教育訓練之作法。(2)在室內空品管理資訊整合及分級標章制度之推廣部分,本團隊已在室內空氣品質管理資訊網中建置室內空氣品質管理資訊平台,以達資源共享之目的;另外,亦研擬室內空氣品質分級標章管理施行要點,供主管機關針對公共場所推廣室內空氣品質分級管理參考(3)在室內空氣品質管理法相關子法草案研擬部分,除了完成研擬室內空氣品質管理法授權訂定之相關子法草案外,並研議彙整各目的事業主管機關推動室內空氣品質管制之配套措施與需配合修正之法條,及辦理八場的室內空氣品質管理法及子法相關草案之諮詢座談會議。(4)在健全室內空氣品質管理網站方面,本計畫除整合各機關室內空品管理各類資訊外,並彙整分析國內近年污染案件與建議改善處理方式,及提供輔導改善咨詢建議。
EngTitle Plan for Establishing IAQ Management sub-regulations, promoting of IAQ self-management system in pub
EngAbstract In recent years, the government has been actively concerned about indoor air quality (IAQ), where the related issues including the formulation of IAQ laws and regulations and the self-management system for indoor air quality have become important topics in government policy plans. The accomplishment of this year's project include: (1) For the promotion of indoor air quality management system in public facilities, the working team completed the visits and inspection in 150 public facilities (divided into six categories), and the indoor air quality for 80 public places of which were further monitored and assessed. The collected indoor air quality data embodied a national IAQ baseline database for further analysis. In addition, the working team compiled and compared the information of indoor air quality self-management systems in major countries. The team also provided the educational training practices for indoor air quality dedicated personnel. (2) For the integration of IAQ managerial system information and the indoor air quality mark, the working team has built the indoor air quality management information platform on EPA’s indoor air quality management information network for resource sharing. Additionally, the guideline of grade stamps for indoor air quality mark have been proposed to the authority for future reference in order to promote indoor air quality self-management in public facilities. (3) For the formulation of Indoor Air Quality Management Act-related regulations, in addition to empower the relevant sub-set of Indoor Air Quality Management Act draft law, the working team also studied the indoor air quality control measures in different collaborating authorities with the need to tie in with the amended law, and held eight advisory consulting forums focusing on the related regulations of Indoor Air Quality Management Act for amendment reference. (4) Finally, the working team not only embodied and maintained the official indoor air quality network, but integrated various types of indoor air management information and cases of domestic pollution in recent years to provide recommendations for related organizations and stake holder.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 新系環境技術有限公司