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Title 執行新購或改裝油氣雙燃料車補助及查核專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫包括以下六項工作成果本計畫主要依「新購或改裝油氣雙燃料車補助辦法」執行補助案件審查、撥款及查核作業,並建置「油氣雙燃料車資訊管理系統」、辦理車型排氣認證合格證審查核發、彙整執行成果進行統計分析及加強教育訓練等。截至99年6月30日,協助環保署辦理申請補助案件核撥補助款共計1,595件,並完成「油氣雙燃料車資訊管理系統」建置、即時更新專屬網站及系統測試等工作,資料庫整合(包含98年7月前的申請案件)共計有9,249筆申請資料。彙整資料統計包括全國營業中加氣站共計39站,分別集中於桃園以北、中部台中市及嘉義以南。申請補助案件按車齡分佈,以2009年出廠的佔有40%為最多,廠牌以國瑞(TOYOTA)佔有率最高。協助車型排氣認證合格證明之審查核發共計71個引擎族180款車型。完成8家改裝廠現場調校技術訪談,並挑選其中4家進行實車抽驗工作。另舉辦3場教育訓練及3本範例手冊編製,陸續完成車型排氣認證申請程序、申請補助案件流程及資訊系統操作等說明,以有效降低改裝廠之申請退件率。
EngTitle To Execute the Subsidy of Hybrid-LPG Vehicle
EngAbstract This project carried out review, appropriation and inspection of subsidy of hybrid-LPG vehicle according to “Purchase or modify to Hybrid-LPG Vehicle Subsidy Regulation”. The set-up of “Hybrid-LPG Vehicle Information Management System”, the inspection of emission authentication for LPG vehicle model, the statistic analysis of the project achievement and the enhancement of training were finished in this project. 1,595 subsidy applications were approved for EPA until June 30, 2010. Simultaneously, the “Hybrid-LPG Vehicle Information Management System” and an on-line updating website were established and tested. 9,249 sets of application data from 39 LPG stations were gathered. The data almost concentrated in the north of Taoyuan, Taichung City and the south of Chiayi.The subsidy applications were classified by the vehicle age, and the highest rate was those manufactured in 2009, which is about 40% of the total applications. However, if it was classified by the manufacturer, the highest was TOYOTA. Further, 71 engine tribes and 180 vehicle models were inspected for the emission authentication. Eight meetings on regulating and calibrating were completed for the modifying manufacturers, in which 4 manufacturers were selected for spot inspection. As well, 3 training courses and 3 sample manuals were finished. In addition, the project also finished the application processes of emission authentication, the procedure of subsidy application and the information system user guide for reducing the quit rate of applications.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 新研車輛科技有限公司