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Title 98年嘉義市垃圾減量資源回收工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫於98年4月21日簽約,工作執行期間自98年4月21日至12月31日共計約8.3個月。工作內容包括辦理垃圾減量、資源回收各類指定對象輔導與稽查工作等13大項工作,以下即針對各項工作成果進行摘要說明:一、輔導及管制責任業者落實登記、申報、繳費及回收標誌標示等工作協助辦理環保署函請17件稽查案件,外縣市移請13件稽查案件,查獲13件違規責任物。二、轄內垃圾減量、資源回收再利用稽查工作及成果彙整(一)完成234家次學校社區機關垃圾強制分類稽查作業。發現目前本市列管社區垃圾分類清運方式,以住戶自行將家中垃圾與回收物攜出交由清潔隊收集為主。(二)創新作法共計提出6項,分別為「推動嘉義市之餐飲業不主動提供免洗餐具」、「資源回收環保救護站」、「資源回收兌換站」、「電子體溫計回收、創造回收新世紀」、「藥品空罐做回收、強身健體好安心」及「飲料空杯做回收、垃圾減量愛地球」。(三)建置資源回收體系資料庫。彙整四大體系資源回收量協助資源回收量月報表提報,完成每月統計數據彙整、提報,使本市98年度資源回收率達29%。三、垃圾減量資源回收教育宣導工作,配合進行「綠色產品」、「環保標章產品」及「資源回收再生品」宣導。(一)大型資源回收宣導活動於98年9月11日辦理「走過風雨、愛嘉、愛地球」晚會宣導活動。(二)製作垃圾減量、資源回收系列文宣,本工作團隊完成提送宣導品(如購物袋、電子體溫計、環保杯及500cc奈米杯),及文宣(資源回收、源頭減量、限汞政策)。(三)辦理2場次綠色環保說明會,第1場綠色環保說明會於6月9日假嘉義市焚化廠辦理「98年綠色採購與綠色消費研習會」;第2場綠色環保說明會於8月25日假嘉義市焚化廠辦理「98年綠色生活研習會-辦公室做環保」。(四)運用電子媒體(有線、跑馬燈、廣告、廣播)、平面媒體(包括主動發佈報章雜誌報導)宣導資源回收工作發佈環保訊息達356則。(五)跳蚤市場活動於98年11月7日辦理「跳到我嘉、蚤到愛心」惜福愛物宣導活動。四、辦理應回收廢棄物回收、處理業申請登記及稽查作業(一)辦理業者登記申請與登記變更、展延工作,本年度9月新增1家資源回收業登記,本市列管3家回收業均依法完成登記證展延換證作業。(二)辦理業者環境衛生與營運管理輔導與查核工作每月至少1次。五、執行十一大販賣業者逆向回收稽查取締及宣導工作(一)11大行業販賣業者完成439家次稽查作業,合格率為87%,另外有39家業者現場發現違規情形,多為未張貼回收標誌、回收貼紙褪色及回收貼紙脫落的情形,均已改善完成。(二)便利商店業多為連鎖性質,因此有45%的業者統一由總公司規定進行回收。稽查人員現場調查販賣業者回收量以容器類為最大宗,高達7,306公斤,其次為廢乾電池回收2,769公斤,廢潤滑油容器回收371公斤,日光燈管回收417公斤。(三)辦理餐館業、旅館業、百貨公司完成120家次分類回收查核及建檔工作六、進行各類指定電池稽查管制工作限制含汞乾電池販賣稽查工作完成329家次業者現場稽查,檢查乾電池總數達4,178件,現場稽查結果皆為無違規之情形。七、辦理購物用塑膠袋及免洗餐具限用對象稽查管制工作辦理限制購物用塑膠袋及免洗餐具業者稽查工作,完成1725家次業者現場稽查,17家業者開立勸導單並完成複查。八、辦理本市社區及里資源回收站(點)形象改造工作(一)完成轄內20處社區大樓資源回收站設置作業。(二)個體業者輔導會議及慰勞關懷活動,辦理2場次個體業者生活輔導會議,於5月26日假星億商行結合端午節辦理第1場生活輔導說明會暨端午關懷活動;於10月2日假維成企業社(新生店)結合中秋節辦理第2場生活輔導說明會暨團圓中秋月關懷活動。(三)個體業者形象改造作業,完成50位個體業者補助機具發放作業及100位個體業者意外保險發放作業。九、加強宣導環保法令,使指定業者與民眾均能充分了解本計畫相關法令及資源回收之重要性(一)辦理2場次法令說明會議,第1場法令說明會於6月23日假嘉義市焚化廠辦理「回收業相關法令宣導說明會」;第2場法令說明會於10月27日假嘉義市焚化廠辦理「新增公告責任業者範圍及限制水銀溫度計輸入及販賣法令宣導說明會」。(二)辦理發佈媒體正向消息報導及媒體宣導資源回收工作每月至少乙則新聞稿發佈。十、進行轄內機關、學校及隨垃圾車查核民眾垃圾分類工作(一)社區、機關團體、學校完成131家次定點分類稽查。(二)完成稽查47條路線,民眾排出垃圾包之回收物多以紙類(餐盒)及塑膠類(塑膠飲料杯及保麗龍杯為主)為最大宗。十一、「限制水銀體溫計輸入及販賣」政策推動與稽查工作完成737家次稽查作業。由於環保署針對相關業者辦理多場次研商會及公聽會,大部分業者了解相關規定,僅嘉義基督教醫院尚有庫存。十二、強化物流業及社區、大廈資源回收工作調查18家嘉義市保全業之相關資料。十三、辦理其他配合機關各項計畫進行所需之必要協助執行人員教育訓練,本工作團隊於4月21日辦理第一場執行人員教育訓練;7月31日辦理第二場執行人員教育訓練,並邀請戴德法律事務所 古富祺律師講授對工作人員講解現行的環保法規;9月24日針對訓練成果進行新進人員教育訓練測驗;10月30日辦理第三場執行人員教育訓練;12月29日辦理第四場執行人員教育訓練。
EngAbstract The plan had been singed in 21, Apr, 2009. It was executed for 8 1/3 months in 21, Apr to 31, Dec. The plan includes the decrease of the amount of trash, recycling, and the enterprises being investigated and guidance. It was discussed with all 13 works.1. Regarding to the improvement of management system in responsible enterprises. It was completed 17 cases of EPA(Environment Protect Administration) and the county deliver 13 cases to chiayi city. It was ferreted out 13 contrary responsibilities.2. It was resulted in the decrease of the amount of trash and recycling. It was completed to investigate 234 schools, communities, and, apparatuses. Investigation of discharge garbage of school, community, apparatus, and house. It was found that community garbage always be transported to disposal personnel. There were six originality that was “Restaurant and beverage enterprises don’t provide on own exempts washes the tableware in the chiayi city”, “Recycling environmental protection emergency station”, ”Resource recovery exchange station”, “Electronic clinical thermometer recycling”, “The drugs spatial pot makes the recycling”, “The drink spatial cup makes the recycling”. Establishes the recycling system information bank. Recycling data were collected monthly and submitted data to EPA. Chiayi city’s recycling rate was 29% in 2009.3. Trash decrement resource recovery education guidance about “Green products”, “Environmental protection marker product”, and, “Resource recovery regeneration”. “2009 Experience grief, Loving Chiayi, Loving The Earth” was held in 11, Sep. To design and make the materials about “sorting garbage” and “limits the mercury policy”. We made the posters, environmental bags, electron-thermometer, and environmental cups. It was held two courses of lectures about Green environmental protection in 9, Jun and 25, Aug. There were 356 pieces environmental protection news published at the electronic media and the plane media. “Go Chiayi, Second-hand Change” of the flea market was held in 7, Nov. 4. Regarding to the improvement of management system in recycling and disposal enterprises. All of the recycling enterprises were completed to the rules. We monthly investigate the basic data of recycling enterprises and make their surroundings clean.5. Regarding to the improvement of management system in sales enterprises, 439 cases were taken to examine. The qualified rate is 87%. It was ferreted out lawless 39 cases. They almost were “No posted the recycling symbol”, “The recycling label discoloration”, and “The recycling label was fallen”. There were 45% of the chain-like convenience store parts that recycling matter was transported to company. According to the staffs investigating the amount of recycling in 7,306kg of the vessel class, 2,769kg of the dry battery, 371kg of the waste lube oil container, and 417kg of the sunlight tube. Regarding to the improvement of management system in restaurant enterprises, hotel enterprises, and department stores, 120 cases were taken to examine.6. Regarding to the improvement of management system in dry battery sales enterprise, 329 cases were taken to examine. 4,178 cases of dry battery were investigated with the rules.7. Regarding to the improvement of management system in exempts washes the tableware and the use of plastic enterprises, 1725 cases were taken to examine. There were 17 enterprises draw up the advising list and were completed the reexamination.8. The communities were established the recycling station (spot) the image transformation work. 20 communities were completed to establish the recycling station. It was held two courses of lectures about the consolation concern in 26, May and 2, Oct. We subsidized the insurance for 100 person and the tools for 50 person for recycling picker.9. Strengthens the guidance environmental protection law, causes the enterprises and the populace can understand the related law and the importance of recycling. It was held two courses of lectures about environmental laws in 23, Jun and 27, Oct. Monthly it was announced an environmental news in the website.10. It was completely checked 131 schools, communities, and, apparatuses. To check 47 routes, the populace release the garbage with the papers (meal box) and the plastics (PP and PET cup primarily) as the most large amount.11. “The limit mercury clinical thermometer inputs and trades” policy was advenced and examined. The EPA hold many courses of lectures about this policy and the public hearings. The majority of enterprises understand the related stipulation. The Chiayi Christian hospital still have the mercury clinicals.12. To strengthen the recycling work of the logistics, the communities, and, the buildings. Investigates 18 preserve companies in Chiayi city.13. It was held five courses of training education in 21, Apr, 31, Jul, 24, Sep, 30, Oct, and 29, Dec.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 綠信環境科技股份有限公司