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Title 98年度替代能源節能減碳示範計畫
Abstract 『98年度替代能源節能減碳示範計畫』執行期程自98年9月10日起一年,主要推動小型太陽能蓄電充電站運行示範、推動油氣雙燃料車、電動輔助自行車運行示範、透過媒體宣導及示範觀摩方式,讓社會大眾瞭解推動替代能源節能減碳之目的、辦理低污染車輛宣導活動、製作宣導文宣及評估本縣未來大規模推動使用低污染車輛達到節能減碳之可行性,而截至99年9月9日止,各項工作執行成果如下:(一)依據合約規定,99年2月11日於縣立體育場牌樓完成小型太陽能蓄電充電站建置並開始運作,總發電功率2.1kW,每日提供電力約5.4度,一年約可產生1,671度的可用電力,除提供電動車輛充電使用外,另於夜間提供電力給5盞21W的省電照明使用。(二)依據合約規定,租賃4輛國瑞汽車(TOYOTA)所生產CAMRY及ALTIS轎車,並由運寶實業股份有限公司完成改裝油氣雙燃料車,並依合約要求投保強制險、竊盜險、車損險甲式、意外險450萬元、乘客險400萬元及駕駛人傷害險100萬元,分兩批交付臺南縣政府作為公務派遣進行低污染車輛運行示範,合計4部車輛在計畫期間共行駛108,160公里,惟因加氣便利性不足,換算實際加氣里程僅約4,510公里,約佔實際行駛里程的4.17%。(三)依據合約規定,租賃40輛電動輔助自行車(台純28輛、美利達10輛、必翔2輛),分配縣府單位19輛、河川巡守隊及河川巡守志工隊共21輛進行運行示範;根據定期訪查及問卷調查之結果,示範成效以縣府單位為最佳,河川巡守志工隊次之;估計年總行駛里程約為24,000公里,約可達成HC減量7.6Kg及CO2減量約1743.5Kg。(四)診斷並維護公務自行車,於98年11月及99年9月間共進行2次大規模健檢及維修,共計完成更換內胎20輛、更換腳踏桿5輛,截至99年9月9目,堪用自行車數量已達155輛。(五)完成電動輔助自行車啟用典禮1場次,99年1月25日於縣府前廣場由副縣長舉行授車儀式,將電動輔助自行車授予河川巡守隊及河川巡守志工隊進行運行示範。(六)宣導相關作業包括製作摺頁文宣1,000份、宣導品1,000份;另99年2月12日配合南瀛綠都心迎春花卉展辦理低污染車輛及節能減碳宣導活動1場次、99年4月18日配合2010世界地球日環保義工大會師活動辦理替代能源宣導及低污染車輛推廣宣導活動1場次。(七)完成替代能源或節能減碳相關環保新聞見報20則。
EngTitle This project has completed the “2009 Alternative Energy Conserve Energy and Reduce Carbon Emission Program
EngAbstract This project has completed the “2009 Alternative Energy Conserve Energy and Reduce Carbon Emission Program” from September 2009 to September 2010. The major items is the solar cell charging station working demonstration, the promotion LPG, and electric bicycle working demonstration etc. Till September 9, 2010, each work execution is as follows:1. This project has finished setting up and working of solar cell charging station. The overall electrical efficiency is about 2.1kw. Supplying electricity is 5.4 degree every day and supplying 1,671 degree of the available electricity in a year. In addition, solar cell charging stations supply electricity for electric vehicles and 5 21-watt lighting lamps in the night.2. In order to promote LPG and carry out “Low Pollution Vehicles Working Demonstration”, this project hired 4 cars, and finished re-equipping. 4 cars drive 10,816 km, but the LPG stations is not widespread, refueling LPG fuel is not convenient, so real refueling LPG fuel drives 4,510km, that is 4.17% of total kilometers.3. This project also hired 40 electric bicycles to carry out working demonstration. To estimate annual total kilometers that is about 24,000km. In the effects of air pollution reduction, HC reduces 7.6kg and CO2 reduces 1,743.5kg.4. This project maintained 2 times for all of bicycles in November 2009 and September 2010. There were 155 bicycles that can be used till September 9, 2010.5. To finish one begin using ceremony of the electric bicycles on January 25, 2010.6. In the tasks of promotion, this project made 1,000 promotion brochures, and 1,000 promotion gifts. Otherwise this program also carried out 2 promotion campaigns.7. This project has finished 20 items of news.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 新研車輛科技有限公司