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Title 98年度沿海地區空氣污染物及環境健康世代研究計畫
Abstract 雲林縣環保局為回應「97年度空氣污染對沿海地區環境及居民健康影響之風險評估規劃第1年計畫」計劃之建議,於98年經公開招標甄選台大公衛學院進行「98年度沿海地區空氣污染物及環境健康世代研究計畫」。本計畫由台大職業醫學與工業衛生研究所詹長權教授擔任總計畫主持人進行文獻回顧、資料整合分析及生物標記之分析,並由台大醫院雲林分院社區及家庭醫學部主任洪壽宏進行世代的健康檢查及血液生化指標分析,台大預防醫學研究所李永凌助理教授進行世代的取樣方法及問卷設計、調查等,另外,委託工研院進行六輕附近鄉鎮進行空氣的實地採樣。本計劃透過台大雲林分院醫療團隊為基礎,結合社區基層醫療網,並透過地方衛生所與農會,經過一年努力之後成功建立一個流行病學世代調查模式。截至2010年6月止本研究在褒忠鄉、四湖鄉、台西鄉、東勢鄉、麥寮鄉、崙背鄉、虎尾鎮等7個鄉鎮,共執行11場次健康檢查活動,總共完成蒐集問卷世代個案2006人、肺功能2008人、健康世代1508人、生物偵測樣本1252人。從流行病學世代資料裡我們初步發現兩個結果:(一)肺功能指標結果顯示台西鄉居民的五項肺功能指標(FVC預測百分率、FEV1預測百分率、FEV1/FVC、FEF25-75%預測百分率與PEF預測百分率)比虎尾鎮、東勢鄉與二崙鄉的居民為差,麥寮鄉居民的五項肺功能指標(FVC預測百分率、FEV1預測百分率、FEV1/FVC與FEF25-75%預測百分率、PEF預測百分率)比東勢鄉、四湖鄉、虎尾鎮與二崙鄉的居民為差;(二)使用高效率液相層析儀及螢光偵測器測定尿中多環芳香烴(PAHs)的代謝物1-羥基芘(1-OHP)分析結果顯示,以六輕所在地的麥寮鄉與暴露區的台西鄉、褒忠鄉、東勢鄉居民的尿液中1-OHP濃度皆比對照區的虎尾鎮居民的濃度高。本研究透過現有的環境採樣、文獻回顧之流行病學資料庫與重大空污事件解析,匯整出六輕石化工業區使用生產原物料與相關副產物共有255種物質,當中具有潛在急性、慢性或致癌性健康危害的污染物共有132種,包含傳統污染物二氧化硫及二氧化氮、小於10微米的懸浮微粒(PM10)與小於2.5微米的懸浮微粒(PM2.5)中的19種重金屬與12種PAHs、97種揮發性有機物及半揮發性有機物(VOCs、SVOCs)。我們以矽塗層真空不鏽鋼採樣筒進行揮發性有機氣體採樣,以哈佛衝擊器加鐵氟龍濾紙採集懸浮微粒,以石英濾紙採集多環芳香族物質,透過在四湖國中、東勢國中、崙背國中、麥寮高中國中部、臺西國中、褒忠國中、虎尾國中、二崙國中、莿桐國中、元長國中等十個國中進行四個季節的現場空氣採樣;再以氣相層析質譜儀(GC/MS)進行VOCs及PAHs分析,以感應偶合電漿質譜儀(ICP/MS)分析重金屬。發現:(一)在VOCs的濃度於98年9月份六輕歲修期間濃度明顯較低,98年11月份風向主要為東北風由六輕吹向台灣海峽,沒有發現明顯之指標污染物;然而於99年1月份採樣時,當時風向為東北到北北東的風向,又加上高風速(>7 m/s),於唯一暴露區下風處的台西站發現1,2-二氯乙烷;在99年3月份採樣時,為了解極高暴露區的狀態,增列位於六輕工業東邊的豐安國小,由於當時採樣時吹西風,豐安國小為最近的暴露區下風處,發現另一個指標污染物1,3-丁二烯,顯示石化工業的污染物於大氣條件適合下,明顯會對於下風之暴露區產生影響。(二)當盛行風從六輕吹向暴露區時,在16種PAHs的濃度分布上,暴露區的平均濃度高於對照區的種類包括Benzo(a)anthracene、Benzo(a)pyrene、Benzo(ghi)peryene、Benzo(k)fluoranthene、Chrysene、Fluoranthene、Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene、Naphthalene與Pyrene等九種PAHs,僅於99年三月都測到暴露區平均濃度高於對照區的有Acenaphthylene、Anthracene與Phenanthrene等三種PAHs。(三)在20種重金屬成分中,當盛行風從六輕吹向暴露區時,暴露區重金屬濃度高於對照區有10種,包括鍶(Sr)、Mn(錳)、鋇(Ba)、Ga(鎵)、砷(As)、釩(V)、鉻(Cr)、鋰(Li)、硒(Se)與鎳(Ni)。環保署監測站長期監測資料顯示台西站二氧化硫第八大日最大小時值在2000年以前皆低於崙背站(為0.84倍)與斗六站(為0.99倍),但自2000年後則是崙背站的4.10倍、斗六站的3.73倍;同樣二氧化氮第八大日最大小時值在2000年以前皆低於崙背站(為0.73倍)與斗六站(為0.68倍),但自2000年後則是崙背站的1.41倍、斗六站的1.21倍。PM10年平均濃度約60~80 µg/m3、第八大日平均值約在110~200 µg/m3之間,都遠高於世界衛生組織所公佈的健康指引值。雲林縣的臭氧濃度逐年上升。台西光化測站的監測結果則顯示2007年~2009年這三年TVOC濃度並無改善。以上結果顯示六輕工業區對附近鄉鎮空氣品質、居民尿液中的1-OHP及居民的肺功能有影響,至於這些環境影響和個人暴露對於居民個人健康衝擊的大小,則可以藉由本計劃所建構的流行病學世代調查模式持續追蹤來進一步確認。
EngTitle Air pollution and health among residents near a petrochemical complex in Yunlin County:a cohort study
EngAbstract In order to carry out long-term follow-up of the residents’ health and the epidemiologic study, the cohort study is needed. Based on community-level local health service and support from National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch, we have tried to establish an epidemiological model for environmental cohort study in this year. Until June 2010, we have conducted 11 times of mass health screenings in Baojhong, Taisi, Sihhu, Dongshih, Mailiao, Lunbei, and Huwei. A total of 2006 subjects with questionnaire data, 2008 subjects with pulmonary function examination data, 1508 subjects with health screening data, and 1252 subjects with biological monitoring samples were collected.In the epidemiological point of view, our data revealed that (1) If we set that reference group is Taisi, the five pulmonary function indices (percent-predicted FVC, percent-predicted FEV1, FEV1/FVC, percent-predicted FEF25-75% and percent- -predicted PEF) in subjects were better in Huwei, Dongshih and Erlun. If we set that reference group is Mailiao, the five pulmonary function indices (percent-predicted FVC, percent-predicted FEV1, FEV1/FVC, percent-predicted FEF25-75% and percent-predicted PEF) in subjects were better in Dongshih, Sihhu, Huwei and Erlun. (2) We used HPLC to test urinary metabolites of PAH (1-hydroxypyren, 1-OHP). The result showed that the 1-OHP concentrations in Baojhong, Taisi, Dongshih, and Mailiao were higher than that in Huwei. In this study, we used environmental sampling and literature review of epidemiological database. There were 255 kinds of air-born chemicals related to the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex of Formosa Petrochemical Corporation. In these chemicals, 132 were acute or chronic carcinogens. Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, PM10, and PM2.5 were also related to the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex of Formosa Petrochemical Corporation, as well as 97 kinds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs, SVOCs), 19 kinds of heavy metals, and 12 kinds of PAHs.In the environmental monitoring study, the VOCs sample collection results showed that the highest concentration was 128.38 ppb, which was collected in Sihhu Junior High School in March 2010. The second highest concentration was 54.57 ppb, which was collected in Erlun Junior high School in September 2009. The rest results were all below 50 ppb. 1,2-dichloroethane and 1,3-butadiene only was collected in Taisi Junior High School and Fengan Elementary School. The main materials were toluene and benzene in the VOCs sample collection. The dimethyl benzene and ethyl benzene concentrations were higher in Lunbei and Erlun Junior high School than that in other in November 2009.The methyl chloride and dichloromethane concentrations were higher in Mailiao Junior high School than that in other in September 2009.The Solvents of Polarities sample collection results showed that the acetone and ethanol were main materials, found in all sampling collecting spots. In fourth collection, the Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) concentrations was highest in Sihhu Junior high School,the second highest was Fengan Elementary School. The second highest concentration was collected in November 2009, in Mailiao and Erlun Junior high School than that in other. We found the acetaldehyde pollution in Huwei and Cihtong Junior high School. When the wind blows from exposure zone to non-exposure zone, we could find PAHs concentrations were higher in exposure zone, including Benzo(a)anthracene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Benzo(ghi)peryene, Benzo(k)fluoranthene, Chrysene, Fluoranthene, Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, Naphthalene and Pyrene. Although the wind does not blow easterly, we could also find three kinds of PAHs higher in exposure zone, including Acenaphthylene, Anthracene and Phenanthrene. When the wind blows from exposure zone to non-exposure zone, we could find 10 kinds of heavy metals, including Sr, Mn, Ba, Ga, As, V, Cr, Li, Se and Ni were higher in exposure zone, rather than non-exposure zone. After analyzing the data from air quality monitoring station, the results showed that the SO2/NO2 concentrations were lower in Taisi than that in Douliou and Lunbei before 2000. But after 2000, SO2/NO2 concentrations were higher in Taisi than in Douliou and Lunbei. The annual average concentration of PM10 is about 60 ~ 80 μg/m3 and the eighth largest daily average concentration of PM10 is about 110 ~ 200 μg/m3. Both of them are much higher than the WHO guideline standard. In Yunlin County, the ozone concentration increased year by year. The data from Taisi photochemical station showed that TVOC did not change significantly between 2007 and 2009.In conclusion, out data showed that the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex would influence ambient air quality, pulmonary function and 1-OHP in residents nearby. We would need continuous follow-up of this environmental to identify multiple health effects in a more detailed manner.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣大學