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Title 推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫-苗栗縣
Abstract 本計畫是由行政院環境保護署委託社團法人台灣環境資訊協會辦理苗栗縣「推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫」。辦理內容包含EcoLife 環保E 化網路系統經營與辦理成果登錄、並推動整合轄區認養、協助環境巡檢、協查查報,以及協助培訓相關環保志義工組織,推動村里內之團體及個人辦理環保宣導活動。另外輔導並培訓、督導考核以擴大就業方式進用之人力(整潔美化助理員),督導苗栗縣美化助理員48 位,共6 個月,每個月至少一次,協助推動計畫進行,並深入學校、社區、村里、企業、團體及個人等,辦理節能減碳宣導及環境整潔宣導說明會。至今,本計畫共辦理50 場宣導說明會,培訓人次達1,534 人,運用EcoLife 的以及本會環境資訊中心的平台,結合民間團體、熱心義工等社會資源,擴大民間團體與民眾參與,共同消除環境髒亂,完成環境清潔的工作,達到清淨家園的目標。此外,截止8 月底,苗栗縣政府及民間已辦理206 場減碳相關活動,已有5,073 人簽署減碳無悔宣言,佔苗栗口之0.9%,用電量減少8,675,450 度。
EngTitle Promote the integration of environmental protection to build multiple-mobilization planning system supervision project – Miaoli County
EngAbstract Taiwan Environmental Information Association (TEIA) had conducted the "Promote theintegration of environmental protection to build multiple-mobilization planning systemsupervision project" in Miaoli County during 16 February to 30 September 2009 for the Environmental Protection Administration. The obligations of this project included (1) tomanage and update the project accomplishment information on the EcoLife Green Blog, (2) torecruit schools, enterprises and local sectors to adopt community environment cleaning,supervision and instant pollution report work, (3) to train the volunteers to help TaiwanEnvironmental Information Association (TEIA) to conduct the "EcoLife Promotion Training"which focus on promoting energy saving and Carbon Dioxide cutting and the usage ofEcoLife Green Blog in the local communities, (4) to train, supervise and evaluate the 48"environmental clearing and protection assistants" who are university or college graduates andhired to support this project at least once per month for 6 months. Until now, TaiwanEnvironmental Information Association (TEIA) had held 50 "EcoLife Promotion Training"with 1,534 participants. Finally, we hope to implement the EcoLife Green Blog platform toinclude human resources from government, volunteers and private sectors to make ourenvironment a clean one to achieve the goal of this project. Besides, until the end of August,Miaoli County Government and the communities had held 206 Carbon Dioxide cutting relatedactivities with 5,073 persons to sign the Carbon-Cutting Declaration which the population is0.9% of Miaoli County and had successfully reduced the electric power consumption for8,675,450.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣環境資訊協會