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Title 資源回收基金費率補貼費導入差異性分析暨廢電子電器資訊物品回收市場調查研究計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要包含四大工作項目:第一,推算資源回收產業產值及提出資源回收產業資料庫規劃書;第二,檢討總體費率回收率因子;第三,廢電子電器及廢資訊物品費率基礎解盤之經濟影響評估,完成相關因子資料調查及更新;第四,健全費率審議委員會運作效能及更新費率資料庫系統資料。本計畫研究成果簡述如下:(一)資源回收產業產值估計結果為:以主計處資料推估之產值約為645億元、以環保署資料推估之產值約為1,085億元,由於環保署調查方式較能反映資源回收產業環保活動之強度,建議未來應由環保署主導建構資料之收集。(二)檢討回收率因子部分,本研究建議未來在回收率之定義,以「當年回收量/當年應報廢量」統一表述,分母以「營業量」微調的方式代入計算。(三)本研究發現以市場占有率作為課費方式,雖可提升行政作業便利性與有效運用基金,但其實際執行面仍存有許多限制。此外,針對廢家電資訊責任業者範圍及認定標準建議,本研究已針對廢家電及資訊責任業者重新檢討定義並更新文字敘述。(四)本研究已針對費率審議委員會運作分析並提出檢討,並完成各大帳戶中個別材質信託基金餘絀之拆帳作業,及加強預警系統功能。
EngTitle The Project of Recycling Fee Rates and Subsidies Refer to Analysis of Variance, and the Survey and R
EngAbstract This project consisted mainly of four major work items: First, to estimate the production value of resource recycling industry and to build the industry database; Second, to review the general recycling rate; Third, to analyze the economic impact of the system-decomposition of WEEE materials, and to investigate and update the information-related factors; Fourth, to improve the operational effectiveness of Recycling Committee and to update the recycling-fee database system. The main findings are summarized in the following: (1) The production value estimation: While the DGBAS estimated value is about 64.5 billion NT dollars, the EPA estimated value is approximately 1,085 billion NT dollars. Since the EPA survey method better reflected the reality of resource recycling industry, we recommended the EPA to lead construction of the collection of this information. (2) The review of overall collection rate: This study has suggested that the future definition of collection rate to ‘audited-and-certified collection amount / yearly amount should be scrapped’ in order to unify presentation. The denominator of ‘yearly sales amount’ should be adjusted. (3) Analysis of the economic impact of the system-decomposition of WEEE materials: While the market-share-lesson-payment approach has provided convenience and enhanced the administrative operations and effective use of funds, the actual implementation still has many limitations. Furthermore, this study has reviewed the definitions of WEEE products, and proposed additional statement. (4) We have provided directions for the effectiveness improvement of Recycling Committee and recycling-fee database. This study has also completed the individual materials in major account of the demolition of the Trust Fund deficiency accounts operations, and the establishment of early warning mechanisms.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 中華經濟研究院