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Title 98年度臺南縣室內空氣品質自主管理推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫自98年4月28日開始執行迄至99年04月27日止,各項工作內容之成果摘要說明如下:針對臺南縣政府各主管機關及公私場所,於98年6月29日辦理室內空氣品質(indoor air quality, IAQ)自主管理及改善技術說明會1場次,藉由此宣導說明會介紹室內空氣品質建議標準值及相關管制法規、室內空氣品質管理及改善技術,以及室內空氣品質自主管理制度之推動,使各公共場所能瞭解室內空氣品質管理之重要性。說明會當天除現場示範直讀式儀器操作外,並發放宣導品,以增加民眾印象,達到宣導之目的。 為推動臺南縣室內空氣品質自主管理制度,本計畫初步篩選縣轄內25處重要公共場所(其中包含環保署建議4處名單),進行IAQ現況之訪查,並以直讀式儀器檢測公共場所之IAQ,巡檢項目包括: 二氧化碳(CO2)、一氧化碳(CO)、甲醛(HCHO)、總揮發性有機化合物(TVOC)、粒徑小於10微米之懸浮微粒(PM10)、粒徑小於2.5微米之懸浮微粒(PM2.5)、臭氧(O3)及溫度,共8項。檢測結果發現,公共場所普遍皆有IAQ之問題,其中第一類及第二類場所共同點均以CO2及O3超出環保署建議值居多。 參考前述25處公共場所IAQ訪查及巡檢結果,選定22處執行環保署公告方法之檢測,標的場所涵蓋醫療院所、圖書館、學校、辦公大樓、車站及營業場所(電影院、速食店、健身房及大型量販店),檢測項目除包含上述8項外,尚還有細菌、真菌及濕度,共計11項。調查結果發現,本縣公共場所IAQ常有CO2、細菌及真菌的問題,超出環保署建議值之公共場所比例依序為68%、50%及41%。於第一類場所中,醫療院所二氧化碳及細菌都有超出建議值之情形,此外,院內中醫診間施行艾灸療程時,艾粒燃燒過程亦會產生相當量之甲醛濃度及相關醛類化合物;圖書館發現有細、真菌問題;學校部份,教室內二氧化碳、細菌及真菌超出環保署建議值。第二類場所中,電影院、量販店於假日人潮較多時二氧化碳濃度超出建議值;車站、速食店及健身房則多為細、真菌問題,甚至有1處健身房中檢測出TVOC;部份則為二氧化碳及細菌之問題。 本計畫為瞭解簡易直讀儀及公告方法檢測之差異性,進行平均測值相關性統計分析,結果顯示O3、HCHO及TVOC為低度相關性(r<0.4),其餘測項皆呈現高度相關性(r>0.7)。即使直讀儀在分析能力上有部分缺憾,惟在巡檢工作上所扮演篩檢的角色仍有其不可取代之重要性,畢竟除價格低廉外、輕巧攜帶、機動性強、提供現場即時判讀等優勢,在快速篩檢及作業便利的考量之下,可即時提供公共場所時間及空間之環境品質資訊。為改善公共場所IAQ之問題,計畫委聘專家學者實地輔導改善及建議,待公共場所改善完成後隨即進行環保署公告方法全項複測,以驗證改善之成效。18家次接受IAQ改善並驗證其成效之公共場所中,於第一類場所中,5處超出環保署建議值之測項皆獲得改善成效(100%),1處為50%,1處33%及1處未有改善成效(0%);第二類場所中,5處超出環保署建議值之測項皆獲得改善成效(100%),4處改善成效率也達50%。此外,選定崑山科技大學作為採取改善措施之示範場所,採取宣導學生將窗戶預留些微空隙使室內外空氣置換對流,以及保持教室內之環境整潔,改善後教室內細、真菌皆下降至建議值內,CO2濃度降為644ppm,雖尚未符合建議值,但已明顯改善。為持續追蹤公共場所IAQ原因,協助公共場所確認相關問題,本計畫以佳里醫院為現場協談及輔導對象,除安排2次現場協談外,另進行3次巡檢及異常測項之公告方法檢測,並輔導專責人員撰寫IAQ自主管理計畫書及訓練使用直讀儀進行院內巡檢。結果顯示,醫院IAQ原有CO2、細菌及真菌超出建議值之情形,經由現場協談及輔導建議採取改善措施,增加院內送風量及加強空間清潔消毒,CO2已有明顯下降,細菌及真菌則已下降至建議值內。透過輔導調查檢測也證實,院內空氣中真菌超標主要乃受到外氣之影響。 本計畫製作臺南縣室內空氣品質維護管理措施計畫書及其相關表單,並輔導20處公共場所專責人員撰寫,提供必要的諮詢或所需相關資料的彙整,協助各公共場所完成室內空氣品質維護管理措施計畫書之建置,配合登錄訪查、調查相關資料,上傳執行成效至「室內空氣品質資訊網」之環保署考評平台以供備查。本計畫亦蒐集國外室內空氣品質之管理方式及處理改善技術,於99年4月15日舉辦計畫成果發表會,邀請受測之22處公共場所與會,透過檢測結果分析及可行之改善措施講解,進一步使公共場所能瞭解IAQ問題及其解決方案。此外,為適度傳達縣內推動IAQ執行成效,計畫亦彙整相關計畫訊息/成果見報2則新聞,並撰寫2篇論文發表於第13屆海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會,並提供社會大眾更多IAQ資訊。
EngTitle Implementation of autonomous management of indoor air quality for Tainan County in 2009
EngAbstract This project started from April 28, 2009 and ended with April 27, 2010. During the period of this project, the findings and results of the implementation works were summarized as the followings. The explanatory meeting on the autonomous management and improvement technology of indoor air quality was held on June 29, 2009. The invited participants include the authorities at Tainan County government and the specialists responsible for the management of public places in the organizations. The topics of this meeting were focused on the suggested standard levels of indoor air quality, the draft of related regulations, the improvement technology of indoor air quality, an introduction of the autonomous management system of indoor air quality. Besides, the practice of direct detection apparatus measurement was demonstrated during the meeting so that the participants might obtain the clear impression and realize the importance of managing indoor air quality. In order to implement the autonomous management system of indoor air quality in Tainan County, 25 public locations were selected for the screening of indoor air quality, including 4 locations suggested by Taiwan EPA. The measurement of indoor air quality was conducted by direct detection apparatus, including CO2, CO, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), PM10, PM2.5, O3 and temperature. All measurement works were implemented by October 1, 2009. The results showed that the problems of indoor air quality frequently occurred at the screened public locations, and the levels of CO2 and O3 were commonly found above the suggested threshold by Taiwan EPA. Referring to the detected indoor air quality at 25 screened public locations, 22 public locations were chosen for the detailed measurement of indoor air quality by the EPA standard methods. The chosen public locations for the detailed measurement of indoor air quality include hospitals, library, university, office building, speedway station, and business stores. Besides of 8 previous detected items, the measurements of bacteria, fungus and humidity were involved in the detailed measurement of indoor air quality. The results of the detailed measurement showed that 68% public locations exceeded the suggested threshold of indoor air quality in CO2, 50% in bacteria, and 41% in fungus. For the first category of public locations, the levels of CO2 and bacteria were above the suggested threshold in all hospitals. During acupuncture or medical therapy, a high level of gaseous formaldehyde was found in the Chinese medicine examination room. The measured items exceeding the suggested threshold are bacteria with fungus in library, and CO2, bacteria, with fungus in university. For the second category of public locations, the CO2 level was found a potential problem in the theater and hypermarket during the weekends. The measured items exceeding the suggested threshold are bacteria with fungus in speedway station, fast-food store, and exercise center. The correlation analysis of the average measurement was applied to identify the difference between the measurement by direct detection apparatus and by the EPA standard methods. The correlation of the measurements was low (r < 0.4) in O3, formaldehyde, and TVOC, while the other measured items showed a high correlation (r > 0.7). Although the measurement by direct detection apparatus has the weakness in analysis, it still plays an important role in screening measurement due to its cheap price, handy operation, strong mobility, and rapid detection. For solving the IAQ problems in public locations, the project team has invited the experts on indoor air quality to implement site surveys and provide the improvement suggestions. The examination of improvement measures was followed up, and the effectiveness of improving indoor air quality will be subsequently evaluated through the detailed measurement. Among 18 surveyed sites, the improvement measures are 100% for 5 sites, 50% for 1 site, 33% for 1 site, and 0% for 1 site in the first category of public locations. The improvement measures are 100% for 5 sites and 50% for 4 sites in the second category of public locations. Also, the showcase of Kun Shan University asked the students to keep the windows partially-open for better ventilation in the classroom, and this action greatly reduced the CO2 level to 644 ppm. The cleanup and maintenance of freshness in the classroom has effectively eliminated the problems of bacteria and fungus. For continually tracking the causes of the IAQ problems in public locations, Chia-Li hospital was selected as the voluntary showcase of improving indoor air quality. Chia-Li hospital has accepted 2 on-site negotiations, 3 walk-through detections, detailed measurement on the abnormal items, the preparation of IAQ autonomous management project, and the training of operating direct detection apparatus by the project team. The improvement measures showed that the CO2 level was greatly reduced through improving ventilation and the cleanup and disinfection in the hospital has effectively eliminated the problems of bacteria and fungus. Based on the measurement, the high level of fungus in the hospital mainly originated from the outdoors. The project team has helped the specialists in 20 public locations preparing the IAQ autonomous management projects and the related table sheets. The regarding information was summarized and uploaded the compiled profiles to the IAQ information website established by Taiwan EPA. In order to provide more information as reference for the improvement of indoor air quality, the project team has collected information on domestic and foreign management methods and improvement techniques for indoor air quality. The announcing meeting of project finding was held on April 15, 2010. The delegates from 22 public locations were invited to participate the meeting for realizing the IAQ problems and the solution schemes. In order to advertise the project result and finding, the project team has announced 2 environmental news on the newspapers and published 2 scientific articles at the 13th Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Protection Conference.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 崑山科技大學