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Title 97-98年度土壤及地下水污染整治費申報、審理、稽核等相關作業計畫(98年度)
Abstract 整治費自民國90年11月開徵迄今,總徵收金額已達57億元;本年度執行過程完成98年第2、3、4季及99年第1季各695、765、716、742件之整治費申報案件審理工作,並寄發審理結果予繳費人。申報案件審核完成後,隨即進行整治費申報資料查核工作,並請會計師進行核章作業。此外,完成98年第2、3、4季及99年第1季各62、54、51、61件之出口退費申請案件審理工作,並將審理結果提交環保署及複審計畫。現場稽核作業方面,已完成98年第2、3、4季及99年第1季現場稽核共320件,稽核結果無誤者(含已完成補申報)共計191件,待確認(尚待繳費人確認實際進口資料後判斷是否需補申報)共計129件,總追繳金額逾486萬元。有關徵收制度調整規劃,伴隨基金支出將逐步擴大及目前整治費徵收所遭遇問題,初步預估基金在未來25年內仍需300億基金規模,爰提出制度調整方案。初步規劃將煤、鐵、廢棄物納入土污基金徵收對象,要求其他環保基金提撥及檢討現行收費制度改進方案(取消產製業者出口退費、將保險退費與工程退費合併),本計畫協助環保署與業界進行研商工作及進行收費辦法修訂。其他如資料庫及網路作業系統更新、維護作業及行政配合作業等亦持續進行:提供兩條專線電話(02-27468365;02-27689831)及專屬電子信箱(供繳費人諮詢、定期至環保署進行工作執行現況報告,並將業者反映意見彙整送環保署參考。
EngTitle 2009 Filing for and Verification of Statements of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees
EngAbstract Since the November of 2001, over 5.7 billion NT dollars of soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee has been collected. During this project execution period, 695, 765, 716, and 742 declaration reports was reviewed in the second, third, and forth quarter of 2009 and the first quarter of 2010, respectively. The reviewing results were then sent to the fee payers. After the completion of reviews, an audit was carried out by the accountant to check if the collected remediation fee is compliant with the information listed in the declaration reports. Additionally, 62, 54, 51, and 61 export refund cases were reviewed in each quarter of the project execution period. The quarterly audit reports were submitted to EPA by the auditor.320 on-site inspections were completed during the project execution period, which include 191 correct declaration cases (including those who made correction in their cases) and 129 cases required further inspection. It was found that lubricant was the major item that required for further inspections. As the result of follow-up on-site inspections, over 4.86 million NT dollars was retrieved.With the increasing expenditure and the problems with the collection of the remediation fee, proposals regarding the revision of the fee collection policies were made to accommodate the 30 billion dollars needed in the next 25 years. Preliminary planning includes: the inclusion of coal, iron and solid waste into the fee collection criteria, the contribution from other environmental funds, the cancelation of export refunds, and the combination of insurance and construction refunds. We assist with the negotiation between the EPA and the manufacturers in the future. We provide technical services include two telephone lines (02-27468365;02-27689831) and web system ( for related consultation and information to fee payers. We report our work on a regular basis and the feedback of fee payers to EPA.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司