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Title 98、99年度資源回收管理基金責任業者營業量申報輔導、審查、勾稽暨系統提昇二年專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間自民國98年1月起至99年12月止,工作項目包括責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃、營業量管理系統及申報系統建置、更新及維護、加強營業量申報宣導工作、審查、輔導責任業者登記、申報及繳費等相關作業。工作成果摘要如下:責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃部分,完成年度申報申請資格放寬及相關管理措施分析、分析責任業者繳費行為並研擬相關便民措施、列管物品之海關進口稅則檢討及建議、責任業者延遲繳納之滯納金及利息計算規劃及責任業者相關表單修正建議。另針對營業量管理系統及申報系統,新開發功能包含優惠費率管控功能、文件電子化管理功能、解釋函紀錄查詢系統更新、海關進出口資料查詢更新、進行天然災害緊急應變作業演練,同時因應責任業者相關法規變動修正責任業者營業量系統相關功能。為加強營業量申報宣導工作共完成13場次網路申報輔導說明會,並完成到戶輔導作業210家次,有效解決業者在營業量網路申報作業上所遇到之困難。在審查、輔導責任業者登記、申報及繳費等相關作業上,本計畫針對各項管理作業進行檢討與精進、進行駐署人員教育訓練及績效考評,並透過每2個月乙次的內部稽核作業,來確保審查、銀行帳核對及歸檔、報表提報之品質。
EngTitle Project of the Guidance and Auditig for Resource Recycling Business Reporting and Management System Upgrades and Maintenance in Year 2009 and 2010
EngAbstract The project, conducted between January 2009 and December 2010, involves review and design of the responsible enterprise operating volume reporting system, establishment, update, and maintenance of the operating volume management and reporting systems, enhancement of reporting publicity, as well as audit and guidance regarding responsible enterprises’ registration, reporting, and payment. The work results are summarized as follows:For the review and design of the responsible enterprise operating volume reporting system, works completed included expanding the application criteria for annual reporting and analyzing related management measures, examining responsible enterprises’ payment behavior and formulating relevant convenient measures, reviewing and providing suggestions for the controlled goods under the Customs Import Tariff, designing the penalty fee and interest calculation method for responsible enterprises’ overdue payment, and offering recommendations for the modification of relevant report forms.For the operating volume management system and reporting system, the functions developed under the project include favorable rate control, document e-management, updates on the explanatory letter retrieval system, and updates on Customs import/export data. Emergency response exercises have been performed with a focus on natural disasters. Adjustments have been made to the operating volume systems in response to changes on regulations governing responsible enterprises.13 online reporting briefing sessions have been organized to improve enterprises’ operating volume reporting. Consultation services delivered to 210 businesses have effectively resolved the problems they encounter when reporting online.As for the audit and guidance concerning responsible enterprises’ registration, reporting, and payment, each management practice has been reviewed and improved, educational training and performance assessment have been conducted for contracting staff, and internal auditing has been performed every two month to ensure the quality of the review, the confirmation and filing of bank accounting data, as well as the submitted report forms.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司