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Title 98年健全環保標章制度與加強國際合作專案工作計畫
Abstract 環保標章是國際性活動,被視為一種利用市場機能,鼓勵企業改善產品環保績效的經濟工具,也是推廣綠色消費運動的一種重要手段。依據國際標準組織(ISO)所公告之ISO 14024標準之定義,第一類環保標章是自發性、多重準則、經第三者驗證之計畫。對於在某類產品項目(product category)中,具有整體環境優越性(overall environmental preferability)之產品,頒發專用之標章。使用專用標章之目的在強調「獲得標章的產品是最優良的產品,消費者看到標章即可安心購買」。行政院環境保護署於1992年8月訂頒「環保標章推動使用作業要點」,促成我國環保標章制度於1993年中之正式推出。此制度鼓勵消費者採購具有可回收、低污染及省資源等環保特性之產品,並使得政府機關在採購綠色產品時,具有明確之優先選擇項目。為推展國際合作,協助我國業者擴展綠色外銷,我國環保標章執行單位歷年來曾與美、加、紐、澳、烏克蘭、捷克、日、韓、泰、菲等國之環保標章組織簽訂相互承認協議,本年度並成功協助國內某電腦公司之筆記型電腦取得捷克與歐盟環保標章,此為亞洲電腦公司取得捷克與歐盟環保標章之首例。
EngTitle Promotion and Enhancing International Cooperation of GreenMark Ecolabelling Program and Certification of Type II Environmentally Preferrable Products.
EngAbstract The Eco-labeling is an international activity which has been looked upon as an economic instrument based on market mechanism to encourage the improvement of product environmental performance、as well as an important means to promote green consumption movement. Based on the definitions as stipulated in the ISO 14024 Standard、the type-I eco-labeling program is defined as a voluntary eco-labeling program based on multiple environmental criteria and third-party certification. The eco-label is a product label which is awarded to products with overall environmental perferability within specific product categories. And the purpose of awarding such labels is to provide consumers with confidence that products with eco-labels are environmentally preferable and may be purchased with confidence and peace of mind. The Green Mark Eco-labeling Program in Taiwan was officially launched in 1993、following the promulgation of the 「Guidelines for the Promotion of the Green Mark Program」 in August of 1992. The Program encourages the consumers to purchase products with the characteristics of recyclable、low pollution and resource conserving、as well as provides preferential procurement product categories for government agencies』 mandatory green procurement actions. In order to promote international cooperation and assist the Taiwanese manufacturers with marketing of green products、the Green Mark Program has signed mutual recognition agreements with the eco-labeling programs in US、Canada、New Zealand、Australia、Ukraine、Czech Republic、Japan、Korea、Thailand、and the Philippines. In 2008、the Program also assisted a Taiwanese manufacturer in acquiring the eco-labels for portable computers in both the Czech and the European eco-labeling programs、which is the first for any Asian computer manufacturer.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境與發展基金會