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Title 98-99年度環工技師簽證案件查核及管理系統加值程式開發維護專案(第1年)工作計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署辦理環工技師簽證案件查核,其目的在於了解簽證技師之簽證品質及缺失情形,進而督促簽證技師改進,以提升環工技師簽證品質。另自95年度起開始執行技師執業機構查核,查核重點為工作底稿。本年度執業機構查核最常出現之缺失為「簽證案件未申報」佔44%,其次為「簽證案件無現場查核照片」及「工作底稿首頁未簽署及加蓋執業圖記」各佔33%,顯示應持續加強「環境工程技師簽證規則」之宣導。水污染現場查核最常出現之缺失為「申請文件中文字及數值未填,填錯或前後不一致」佔73%,其次為「處理單元設計參數及操作參數不合理」佔59%,「機械設備名稱、數量及規格與申請文件不符或未填」佔32%。固定污染源現場查核最常出現之缺失亦為「申請文件中文字及數值未填,填錯或前後不一致」佔80%,「空氣污染物排放量計算錯誤,如公式引用錯誤及排放管道出口高度未以地面高程計算等」佔60%,「污染防制設施各處理單元設計參數及操作參數不合理」佔40%。此外,爲了有效管制技師簽證業務,本計畫同時進行環工技師基本管理系統之規劃與建置工作,藉由網路資料庫提供各級環保主管機關了解技師基本資料、簽證狀況、接受查核結果及獎懲等紀錄,以落實技師簽證管考。
EngTitle 2009-2010 Registered professional environmental engineer certification case review and management information system value added program development maintenance project (1st year)work program
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan carried out a registered professional environmental engineer certification case review. The objectives were to understand the quality and defects of certification processed by certified engineers. The review results may be used to guide the improvement of certification of engineers to upgrade the quality of certified Professional Environmental Engineers. Also, Starting in 2006, the EPA carried out the review of the operation of registered professional engineering organizations. The key points focused on work drafts inspection.This year, the review of the operation of registered professional engineering organizations found that the most frequently appearing defect was that "the certification files had not been declared accurately", around 44% of the total defects. Followed were "certification files did not have on site review photos" and " the original working manuscript did not have execution seal and signature", 33% each. This represents that there shall be continuous promotion of "Professional Environmental Engineer Certification Regulations". For the review of water pollution sites, the most frequently appearing defects were that "in the application documents, texts and values were not filled in, incorrect or inconsistent", around 73%. The next defect was "unreasonable treatment unit design parameters and operational parameters", around 59%, and "Equipment name, quantity and specifications were different from that in the application forms or not filled in the application forms", around 32%. The most frequently appearing stationary source onsite review defect was also "in the application documents, texts and values were not filled in, incorrect or inconsistent", around 80%. Followed by "Incorrect calculation of air pollutants release quantities, such the use of incorrect equations, and discharge pipe exit height did not calculated based on ground heights etc.", around 60%, and "Unreasonable pollution control equipment treatment unit design parameters and operational parameters", around 40%.In addition, to effectively control the business of professional engineer certification, this program established the Registered Professional Environmental Engineer basic database. Through an Internet database, information was provided to every level of environmental control management organizations to make available basic information on professional engineers, including their certification status, review results, and award and punishment received, to implement the review and control of professional engineer certifications.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 台灣省環境工程技師公會