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Title 98 年度廢機動車輛回收獎勵金審核執行專案工作計畫
Abstract 近年來機動車輛為人們不可或缺的交通工具,而國人車輛持有數及換車速率也逐漸提升,機動車輛的大量使用會造成許多環境問題,如老舊機動車輛排放之廢氣所造成之空氣汙染,廢機動車輛處置不當有礙環境美觀及整潔,廢機動車輛於拆解過程中所產生之衍生廢棄物(如廢潤滑油、廢輪胎、廢鉛蓄電池及冷媒等)隨意處置等,均對環境造成一定程度之負面影響。因此鼓勵民眾加速淘汰老舊之機動車輛及建立健全的廢機動車輛回收體制,將民眾報廢之廢機動車輛導入體合法制內並妥善處理,才可有效降低廢機動車輛處理不當衍生的環境問題。環保署於88年以獎勵金獎勵車主報廢車體方式導入經環保署稽核認證之合法回收體系,希望提昇廢機動車輛回收之意願及妥善處理之數量,在基管會努力的宣導推動下,統計自92年迄今經由本項政策導入合法回收體系的廢機動車輛約為194萬輛。另外從96年起基管會針對回收獎勵金第6次修正發放標準與獎勵金額,其中對於報廢車齡的縮限(汽車10以上機車7年以上)、需檢附監理單位核發之「報廢」或「繳銷」異動證明影本、非公務單位者,符合以上三項條件,始得申領獎勵金。建立完善的獎勵金發放標準除能妥善利用廢車回收基金之外,更能實質獎勵民眾主動將老舊車體回歸合法回收體系。 本計畫除受理及審核民眾申請廢機動車輛申請獎勵金作業外,同時負責輔導回收商的聯繫工作,民眾相關事項之諮詢服務等,截至12月31日止,共完成265,993案件受理及審驗作業,每月與回收商輔導通聯250通以上,以及27,479通次電話撥進/出服務,以標準作業方式達成高效能服務,符合民眾期望及本案之預期之品質。
EngAbstract All these decades, vehicles had become necessary transportation in people’s lives. In Taiwan, more people owned the vehicles and more people traded off the old vehicles to a new one. periodically The vehicles dumped without treatment caused a lot of environmental problems, such as the older vehicles exhausted more pollutants. The improper handling or treatment of the wasted vehicles might cause the uncomfortable views of the environment. During the wasted vehicles’ disassembly procedure produced a lot of wastes (ex: waste fuel, waste tires, waste batteries, and cool agents, etc.) All the invaluable wastes might be disposed improperly to cause damages to the environment. In order to induce people send the waste vehicles to a legal disassemble plant and proper treatment, EPA setup the incentive policy to encourage people do the right way for their wasted vehicles. In 1999, the incentive policy had addressed that people could get the award only if they applied the waste vehicle into the certified recycling plants. Accumulated from 2003 up the now there were 1940 thousands wasted vehicles had been received by the certified plants and properly recycled and treated.In 2007, EPA amended the incentive value and acceptable standard: The awarded objects which indicated that accepted vehicles’ year had been restricted (cars should be 10 years or above and motorcycles should be 7 years or above.), and the application document should be appended with the plate license discard or invalidation issued by the government. And the governmental owners should be not being awarded anymore. The policy set to encourage the old vehicles owners recycles the waste vehicles into a legal process.This project was aimed to review the awards application document and qualification to fulfill the policy. Also performed to communicate with the applicants and recycling plants. Up to Dec.31 this year, accomplished 265,993 applications, the 250/mon communication phone calls to recycling plants and applicants were. 27,479/mon respectively. This project performed high accuracy and efficiency to meet people’s expectation.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 振興發科技有限公司