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Title 台中市轄內流域污染源稽查管制及河川巡守隊運作教育宣導計畫
Abstract 本計畫之執行期間自簽約議價日(98年6月15日)起至98 年12底止,各工作項目均依規劃進度辦理。茲將期末報告階段之成果摘要如下:一、辦理本市列管事業水污染源查核列管事業查核計畫目標數為330 家,本計畫已全數完成此部分之查核,其中以洗車場的查核件數最高計有80件次,佔總查核件次24.2%。二、暗管查緝及封除作業目前已查獲10處(13支)不明管線或暗管,這13支不暗管業主皆已自行封管(硬管)及移除(軟管)。三、辦理工業區污水廠或工業區內列管事業廢水處理設施操作情形查核相關工作並進行放流水質採樣於計畫開始至98年12月止,共計已進行兩工業區放流水水質採樣14件次,此14件次水質採樣皆於夜間進行;在14件次放流水水質採樣中,未有放流水檢驗數值超過放流水標準者。四、辦理中部科學工業園區及台中工業區雨水道排放口及納管事業巡查方面截至目前為止共完成第一季雨水道的查核與採樣作業;台中工業區共有49處放流口,均排入工業區南邊溪。截至目前為止,發現雨水道異常處,為東岸15處及西岸10處,共計25處。五、辦理工業區重點事業執行稽查篩選歷年曾有異常排水之虞的50家次工業區重點事業單位,針對其前處理設施操作狀況、管線標示及雨污水分流情形執行查核;已完成第三及四季50家廠商兩次之查核,第三季中50家廠商查核發現管線或槽體未標示清楚共計4 家,此4家事業單位在第四季之稽查中皆已改善;50家事業單位於第三及四季皆有實施雨污水分流。六、辦理環保局指定事業廢(污)水處理設備現場功能評鑑作業已完成辦理江興鍛壓工業股份有限公司、文亮企業股份有限公司及中山醫學大學附設醫院等3家事業單元功能評鑑之行前說明會、初評、複評及評析會議,本工作團隊已做後續之追蹤並在業者提出完成報告書後提交完整之功能評鑑執行成果報告書。七、列管社區污水下水道系統廢(污)水處理設施操作查核結果完成本市列管社區第一次查核工作共340 家(運作中社區共計315 家),發現未開機操作社區僅4 家,其平均開機率已有達到98.73%;第二階段200家次之水質採樣結果不符合放流水標準家數共計10 家,本團隊工作人員在水質報告結果出來後,皆有告知此10家社區並加強其廢水操作之輔導。八、辦理本市河川巡守推廣事宜辦理台中市河川巡守推廣事宜方面,截至目前共成立6小隊,總人數共有170名。截至11月底止,台中市六大隊巡守隊已針對各巡守區域做累計達到2350.3小時之巡守工作,且本工作團隊已協助巡守隊完成達61件次之髒亂點通報處理;計畫期間辦理共計五場次之淨溪活動,並同時藉此活動輔導台中市河川巡守隊進行水質監測活動;巡守隊教育訓練於98年8月1日(星期六)假福田水資源回收中心舉行;本團隊並於10月17日協助環保局假逢甲大學體育館辦理世界水質監測日並於12月26日辦理巡守隊年終檢討聯誼。九、水污染風險管理作業方面截自12月為止,本工作團隊共計協助台中市環保局處理三件次死魚事件之清除及水質採樣分析工作;並在水污染事件之現場查核工作中完成兩件次之24小時水質監測器設置,另辦理3件環保局指定地點之水質檢測作業。十、於辦理法令宣導說明會方面,本團隊於98年9月3日假台中市公教人員訓練中心辦理一場次之「台中市生活污水處理現況與因應對策宣導講習會」,並將於12月8日辦理第二場次之「台中市事業單位法規說明會」。
EngTitle Investigation of Taichung City water pollution sources and river patrolling teams
EngAbstract This project was carried out from June 15th, 2009 to the end of Dec. 2009.The following is the abstract of each subject.One. Investigation of Taichung City Pollution SourcesWe have completed the investigation of the 330 targeted pollution sources. Among them, car-washing places takes up the highest number, there are 80 cases (24.2%)in total.Two. Investigation and Removal of Illegal Discharging Pipes13 illegal discharging pipes were discovered and removed.Three. Investigation and Water Sampling of Taichung Industrial DistrictsTill the end of Dec. 2009, we have taken 14 water samples from the two industrial districts in Taichung City, the results show that those the concentrations of water samples are all within the water discharges thresholds.Four. Investigation of Rain Ditches by Taichung Industrial DistrictsCompleted the investigation of rain ditches by Taichung industrial districts. There are 49 discharging points in total, with the wastewater discharged into Nan-bian River. So far, 15 places in the east side and 10 places in the west side were founded with illegal wastewater discharges.Five. Investigation of Targeted Units within Industrial DistrictsWe have completed 50 targeted industrial units’ investigation, attentions were paid among the following areas, the pre-wastewater treatment facilities, clear signs of each piping and operational units and the separation of wastewater and rain. For season three, 4 units were with unclear signs at their operational units but all corrections were all make during the fourth seasonal investigation.Six. Operational assessment of Wastewater Treatment FacilitiesWe have completed the operational assessment of wastewater treatment facilities for the following three industrial units: Jiang-Xing Inc. Wen-liang Inc. and Zhong-shen Hospital. All three reports were completed and handed in to the bureau.Seven. Investigation of Communal Sewage Systems340 communal sewage systems were investigated at the first stage, 200 water samples were taken and analyzed at the second stage. Among them, concentrations of 10 water samples passed the legal discharge thresholds. Those communal sewage systems were informed of the results.Eight. Taichung City River Patrolling TeamsThere are 6 river patrolling teams in Taichung city so far, 170 members in total. This year, they have completed 2350.5 patrolling hours and we have assisted them in the completion of 61 garbage removals. 5 river-cleaning activities were held during project year. At Aug. 1st, 2009, one major educational session was held at Fu-tian water resource center. At Oct. 17th, 2009, world water monitoring day ceremony was held at Fong-jia University. Nine. Management of Water Pollution EventsWe have assisted the bureau in the completion of 3 dead fish cleaning events, and water samples were also taken during these events. In addition, 24-hour water monitoring equipment was used at 2 locations.Ten. We held two water pollution regulation information sessions, they were held at Sept. 3rd, 2009 and Dec. 8th, 2009 respectively.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 技佳工程顧問有限公司