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Title 屏東縣98年度資源回收源頭減量查核及管制工作計畫
Abstract 本工作團隊執行本縣98年度「資源回收源頭減量查核及管制工作計畫」。本計畫執行期程自98年4月16日至98年12月31日止,截至目前(98年10月31日)計畫工作內容執行情況摘要如下:一、資源回收體系查核工作於責任業者查核部分,已完成1,744件次之查核工作,共查獲134件違規,其中違規項目以以商品「未登記」者最多,共計有80件次,佔總違規數59.7%,其餘為「未標示」,共計有4件次,佔總違規數40.3%。比較歷年違規情況,責任業者違規比例逐年下降,從96年18.4%大幅下降至98年7.7%,顯示屏東縣政府環保局近幾年來在政策推動上已見成效。目前屏東縣所列管之十一大販賣業者共有907家,以連鎖式便利商店業228家最多,約佔25.1%。目前已稽查958家次,其中以連鎖便利商店業稽查230家次佔24.0%為最多。比較歷年違規情況,十一大業者輕微違規比例逐年下降,從96年輕微違規152家,佔總查核數19.8%,下降至98年128家,佔總查核數13.4%,顯示屏東縣於推動販賣業者執行資源回收工作已經落實。在資源回收處理業者查核輔導方面,屏東縣目前有資源回收業者42家,處理業者11家,本團隊目前已查核53家,在所有違規項目中以「場地是否清潔完整,無飛揚、溢散、散發惡臭或溶出物污染地面」最高,共有6家業者,不合格率達11.3%,經輔導後再複查皆能達到合格的情形。二、限用政策查核作業於限制使用塑膠袋稽查部份,已執行稽查1,273家次,所有查核家次中,以有店面餐飲業最多,共934家次,佔全部73.4%。在查獲違規統計部分,以有店面餐飲業中使用塑膠類免洗餐具最多,共查獲34家次。比較歷年違規情況,有店面餐飲業97年查核702家,違規家數33家,違規比例為4.7%;98年查核934家,違規家數34家,違規比例為3.6%,雖然違規比例略為下降,但改善幅度不大,建議未來應針對此管制類別加強宣導。在限制產品過度包裝查核方面,共執行稽查5,767件商品,其中以糕餅禮盒最多,共查核2,060件,其次是加工食品禮盒,共查核1,910件,本次查核之商品,所有商品皆為合格之狀況,顯示業者也已相當清楚相關法令,皆能符合法令規範,但仍查獲14件疑似違規之商品,經過購買仔細測量後,仍在合格範圍內,顯示業者也已相當清楚相關法令,皆能符合法令規範。在執行限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣查核方面,共執行稽查814家次。其中僅1家業者仍販賣不合格之乾電池,占總查核數之0.1%,進一步比較歷年違規情況,違規比例從97年6.2%大幅下降至98年0.1%,顯示經過環保局強力宣導後,業者對此一法令已非常清楚。在執行限制水銀體溫計輸入及販賣查核,共執行稽查669家次。目前醫療機構仍有在使用水銀體溫計之業者僅有6家,近年來醫療機構仍有在使用水銀體溫計之業家數極低,使用比例均小於1%,顯示環保局於政策推動上,執行情況良好,無不合格情形。三、資源回收及垃圾強制分類查核工作於計畫執行期間(98年5月~10月)共完成24次隨垃圾車強制分類稽查,總解袋數共達394袋,以屏東市的解袋數最高,共完成262袋。屏東市在262包垃圾查核中符合規定者計有118包,屬違反情節輕微者計有132包佔50.6%,違反情節嚴重者共12包佔4.6%。進一步比較5月至9月期間各月份違規狀況可發現5月份違反情節輕微者有41包,至9月已下降至25包,違規比例從58.6%下降至41.0%,而違反情節嚴重者也從5包下降至1包,違規比例從58.6%下降至41.0%。於計畫執行期間(98年5月~10月)共完成68家定點垃圾強制分類稽查工作,總解袋數共達187袋,以屏東市的解袋數最高,共完成115袋,其中又以學校解袋數最高51袋,機關40袋次之,社區24袋為最少。針對不合格資源回收項目進一步進行統計,在紙類違規狀況統計方面以學校佔45.7%為最高,其次為社區佔45.5%,排名第三為機關佔43.8%,全量平均佔45.0%,顯示將近一半之資源性物質為紙類。四、其他資源回收相關工作焚化廠/轉運站進廠管制工作至10月31日止,共執行663輛目測判定,並針對疑似分類狀況不佳的車輛進行分類狀況查核,共執行34次查核,結果顯示所有受抽查之車輛皆超過規定之2.5%標準,由各鄉鎮市各月份查核、複查的情形來看,屏東市、潮州鎮、鹽埔鄉及萬丹鄉資源物含量平均值幾乎皆達6%以上,經過本團隊加強宣導後,各鄉鎮市違規百分比皆大幅下降,除了萬丹鄉以外其餘3鄉鎮市降幅近五成。而新園鄉及車城鄉所含之資源回收物比例大幅上升的原因,乃因廚餘及果菜殘渣比例大量增加,造成6月份違規百分比大幅提升。依據廢棄物轉運前分類場實際操作示範報告書執行前分類檢查工作,截至11月3日止,共執行40車次,其中屏北轉運站共執行9鄉鎮市,11車次。崁頂焚化爐共執行18鄉鎮市,22車次。屏南轉運站共執行5鄉鎮市,7車次。以現有資料初步估算屏北轉運站、崁頂焚化爐及屏南轉運站若以人力取代機器進行人工分選垃圾前分類工作,預估平均每月將虧損126萬元,即使政府願意賠錢經營,每月虧損之問題終究無法解決,最後一定轉嫁於民眾所繳納的稅金上面,因此建議此時暫時不適宜執行前分類分選工作。
EngTitle Pingtung County, 98 year recycling reduction of the sources to check and control plan
EngAbstract The work team implementation of this county 98 years, "the source reduction recycling audit and control plan." The project implementation period range from 98 4 from 16 to 98 years ended December 31, up to now (98 10 31) plan the implementation of the work content summarized as follows: 1, resource recovery system for checking Check some of the responsible industry, has completed 1,744 cases followed by check, uncovered a total of 134 violations, including illegal items to order merchandise "unregistered" a maximum, a total of 80 times, accounting for 59.7% of the total number of non-compliance, with the rest " is not marked, "a total of four times, accounting for 40.3% of the total number of non-compliance. Comparison of historical non-compliance, liability industry decreased year by year the proportion of non-compliance, from 96 years of 18.4% dropped sharply to 98 years 7.7%, display the East County Environmental Protection Agency in the policy pursued in recent years have paid off. Pingtung County is currently listed in the control of the 11 largest sale of a total of 907 firms in order to chain convenience store industry, up to 228, accounting for 25.1%. Now checking 958 times, of which the chain convenience store industry inspectors 230 times accounted for a maximum of 24.0%. Comparison of irregularities over the years, 11 cause the proportion of those minor breaches has decreased slightly from 96 young non-compliance 152, accounting for 19.8% of the total check number dropped to 98 128, accounting for 13.4% of the total number to check the display on the promotion of the East County, trafficking in the implementation of resource recycling industry has been implemented. In the resource recycling industry to check for counseling, Pingtung County, there are 42 recycling industry, processing industry 11, the team has to check 53, in all the illegal items to "complete the venue is clean, non-flying, spills , distribution of odor or leaching contamination on the ground, "the highest, a total of six family business persons, the failure rate was 11.3%, to counseling and then review the situation able to achieve compliance. Second, the new policy to check operation Restricting the use of plastic bags in the inspection part of the 1,273 homes have been implemented inspection times, all times to check in at home, to a maximum of a storefront restaurant industry, a total of 934 times, accounting for 73.4%. Uncovered irregularities in the statistics section, there are stores catering to the use of plastic disposable tableware in most of them were seized 34 times. Comparison of irregularities over the years, there are stores catering industry 97 years to check 702, Number 33 violations, the proportion of non-compliance of 4.7%; 98 years of checking 934, Number 34 breach, violation ratio of 3.6%, although a slight decline in the proportion of non-compliance However, modest improvements, the proposed future for this control type to be widely publicized. Excessive Product Packaging to check in a restricted area, a total of 5,767 pieces of merchandise inspection, of which a maximum of pastries gift, a total of 2,060 pieces of check, followed by processed food gift, a total of 1,910 pieces of check, this check of the goods, all goods eligible Jie Wei condition, show the industry has also been quite clear that the relevant law, in line with legal regulations have encountered, it is still seized 14 suspected illegal merchandise, after purchase, after careful measurements are still within the scope of qualified to show the industry has also been quite clear that the relevant law, all meet the legal regulations. Dry batteries in the implementation of restrictions on the manufacture, importation and sale of checks, a total of 814 times the implementation of inspection. Of which only a family business who are still selling the batteries failed, accounting for 0.1% of the total number of checks to compare the calendar year of default are violations increased from 97 years of 6.2% significantly decreased to 98 years of 0.1%, indicating a strong advocacy through the Environmental Protection Agency, the industry has been very clear on this one act. In the implementation of restrictions on the import and sale of mercury thermometers to check, a total of 669 sub-inspectors. At present medical mercury thermometers are still in use only six of the industry in recent years, medical institutions, the use of mercury thermometers are still the industry, Number of very low, the use of the ratio is less than 1%, indicating that EPA in policy to promote the implementation of in good condition, no failure case. Third, resource recovery and refuse mandatory classification checking On the project implementation period (98 May ~ 10 months) completed a total of 24 times with the garbage truck mandatory classification audit, the total number of solutions of a total of 394 bags of bags, Pingtung City, the highest number of solutions of bags, completed a total of 262 bags. Pingtung City 262 package refuse to check in to meet the requirement include 118 bags, a breach is minor and include 132 packages were 50.6%, in violation serious cases, a total of 12 packets accounted for 4.6%. Further more during the month of May to 9 month of non-compliance status of each can be found in May were 41 minor violations of packages to September has dropped to 25 packages, the proportion of non-compliance decreased from 58.6% to 41.0%, while the circumstances are serious violations from 5 pack down to a package, the proportion of non-compliance decreased from 58.6% to 41.0%. On the project implementation period (98 May ~ 10 months) completed a total of 68 fixed-point garbage classification mandatory auditing work, the total number of solutions of a total of 187 bags of bags, Pingtung City, the highest number of solutions of bags, completed a total of 115 bags, of which You Yi Xie bag a few high schools in 51 bags, 40 bags of organs followed, the community of at least 24 bags. Resource recovery project for the failure of further statistics, in the paper non-compliance status of statistics, accounting for 45.7% of school-the highest, followed by the community accounted for 45.5%, ranking third for the organs of 43.8%, full-volume average of 45.0%, indicating nearly half of the The resource material for the paper. 4, other recycling related work Incinerator / transfer station into the plant control work 10 months of 31, a total of 663 visually determine and remedy the poor condition of vehicles suspected of categories to classify status check, a total of 34 times to check results showed that all those random checks of vehicles 2.5% are exceeding the prescribed standards, by the township in the city of the month of inspection, review the case of point of view, Pingtung City, Chaozhou Town, salt Po Heung and resources Wandan Township matter content of 6% on average over almost all through the After the team to strengthen propaganda, all townships are sharp decline in the percentage of non-compliance, in addition to Wandan Township outside the city, drop Nearly half of the remaining three townships. The new car park and the urban-rural township of recyclable materials contained in a substantial proportion of reasons for the increase takes into account the proportion of kitchen waste and a significant increase in fruit and vegetable residues, resulting in a substantial increase in June the percentage of non-compliance. Waste classification based on the market for pre-shipment report on the implementation of practical demonstration before the classification and inspection work, as of November 3 only, a total of 40 trips, which screens the North Transfer Station, a total of nine townships, 11 trips. Kanding incinerator a total of 18 townships, 22 trips. Pingnan a total of five townships on the transfer station, 7 trips. A preliminary estimate based on existing information on the North-screen transfer stations, incinerators and Pingnan Kanding transfer station to replace the machine in terms of human manual sorting rubbish before the classification, estimated the average monthly loss of 1.26 million, even if the Government is willing to lose money in operations, monthly issue of losses can not be solved, after all, will ultimately have to pass on the taxes paid by the people above, it is proposed at this time being unfit to carry out the work of the former classification sorting.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 技佳工程顧問有限公司