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Title 98年臺中縣柴油車排煙檢測站操作維護及檢驗計畫
Abstract 摘 要依據工作契約書內容,本計畫執行期間自98年3月2日起至99年2月28日止。本計畫主要工作內容計有TAF認證維持、柴油車排煙檢測、柴油車通知到檢、柴油車路邊攔檢、油品抽測管理、民眾檢舉案件處理、舉行二場次自主管理宣導說明會及三場次聯合稽查活動、一場次擴大聯合稽查活動、品保品管測試、檢測站設施維護,以及車輛檢驗資料之統計分析等。1. 目視通知高污染車輛作業目視高污染車輛以執行目測判煙作業,計畫目標數為2,500輛次,而統計至99年2月28日止,已執行目測判煙數2,932輛次,目標達成率117.3%。2. 目視排煙合格納管率執行目視判煙作業排煙合格柴油車進行納管作業,計畫目標數為8,000輛次,統計至99年2月281日止,已執行目視合格納管數9,987輛次,目標達成率124.8%。3. 動力計柴油車檢測數依本計畫工作目標,柴油車動力計全負載檢測數為3,000輛次,至99年2月28日止,柴油車動力計已檢測3,764輛次,目前目標達成率125.5%。4. 柴油車路邊攔檢作業路邊攔檢及場站檢測目標數為1,200輛次,至99年2月28日止,其中路邊攔檢目標數為700輛次,路邊攔檢煙度計檢測796輛次,目前目標達成率113.1%;場站煙度計目標數為500輛次,場站煙度計檢測922輛次,目前目標達成率184.4%。5. 油品含硫量管制作業截至99年2月28日止,本計畫年度目標為抽驗400件次,目前已完成409件次,整體目標達成率102.3%。6. 停車熄火巡查作業依本計畫目標,停車熄火巡查作業目標數為1,000件,至99年2月28日止,停車熄火巡查已達到1,093件,目前目標達成率109.3%。7. 油品芳香烴檢驗截至99年2月28日止,本計畫年度目標為抽驗20件次,目前已完成20件次,整體目標達成率100%。8. 臺中港區聯合稽查(中部空品區)截至99年2月28日止,本計畫年度目標為3場次,目前已完成3場次中部空品區臺中港聯合稽查活動,整體目標達成率100%。9. 未參加/已參加自主管理之客貨運業者說明會截至99年2月28日止,本計畫年度目標為2場次,分別於98年5月26日完成未參加自主管理之客貨運業者說明會及99年1月7日完成已參加自主管理之客貨運業者說明會,整體目標達成率100%。10. 印製自主管理合格證截至99年2月28日止,本計畫年度目標為3,000份,目前已完成3,000份自主管理合格證印製,整體目標達成率100%。11. 印製宣導手冊截至99年2月28日止,本計畫年度目標為3,000份,目前已完成3,000份宣導手冊印製,整體目標達成率100%。12. 設備校驗維護作業本計畫於98年5月底時,已完成本年度煙度計、砝碼、溫度計、壓力計及轉速計等儀器設備例行性委外校正工作。
EngTitle The diesel vehicle smoke inspection in Taichung country
EngAbstract AbstractAccording to the contract, the execution period of this project was from March 2, 2009 to February 28, 2010. This project includes TAF authentication maintenance, the diesel vehicle smoke inspection, inspection notifying of the diesel vehicle, the diesel vehicles inspection on the roadside, the oil ingredients spot check and management, the testing of Quality Assurance & Control, the inspection equipment maintenance, and the statistical analysis of vehicle inspection results. Furthermore, this project also includes dealing with the public prosecution cases from populace, and holding two conferences of Self-Management Guidance, three union diesel vehicles inspections on the roadside and one expanded union diesel vehicles inspection on the roadside, etc.(1) Notifying numbers of visual judgment on diesel vehicle smoke emissionTarget numbers of visual judgment on diesel vehicle smoke emission are 2,500 cases. 2,932 cases were completed; the rate of achievement was 117.3% till February 28, 2010.(2) Eligible numbers of approved smoke emission by visual judgmentTarget numbers of approved smoke emission by visual judgment are 8,000 cases. 9,987 cases were completed; the rate of achievement was 124.8% till February 28, 2010.(3) Diesel vehicle smoke inspection on the dynamometer with loadTarget number of the diesel vehicle dynamometer test under full load inspection is 3,000 cases. The diesel vehicles inspected were 3,764 cases. The rate of achievement was 125.5% till February 28, 2010.(4) Diesel Vehicle smoke inspection in the roadside/ stations without loadTarget numbers of diesel vehicle inspection on the roadside/ stations are 1,200 cases, including 700 cases were examined by the opacimeter on the roadside. 796 cases were completed; the rate of achievement was 113.1%, and 500 cases were examined by the opacimeter in the stations. 922 cases were completed; the rate of achievement was 184.4% till February 28, 2010.(5) Sulfur content control in oilThe annual target of this program has to carry out 400 cases of spot check. Till February 28, 2010, 409 cases have been finished. The rate of achievement was 102.3%.(6) Operation of Inspection for checking if car engine is off while parking on the roadTarget number of the operation of inspecting car engine off while parking on the road is 1,000 cases. The inspected diesel vehicles were 1,093 cases. Till February 28, 2010, the rate of achievement was 109.3%.(7) Aromatic Hydrocarbon content in Oil ingredient spot checkThe annual target of this program has to carry out 20 cases of spot check. Till February 28, 2010, 20 cases have been finished. The rate of achievement was 100%.(8) The union diesel vehicles inspection on the roadside in Taichung harbor districtThe annual target of this program has to carry out 3 cases. Till February 28, 2010, 3 cases of Taichung harbor district union diesel vehicles inspection on the roadside have been finished. The rate of achievement was 100%.(9) The orientation for freight operators who have been/haven’t been participated in self-management programTill February 28, 2010, the annual target of this program is to carry out 2 sessions. The orientation for freight operators who haven’t been participated in self-management program was held in May 26, 2009. The orientation for freight operators who have been participated in self-management program was held in January 7, 2010. The rate of achievement was 100%. (10) Printing of Self-Management Certificate The annual target of this program has to carry out 3,000 copies. Till February 28, 2010, 3,000 copies of Self-Management Certificate printing have been finished. The rate of achievement was 100%.(11) Printing of Guidance Brochure The annual target of this program has to carry out 3,000 copies. Till February 28, 2010, 3,000 copies of Guidance Brochure printing have been finished. The rate of achievement was 100%.(12) Inspection equipment maintenance & calibrationThe inspection equipment including the opacimeter, the weights, the thermometer, the manometer and the tachometer were sent to be calibrated in the end of May, 2010.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司