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Title 98年度臺南縣固定空氣污染源許可審查及巡查管制計畫
Abstract 本年度計畫作業項目包含:(1) 資料庫之擴建、維護更新(2)許可審查核發(3)許可查核(4)排放量申報查核(5)稽查檢測作業(6)專責人員及許可制度說明會等 (7)固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物管制等作業項目。計畫執行期間為民國98年9月17日至民國99年9月16日,共執行12個月,整體而言計畫工作進度符合預期目標,各項工作進度及結果說明如下:一、資料庫之擴建、維護更新本計畫預定對列管工廠進行至少600家次的資料庫更新及維護,計畫期間共完成609家之清查,作業達成率為102%。專案小組每月針對環保署提供檢核結果進行不完整不一致修正,共完成3734筆。二、許可作業本階段共核發409張許可證,包括設置39張、變更10張、操作57張、異動116張、展延86張、換補發98張、生煤許可3張,平均文書審查日數為17日/件。專案小組並主動通知101張製程(80家)辦理許可展延,77(張)製程已提出申請,18(張)製程尚未申請,6(張)製程廢止或撤銷。在許可證查核部份,已完成633張許可證查核作業(包括578張台南縣環保局及55張南科管理局所核發),查核不符張數總計77張,不符率為12.2%,其中66件已提出改善(43件已取得新證,15件尚在審查中,6件認定完成改善),改善率76.5%。三、排放量審查及查核作業目前臺南縣需排放量上網申報的公私場所共有269家(其中第一批91家,第二批178家),98年第3季至99年第2季之應申報件數為1071件,申報率為100%,且全數完成審查。現場查核已完成269家,查核結果申報正確202家(75.1%),有誤須限期補正資料者67家(24.9%)。 四、辦理稽查檢測作業本階段各項污染物稽查檢測作業均完成期末契約工作量,包括戴奧辛4根次、砷化物2根次、重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞)2根次、大型焚化爐重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞、砷) 2根次及其他(粒狀物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物)8根次;另專案小組亦完成20點次公私場所液體燃料含硫份抽驗及12點次周界粒狀物採樣。五、辦理說明會專案小組於98年12月29日假崑山科技大學電子計算中心電腦教室辦理一場次許可網路線上申請說明會,合計通知160位人員參加說明會,共126人參與,出席率達78%,另於99年3月8日假南部科學工業園區管理局1F演藝廳辦理一場次固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法法規說明會,合計通知128位人員參加說明會,共93人參與,出席率達72%。專案小組於99年07月16日假南部科學工業園區管理局1F演藝廳辦理一場次空氣品質嚴重惡化因應措施法規說明會,合計通知120家參加說明會,共88家參與,出席率達73%。六、逸散性粒狀物管制作業計畫專案小組已完成310家次現場查核作業,專案小組分四階段統計各行業之整體法規符合度,即宣導期間(98.01.08公告後至98.06.30)、98年12月底、99年3月底、99年9月。其中98年6月底整體符合度為68.7%(列管200家),98年12月底整體符合度為79.5%(列管204家),99年3月底整體符合度為88.7%(列管207家) ,99年9月底整體符合度為92.4%(列管208家),顯現宣導管制成效。另外,若以金屬類別及非金屬類別製程來看,金屬類相關製造程序業者有117家,其中完全符合規定之業者有95家(符合度81.2%);而非金屬類相關製造程序業者有91家,其中完全符合規定之業者有31家符合(符合度34.1%)。由於此分類大都需要符合堆置作業、輸送作業、運輸作業、製程作業等規定,幾乎已涵蓋所有逸散性粒狀物管理辦法之所有項目,且因如堆置場、輸送設備、運輸車輛部分,逸散性管理辦法,新增設置防制措施之詳細規範與記錄項目,已超出原本許可管制所管制範圍,因此目前非金屬類之逸散性管理辦法列管名單業者,法規符合度較低。七、一般巡查作業完成執行162家次,主要配合其他現場查核作業一同進行,本年度巡查重心仍以工廠數較多的永康市、仁德鄉與新市鄉等鄉鎮為主。八、南部科學園區砷化物管制及傳輸調查在砷化物使用量調查部分,製程內使用砷化物者有6家(如表4.5-1),但康寧公司已自96年第4季停止使用,98年度南科業者各製程中砷化氫之總使用量為2162公斤,其中發光二極體製造程序佔61%、晶片製造程序佔37%、積體電路製造程序佔2%。砷化物傳輸調查係以ISCST3模擬南科園區砷排放造成之環境增量並且以自96年至98年之每季監測結果相比較,各季之風花圖分佈顯示除了2007年9月以外,各季監測期間之風向分佈可明確區分四個監測點為主要影響處、次影響處與無影響之上風處。比較模擬增量與由監測值推估之增量,結果顯示除了由監測結果推估之增量為負值之四筆數據以外,模擬增量對由監測推估增量之比值於主影響處均大於1而為3.3至8.8,於次影響處則均小於1而為0.22至0.45,綜合主影響處與次影響處及監測時實際排放量之可能變異,由模擬結果與監測數據之比較顯示南科園區之砷排放源與排放量已經大部分掌握,擴散模擬結果主要影響處為南科西南方,與各季周界砷化物檢測結果吻合度高。九、其他工作項目(一) 配合宣導空氣污染相關環保新聞見報:計畫執行期間完成5則見報,符合期末進度。(二) 完成55冊空氣污染防制相關法規印製。(三)協助137件專責人員設置異動申請案件鍵檔。(四)空氣品質惡化通報處理共接獲通報43次,巡查45處次,以建請廠方加強污染防制設備操作及維護、周界灑水。
EngAbstract The main work items of Stationary air pollution source control project are:(1)Database establishment, system function upgrade and data QA/QC. (2)Stationary Sources Permit application documents exam and issue, including permit inquisition. (3) Report and check of air pollutant emissions quantities. (4)Inspection by air pollutant testing. (5)Training for dedicated air pollution control personnel.(6) Stationary source of particulate pollutants oven control.This project was empowered by a contract which issued by the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan County. The project started on Sept 2009, and will be ended on Sept 2010. The percentage of the project is 100%. The progress for each work task is outlined in detail as below.1.Database establishment, system function upgradeFor the work of emission inventory database update, the data of 609 stationary pollution sources has been checked and updated. The percentage of this work item is 102%. 2.Permit systemIn the management and issuance of permits, 409 permits have been issued, including 39 installation permits, 10 modified permits, 57 operation permits, 116 change permits, 86 renewed permits, 98 re-issued permits and 3 coal-fired permits. Periodic inspection for operation permits has been performed on 633 operation permits. Among them, 55 operation permits didn’t meet the contents of permits, and the discrepancy of inspection was 12.2%. Further, the plants have been asked to modify and improve the inconformity. 35 plants reported their modification or changes, and got new permits which fit their status quo. The percentage of improvement is 79.5%.3. Report and check of air pollutant emissions quantities269 stationary pollution sources are required to report annual emissions by regulation in Tainan County(1st batch: 91 plants and 2nd batch:178 plants). The reporting rate of it has reached 100% (from the beginning of 3st season to the end of 2nd season, 2010). Inspection for reporting annual emissions was conducted on 269 plants;75.1% of it proved correct(202 plants),24.9% of it showed discrepancy(67 plants).4. Inspection by air pollutant testingInspection by air pollutant testing was performed to fulfill the midterm requirement, including 4 plumes for dioxin testing, 2 plume for Arsenic compound testing, 4 plume for heavy metals testing, and 8 plumes for SOx, NOx and/or VOCs. We also took 20 fuel samples from different plants to check if the sulfur in the sample violets the standard (0.5%) and 12 times area sampling for surrounding particulate matter.5. Training for dedicated air pollution control personnelA conference were held on December 29 2009, the performance of approval internet on-line apply for explanation meeting, attendance percentage 78% in Kun Shan University. On March 8 2009, the performance of stationary pollution source releases source of particulate pollutants air pollution control facilities management regulations, attendance percentage 72% in southern Taiwan science park adminstration. On July 16 2009, the performance of air quality serious deterioration countermeasures regulations explanation meeting, attendance percentage 73% in southern Taiwan science park adminstration.6. Stationary source of particulate pollutants oven controlInspection was performed for particulate pollutants control in 310 plants, had four stage statistics, during public awareness (January 8 2009 to June 30 2009), 31st December 2009, 31st March 2009, September 2009, respective.Inital showed public awareness control well.For manufacturing processes of metal and nonmetal, manufacturing processes of metal had 117 plants, comply with percentage 81.2%. manufacturing processes of nonmetal had 91 plants, comply with percentage 34.1%. Due to pursuant to the following regulations had piling operating, convey operating, conveyance operating, manufacturing processes operating, in a nutshell all releases source of particulate pollutants management regulations items. Therefore, releases source of nonmetal management regulations plants list, lower conform to regulations.7.General patrol :Total of 162 times of patrol assignment were conducted.8.South trade has been completed inventory operations to use arsenic compounds, currently only 6 of the family business who still use arsenide integrated. With the views of the main effects at the Department and the monitoring of the possible time variation of actual emissions, monitoring data from the simulation results and the comparison shows that South Park emission sources and emissions of arsenic has been largely mastered.9. Other work items(1) Five articles of environmental protection news were posted.(2) 55 of air pollution control laws and regulations were printed.(3) 137 cases of air pollution qualified persons replacement were proposed and approved.(4) Case Handling for the Notification of the Air Quality Deterioration Total of 8 cases were notified during the project period and patrol staffs were then sent out to check on 58 public or private premises.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 衛宇科技股份有限公司