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Title 易發生噪音管制設施及使用中機動車輛檢舉制度建置計畫
Abstract 噪音陳情案件逐年升高,至97年陳情案件已超過52,000件,成為環境公害陳情案件第一位,因此噪音管制除了現行結果管制與行為管制外,仍應加強推動噪音源頭管制。本計畫蒐集國外易發生噪音設施管制情形,調查國內相關設施之使用現況,以及研擬國內可優先公告的設施及易發生噪音設施許可管制架構,研訂國內營建施工機具聲功率檢測方法初稿,並評估國內3~5年建立施工機具噪音檢測能量之可行性。本計畫協助環保署研擬「易發生噪音設施設置及操作許可辦法」、「使用中機動車輛噪音管制辦法」及「使用中機動車輛噪音妨害安寧檢舉辦法」等草案及協助相關法制行政作業,並配合「易發生噪音設施許可」管制的推動在12月辦理完成台北、高雄、台中三場說明會。同時,本計畫協助環保署建置使用中機動車輛噪音檢舉及通知到檢網頁及資訊交換平台,並邀集各環保局操作人員共辦理完成三場教育訓練會議,檢舉網頁已於98年9月2日上線供民眾檢舉使用,至11月下旬已有16,000人次瀏覽,728件檢舉案件,且針對目前檢舉案件進行縣市別、車種及辦理情形之統計。
EngTitle Project to advance the permission control of the strong noise facilities and system for impeach of in-use vehicle noise
EngAbstract Recently, the number of noise complaint is increased year after year and reaches to over 52000 cases in year 2007, also holds the first place of environmental pollution complaints. Besides the results control and additional action control for noise mitigation policy, the “source control” should be taken action. This project reviewed the control measures for noise emission facilities in EC-countries and Japan, investigated the domestic operation conditions of these facilities; the possible top priority to be announced facilities and the control framework for being prone to noise emission facility was proposed; the draft of “Standard test method of sound power level for the construction facility” was drawn up, and the feasibility to establish adequate capacity of testing the sound power level for the construction facilities in Taiwan within 3~5 years has been evaluated. This project assisted the EPA to draw up the revised draft of “Regulation Governing the Permission for establishment and operation of being prone to noise emission facility”, “In-use Motor Vehicle Noise Control Regulation” and “Citizen Report In-use Motor Vehicle Noise Regulation”; and also assisted to process the related administration proceedings for amending the regulations.To promote the permission control measures of prone to noise emission facility three workshops for policy explanations were held in Kaohsiung, Taipei, and Taichung, respectively. While the regulations were revising, the website for citizen report and EPD information exchange platform was under establishing as well and three training courses for the EPD operators were held. The website opened at 2nd September 2009. Until end of November, there were 16,000 times browsed and 728 report cases; and the vehicles reported counties, vehicle types and sound level were summarized.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國振動與噪音工程學會