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Title 「公共場所(陸上道路運輸系統場站)音量品質量測及環境建議值之建立」計畫
Abstract 近年來不論是國內或國外都有著類似的現象,陸上運輸系統場站已不僅具單一運輸之功能,隨著生活與交通習慣的改變,其已兼具閱讀、購物、用餐、休憩…等功能。目前美、日等先進國家已開始關注這樣的議題,如美國早已完成相關研究並已提出建議值,日本也發表了東京及周圍車站室內音環境之研究結果。由此顯見先進國家對於陸上運輸系統場站功能之變化,均已開始進行相關研究,以為未來民眾對於生活品質要求提高而預做準備,而行政院環境保護署也有同樣長遠之考量;今年度公共場所(陸上道路運輸系統場站)音量品質量測及環境建議值之建立計畫工作成果包括:(一)完成歐美日等國家針對軌道系統車站大廳(等候區等)、月台或聯絡道室內音量測定指標及方法蒐集彙整。(二)初步研擬適合我國軌道系統車站大廳(等候區等)、月台或聯絡道室內音量測定指標及方法。(三)藉由軌道系統車站大廳、月台或聯絡道室內音量測定及訪查,並參考國外相關測定指標及方法,初步提出我國軌道系統車站大廳、月台或聯絡道室內音量建議值,大廳(等候區)或聯絡道室內音量建議值為05:00~隔日01:00營運期間Leq(1h)=65 dB(A),月台室內音量建議值為Leq(事件)=75 dB(A)。(四)完成軌道系統車站大廳、月台或聯絡道室內音量測定,共完成軌道系統室內音量測定合計126次,包括:A系統場站及月台等處共計量測29次;B系統場站及月台等處共計量測27次;C系統場站及月台等處,共計量測70次。(五)完成軌道系統車站大廳、月台或聯絡道室內音量民眾問卷訪查,本計畫進行軌道系統旅客訪查合計321人次,包括:A系統訪查60人次、B系統訪查100人次及C系統共計訪查161人次。(六)辦理1場次說明會及2場次專家學者諮詢會議。(七)完成國內各類公共場所噪音陳情案件類型之蒐集並初步研擬處理之程序及軌道系統車站大廳(等候區等)、月台或聯絡道自主性噪音改善計畫。
EngTitle Research Project on “Program for Development of Indoor Noise Determination and Environmental Recommended Values in Public Places (Stations of the Land Transportation System)”
EngAbstract In recent years, with the change of people’s living and transportation behaviors, there is a similar phenomenon at home and abroad: the stations of the land transportation system not only serve the function of transport, but also possess other functions, for example providing a place for reading, doing business and enjoying relaxation. Advanced countries like the US and Japan have started paying close attention to issues like this. For example, the US has finished relevant studies and proposed recommended values long ago. Japan has published findings of studies on indoor noise environment of Railway station in and Around Tokyo. Therefore, it is obvious that advanced countries have started conducting relevant studies to deal with the change of functions of the stations of the land transportation system in order to get themselves prepared for the lift of demands for quality of life by the public in the future. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan has the same long-term consideration. The results of the “Program for Development of Indoor Noise Determination and Environmental Recommended Values in Public Places (Stations of the Land Transportation System)” this year include:1.Finished Collecting and combined the indoor noise measuring indicators and methods for the station halls (or waiting rooms), platforms and access lanes of the rail system adopted by advanced countries such as Europe, the US and Japan.2.Finished formulating the indoor noise measuring indicators and methods for the station halls (or waiting rooms), platforms and access lanes of the rail system suitable for our country.3.Finished indoor noise determination for the station halls, platforms and access lanes of the rail system and, making reference to the measuring indicators and methods of foreign countries and formulated recommended values for indoor noise limits for our country in the station halls (or waiting rooms)05:00~01:00 next day atLAeq(hr)=65dB(A) and platforms 05:00~01:00 next day at LAeq(event)=75dB(A) of the rail system.4.Finished indoor noise determination for the station halls, platforms and access lanes of the rail system and, conducted 126 measurements in the rail system and statistically analyzed their results; including A system total 29 measurements,B system total 27 measurements, C system total 70 measurements.5.Finished conducted indoor noise determination for the station halls of the rail system and 321 person-time interviews; including A system total 60 person-time interviews,B system total 100 person-time interviews, C system total 161 person-time interviews.6.Finished 1 Description meeting and 2 consulting meetings to collect opinions from all circles.7.Collected information on the types of petitions against noises in various public places in the country and formulated procedures for handling these petitions and formulated the “Improvement Program of the Autonomous Noise in the Station Halls (or Waiting Rooms), Platforms and Access Lanes of the Rail System”.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 環境永續工程顧問有限公司