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Title 強化毒化物安全管理及災害應變計畫-中部環境災害應變隊建置計畫
Abstract 本年度計畫於民國98年成立中部環境毒災應變隊,應變隊員共24名,應變隊員分別駐守於中部科學園區(台中隊)和斗六工業區(雲林隊)內。本年度應變隊到場緊急出勤19場次(台中隊到場緊急應變18場次,雲林隊到場緊急應變18場次),以及兩隊緊急出勤測試10場次。依事故類型區分到場緊急應變19場次,其中1件屬於1號作業,8件屬於2號作業,1件屬於3號作業,其餘9件屬於4號作業;若以發生類型區分為工廠火災7場、工廠氣爆3場、化學品外洩5場、不明化學品2場及其他類型2場次,19場次平均出勤抵達時間為37分鐘,一小時內到場率達80 %以上。在毒化物災害預防方面,共計完成毒性化學物質運作管理與應變輔導58場次、無預警測試34場次、協助地方環保機關輔導審視毒災危害預防及應變計畫63件次、辦理中部縣市毒化物業者之毒災防救法規宣導及說明會議共8場次、完成動員研討及聯防小組組訓各2場次、毒災演練13場次。與台塑石化、強本運輸公司簽訂相互支援協定合約,以成立毒災聯防應援團隊,強化中部地區毒災緊急應變之能量。本計畫之執行成果為完成災害預防工作,輔導、無預警測試、宣導、案例研討會等,以及變時工作,到場緊急應變、諮詢、監測採樣、災後除污,確實降低緊急事故對環境的影響。
EngTitle Plan for the Center Region of Taiwan Emergency Response Team for Environmental Toxic Chemical Incide
EngAbstract While attempting to establish the Central Region Emergency Response Teams in 2009, this plan focused on training twenty-four emergency response personnel who were assigned to the Central Taiwan Science Park Team (Taichung team) or the Douliou Industrial Park Team (Yunlin team). The two teams responded to nineteen emergency incidents in central Taiwan (eighteen for Taichung team and Yunlin team) and tested for ten emergency simulating incidents. To class with task of incidents, there were one for number one, eight for number two, one for number three, and nine for number four. To class with type of incidents, there were seven fires, three gas explosions, five leaking accidents, two unknown chemicals accidents, and two other types of accidents. The average time before arrival at the emergency site was 37 minutes, which met the criterion of 80% responses within one hour. In prevention activities included of fifty-eight guidance and thirty-four unannounced tests of toxic chemical factories, assistance environmental protection bureau with reviewing emergency response plans for sixty-three of toxic chemical factories, eight orientations on toxic chemical management law, thirteen toxic chemical exercises, and two training course on toxic chemical emergency response for personnel who work in factories and government, respectively. Further, two mutual support agreements with Formosa Petrochemical and Chiang-Pen Transportation Corporation were signed to establish support from toxic chemical factories and to strengthen emergency response ability in central Taiwan. The plan accomplished prevention activities included guidance, unannounced tests, and exercises and accomplished emergency response for providing hazardous waste information needed, for toxic substance monitoring and sampling, for controlling environmental pollution, and for assisting with decontamination with chemical emergency incidents, in order to reduce the impact on environments.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 國立雲林科技大學