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Title 98年度柴油車廢氣排放之健康風險調查案
Abstract 隨著經濟發展與工商社會進步,國民所得提高,生活品質的要求也隨之提高,造成機動車輛的快速成長。由於台灣地狹人稠,都會地區空氣品質相對與民眾有迫切關係。根據環保署97年環保施政意向調查結果,民眾希望政府未來一年優先加強辦理的環保工作以「改善空氣品質(29.2%)」居首。都會區各種空氣污染物排放總量中,87.8%來自移動污染源,其中柴油車所排放出來的黑煙,常導致民眾不良印象。桃園縣近年來由於經濟快速成長,人口數已突破190萬人,客貨運需求有逐年升高趨勢,截至98年12月的統計數據顯示:桃園縣籍內大客車、大貨車及特種車登記總數約達23,229輛,小貨車達17,249輛,小客車為535,501輛,機械腳踏車為1,081,978輛,總計桃園縣機動車輛高達1,702,386輛,僅次於臺北縣及臺北市,為全國登記車輛數第三高縣市。加上桃園縣都會區路網綿密,公車運輸發達,往來之各型柴油車輛相當可觀,其所造成之空氣污染十分嚴重。除縣內工業區發達外,桃園縣北臨大台北縣市,南面新竹科學園區,位居運輸樞紐,往來客貨運流量居高不下;另一方面,我國因加入WTO的緣故,於2004年開放柴油小客車進口,在國內柴油油價相對便宜的前提下,柴油小客車亦有增量潛勢,諸此客觀條件下,整體柴油車輛排放增加的問題,及其對縣民健康的影響,更是值得關注的焦點。本計畫以檢測縣內柴油車輛排放廢氣為主,建立縣內柴油車輛PM2.5、PAHs、SO2、NO2及CO等排放係數資料庫,並進行周界及交通流量等調查,主要是要讓桃園縣環保局更加瞭解柴油車於桃園縣境內之污染分佈情形,及協助辦理淘汰老舊二行程機車補助及低污染運具加碼活動等等,利用模式模擬及人力支援等方式,來提高計畫執行成效。一、柴油車排放係數計畫依據三種不同情形進行MOBILE6.2 模式模擬,探討桃園縣柴油車之空氣污染物(包括HC、CO、NOx、SO2、PM10、PM2.5及PAHs)等。1.3.5噸以下小貨車:排放係數其範圍介於0.123~0.339之間。NOx部分以模式C(6.811~2.857)之排放係數較高;CO部分模式A (3.780~2.664)所得到之排放係數較高;PM10 、PM2.5及PAHs部分模式C之排放係數較高。2.短程客運車:排放係數其範圍介於0.006~25.0之間。NOx部分模式C(3.67~2.644)之排放係數較高;CO部分模式B (12.888~9.112)所得到之排放係數較高;SO2部分模式C (0.038)所得到之排放係數較高;PM10部分模式C (24.981)所得到之排放係數高於模式A(0.314)及B(0.228)、PM10 、PM2.5及PAHs部分模式C之排放係數較高。3.長程客運車及遊覽車:排放係數其範圍介於0.005~13.0之間。NOx部分模式A(3.470~1.199)之排放係數較高;CO部分模式A(9.601~6.703)所得到之排放係數較高;SO2部分模式C (0.043)所得到之排放係數較高;PM10 、PM2.5及PAHs部分模式C之排放係數較高。4.3.5噸以上大貨車:排放係數其範圍介於0.007~22.0之間。NOx部分模式A(2.806~0.969)之排放係數較高;CO部分模式A(6.869~4.801)所得到之排放係數較高;SO2部分模式C (0.047)所得到之排放係數較高;PM10 、PM2.5及PAHs部分模式C之排放係數較高。5.貨櫃曳引車:排放係數其範圍介於0.004~71.0之間。NOx部分模式C(8.559~3.469)之排放係數較高;CO部分模式B(9.817~5.170)所得到之排放係數較高;SO2部分模式C (0.051)所得到之排放係數較高;PM10 、PM2.5及PAHs部分模式C之排放係數較高。二、淘汰老舊二行程機車、油氣雙燃料車及低污染運具※汰舊老舊高污染二行程機車98年共計撥款7,443件。※油氣雙燃料車截至98年共計488件。※低污染運具加碼活動:本年度申請油氣雙燃料車15輛,電動自行車和電動補助自行車200輛,自行車56輛,油氣雙燃料車部分將可減少排放CO:0.494公噸/年,HC:0.01公噸/年;電動自行車和電動輔助自行車將可減少排放HC:2.03公噸/年。※其他文宣:辦理6次媒體宣導活動、建立二行程機車宣導網站及桃園縣執行新購或改裝油氣雙燃料車補助作業計畫宣導網。
EngTitle 2009, Diesel vehicle emission health risks research project
EngAbstract Along with economic development and industrial society progress, people's income has increased and also improves the quality of life that caused a rapid increase of motor vehicles. Because Taiwan is densely populated, the air quality in urban areas has an important relationship with citizen. According to the result of EPA 2008 Environmental Implementation Intention Survey, improving air quality (29.2%) is that people main hope Government gave priority to strengthen of environmental work in the coming year. Urban emissions of various air pollutants, by 87.8% from mobile sources of pollution, including diesel vehicles emitted black smoke, often leads to bad public impression.In recent years, due to rapid economic growth, Taoyuan County population has exceeded 1.9 million people so passenger and freight demand tended to increase year by year. The statistics as of 2009 December, Registered in Taoyuan County buses, large trucks and special vehicles up to a total of some 23,229 vehicles, Small truck up to 17,249 cars, there are 535,501 small passenger cars, machinery and bicycles are 1,081,978 vehicles, up to a total of 1,702,386 motor vehicles. Taoyuan County is the third highest number of vehicles registered in Taiwan cities and counties, second only to Taipei County and Taipei City. Urban areas in Taoyuan County, the roads are very intensive and has well-developed bus transportation so there are considerable number of various kinds of diesel vehicles passing, and cause a very serious air pollution. In addition to well-developed industrial area of Taoyuan County, the north is Taipei city and county, the south is the Hsin-chu Science-based Industrial Park. It located within the transportation hub, it has been had large passenger and cargo traffic. On the other hand, since accession to WTO, open up the import of diesel passenger cars in 2004. In the premise that the domestic diesel oil price is relatively cheap, diesel cars are also an increasing trend. Based on a lot of objective conditions, the problem is an overall increase in emissions from diesel vehicles and the public health impact of the county, is more worthy of attention. This project is mainly detected emissions from diesel vehicles to establish emission factor database, such as PM2.5, PAHs, SO2, NO2, and CO emission factors and conduct perimeter and traffic investigation. Mainly Taoyuan County Environmental Protection Agency will be more aware of the distribution of diesel pollution in Taoyuan County. Mainly Taoyuan County Environmental Protection Agency will be more aware of the distribution of diesel pollution in Taoyuan County, and assist in the elimination of old two-stroke motorcycles and low-pollution vehicles subsidies and grants activities, etc. And use the model simulation and human support to enhance the effectiveness of program implementation.1. Diesel vehicle emission factorThis project based on the use of three different situations simulated MOBILE6.2, discussing air pollutants from diesel vehicles in Taoyuan County (including HC, CO, NOx, SO2, PM10, PM2.5, and PAHs), etc.(1) Trucks under 3.5 tons: Emission factor range is between 0.123 ~ 0.339. NOx emission factor is relatively high in Module C (6.811~ 2.857). CO emission factor is relatively high in Module A (3.780 ~ 2.664). PM10, PM2.5 and PAHs are relatively high in Module C.(2) Short-range passenger car: Emission factor range is between 0.006 ~ 25.0. NOx emission factor is relatively high in Module C (3.67~ 2.644). CO emission factor is relatively high in Module B (12.888~9.112). SO2 emission factor is relatively high in Module C (12.888~9.112). PM10 emission factor In Module C (24.981) is higher than Module A (0.314) and B (0.228). PM10, PM2.5 and PAHs are relatively high in Module C.(3) Long-haul passenger vans and Tour : Emission factor range is between 0.005~13.0. NOx emission factor is relatively high in Module A (3.470~ 1.199). CO emission factor is relatively high in Module A (9.601~6.703). SO2 emission factor is relatively high in Module C (0.043). PM10, PM2.5 and PAHs are relatively high in Module C.(4) Trucks over 3.5 tons: Emission factor range is between 0.007~22.0. NOx emission factor is relatively high in Module A (2.806~0.969). CO emission factor is relatively high in Module A (6.869~4.801). SO2 emission factor is relatively high in Module C (0.047). PM10, PM2.5 and PAHs are relatively high in Module C.(5) Container tractor truck: Emission factor range is between 0.004~71.0. NOx emission factor is relatively high in Module C (8.559~3.469). CO emission factor is relatively high in Module B (9.817~5.170). SO2 emission factor is relatively high in Module C (0.051). PM10, PM2.5 and PAHs are relatively high in Module C.2. Replace old two-stroke motorcycles by oil and gas dual-fuel vehicles and low-pollution transportations.※ Replace the old high-polluting two-stroke motorcycle allocated a total of 7,443 cases in 2008.※ As of 2009, oil and gas dual-fuel vehicles total 488.※ Supplement the activities of a low-pollution transportation: This year applications for oil and gas bi-fuel cars are 15 cars. Electric bicycles and electric auxiliary bicycles are 200 cars. Bicycles are 56 cars. Oil and gas dual-fuel vehicles can reduce emissions of CO about 0.494 tons / year and HC about 0.01 tons / year. Electric bicycles and electric auxiliary bicycles can reduce emissions of HC about 2.03 tons / year.※ Other propaganda: Handle six times the media advocacy activities. The establishment of two-stroke motorcycle advocacy site and Taoyuan County to implement the new purchase or modification of oil and gas dual-fuel vehicles operating subsidy program advocacy network.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 威陞環境科技有限公司