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Title 清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網企業行動計畫
Abstract 本計畫針對企業推動「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網企業行動計畫」中低成本,甚至無成本的企業社會責任理念,企業界在金融海嘯之後的此刻,特別需要類似的行動專案,故本會於98年3月中起承接此計畫,在計畫期間主要工作為巡迴全國各地為企業人士或公司員工舉辦說明宣導會推廣本計畫,並配合辦理人員講習會,協助輔導企業員工使用綠網部落格平台,引介企業加入相關環保行動,透過網路部落格的功能累積環保戰鬥力。在宣導期間除大力倡導本計畫與永續發展之關連性,並鼓勵發揚企業社會責任及愛家愛鄉之精神,讓企業落實與鄰里間共同推動環保活動及節能減碳,以EcoLife綠網做為彼此聯繫與資訊揭露之平台。在本年度推動方面,辦理相關活動場次估計至少30場,共計超過300家企業投入本計畫,其中31家企業加入本會,成為下線或結盟關係,其中26家設定認養照顧區,有10家完成企業組織樹。在諮詢過約5家之企業後,本會提出相關改進建議。
EngTitle Corporate action plans in neighborhood with EcoLife
EngAbstract The purpose of this project is to promote the EcoLife, a no cost/ low cost CSR concept to every corporation or company in Taiwan. At the mean time, Since March 2009, BCSD hold many meetings and excises course to help staffs how to using EcoLife as a tool to clean their neighborhood. We encouraged and introduced people and companies to join this action plan with personal blog and group blog, they can launch their campaign and invite local neighbors maintain their environment together.The results of this project, there are more than 300 companies had logged in EcoLife website, 31 of them joined BCSD group’s blog and 26 have their own cleaning zone.10 of them have constructed an internal system among departments and employees. After consulting and interviewing, advice from 5 partner companies help us adjust EcoLife action plan. BCSD will suggest EPA and push the project better and longer.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 整潔方案室
ExecutingOrg 社團法人中華民國企業永續發展協會