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Title 九十八年推動環境保護有功團體及人員遴選表揚專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫配合主辦單位的工作內容、需求及時程,已完成辦理「98年推動環境保護有功團體及義工人員」、「98年環境保護專業獎章」、「第18屆全國環境保護模範社區」、「98年推動環境保護有功學校、教師及學生」遴選表揚各項工作,包含整理編製推薦者、入選者及獲獎者資料,並規劃安排進行實地查訪、協助召開評審會議及決選會議、編製7類獲獎者績優環保事蹟實錄(含光碟)、製作獎盃及獎狀、頒獎典禮(計2場次,含午餐安排)及安排晉見 總統等工作事項。
EngTitle Meritorious corporations and promote environmental protection for personnel selection 2009
EngAbstract Organizers of this project with the contents of the work, demand a timely way, has been completed the selection work for "Year 2009 promoting environmental protection groups and volunteers ", " Year 2009 National Environmental Protection Professional Medal"," Year 2009 National Environmental Protection community" and "Year 2009 promote environmental protection meritorious schools、teachers and students". Including compiled the information of the recommendations、nominee and winner. Scheduled the field visiting arrangement、arranged the reviewing and final election meeting、compiled three categories of environmental performances record (including CD-ROM), produced Award Cups and certificates of awards (in two meetings included lunch arrangement ) and arranged the meeting with the president, etc.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司