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Title 峇里路線圖及低碳經濟之因應方案計畫(二)-國際碳金融市場之接軌及案例研擬
Abstract 本計畫之工作項目包括研析峇里路線圖因應對策與關鍵因素;探討低碳經濟時代之國際金融市場;掌握與參與重要國際機構針對後京都時期之探討;整合及研擬國內因應後京都時期因應方案等部分,各項工作之成果簡述如後:分別針對四個重要附件一及非附件一國家因應峇里路線之因應策略進行研析,並提出台灣面對峇里行動計畫之立場、法律條件、可展現之能力建構。另外並即時掌握COP15會議之重要成果,以提供國內資訊掌握。另透過Point carbon、Carbon Finance、CCX及世界銀行等國際碳金融市場趨勢研析,得知國際碳金融已蓬勃發展。而搭配我國之參與,需釐清經濟面及法規面之銜接,故透過五場次專家諮詢會議,針對國際碳權購買、碳基金取得清潔發展機制額度、哥本哈根會議趨勢展望、我國未來爭取參與公約活動之策略及我國參與後京都國際事務之檢討與建議等進行討論,期能凝聚國內未來參與之共識。在公約實質參與部分,於出國前先擬定我國代表團分工建議,並由范建得教授及石信智總經理完成出席第15屆聯合國氣候變化綱要公約締約國大會。另協助製作14項中英文資料,以協助增加我國曝光度及宣傳我國因應氣候變化綱要公約相關措施。
EngTitle The compliance plan of Bali Road Map and Low carbon economy 2009
EngAbstract The missions of this project include the key elements analysis of compliance and implementation strategies on Bali Road Map; exploration on the international financial market during low-carbon economy era; the participation and understanding of the discussions among essential international institutions on post-Kyoto era; coordination and planning strategies on domestic implementation proposals. The key findings are following:This project focused on the implementation strategies of Bali Road Map analysis from 4 important Annex I country Parties and 4 non-Annex I country Parties. Based on the findings to prepare Taiwan’s standing, legal characteristic, and established capacity buildings on facing Bali action Plan challenges. The decisions and consequences of COP15 meeting were also remained updated for decision making as reference.Through analyzing the development and trends of the global carbon financing market, such as World Bank, PointCarbon, Carbon Finance, ECX and CCX, we concluded the prosperous development of international carbon finance markets. In order to assist Taiwan’s physical participation on UNFCCC, we .hosted and completed 5 workshops and advisory meetings on issues of establishing of domestic carbon market, international carbon credits purchasing, procuring of CERs through Carbon Funds, estimation of the Copenhagen meeting, discussion of possible participation strategies on UNFCCC in the future, and finally the suggestions and analysis of the participation of international affairs after post-Kyoto era..Before the COP 15 meeting, the researchers assisted delegations to prepare worksheets proposals and participated on UNFCCC meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark. We also produced 14 English materials to promote Taiwan’s efforts on integration measures of UNFCCC regulations.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 清華大學