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Title 地面水體分類及水質標準之相關環境基準研究計畫
Abstract 我國水體分類水質標準自87年第三次修訂以來迄今已逾十年,因此本研究針對我國與日、美、歐、中國大陸等國之水體分類水質標準進行比較,並以水體合格率計算法進行計算,以做為我國水體分類及水質標準之修訂參考。我國目前合計劃分35個陸域水體,近三年來總磷(不合格率73.4%)、大腸菌群(不合格率61.9%)、氨氮(不合格率47.0%)、生化需氧量(不合格率35.2%)、錳(不合格率65.0%)、及銅(不合格率11.7%)等六項環境基準在全國合格率或是各水體分級合格率皆偏低,因此導致我國在陸域地面水體關於生活環境與人體健康之合格率僅有67.51%與91.6%,因此需要進一步檢討。另在各國水體分類水質標準資料蒐集部分,台、日、中國大陸及美國部分州皆將水體先進行分類後,再依水體分類之等級高低給與不同的水質基準值,而水體之用途別又與水體分類之等級高低有關。而歐盟則是將各種水體進行分類,其水體等級並未與水體之用途分類相關,且另訂各式水源基準進行另一系統之水體分類。而在特殊天然水體是否另定基準部分,由於特殊天然水體包含內容甚廣,因此無法針對個別特殊天然水體另訂標準,本研究建議可依「若未受污染之背景值已超過水體分類水質標準者,則可不受水體分類水質標準之規範」,而不另訂基準。而在我國與其他國家水質標準差異性部分,本研究發現我國在乙、丙、丁、戊類等四類水體之pH值皆較日本水質標準寬;鉛與砷的部分明顯較國外標準寬;銅與錳的部分則較國外標準稍嚴;另日本及中國大陸針對湖泊水庫另有水質標準。在保持原有五類水體分類水質標準之框架不變及現實狀況可行之原則下,本研究建議之水體分類水質標準經專家諮詢座談會及期末報告審查會修改如下:○1pH值:建議將甲類至戊類之水體pH標準直接修改為6.5~8.5。○2總磷:建議屬於甲類或乙類之水體湖泊、水庫、攔河堰、自來水取水口及其上游水體,應按照現有總磷標準管制,非屬上述之甲類或乙類水體則不需管制總磷。○3鉛:從0.1mg/L修改為0.05mg/L。○4砷:從0.05mg/L修改為0.02mg/L。○5銅:建議維持原有水質標準。○6錳:建議維持原有水質標準。○7天然特殊水體之水質已超過水體分類基準值,因非屬河川污染整治範圍,因此建議不另訂定之。○7建議先經由相關研究對我國各水體先行調查存在於水體中之含氯VOC等新興污染物種類為何後再研討修正;另BOD、氨氮與大腸菌群等基準維持現況。本研究另針對上述pH、總磷、鉛及砷修改後之水質標準進行公告水體之計算,在全國總合格率部分,pH由修改前98.1%下降至94.9%,總磷由修改前26.6%上升至36.7%,鉛由修改前99.8%下降至99.4%,砷由修改前100%下降至99.0%,而全國關於生活環境之合格率則自修改前67.5%上升至修改後68.1%,約增加了0.6%,而與人體健康之合格率則由修改前91.6%下降至修改後90.9%,僅下降0.7%。另本研究亦提出修改後如檢討放流水標準等配套方案與建議及修正草案。
EngTitle Modification of surface water classification and related water standards
EngAbstract This study proposed a modified surface water classification and their standards on the basis of comparison between present standards of Taiwan and corresponding standards from the different countries, including Japan, United States, EU, Korea and China. In the past three years, 73.4%, 61.9%, 47.0%, 35.2%, 65.0%, and 11.7% of water did not meet surface water classification standards of Taiwan on the basis of the total phosphate, E. coli, ammonia nitrogen, BOD, and Manganese standards respectively, result in 67.51% and 91.6% of surface water can meet the environmental- and human health-related standards. In addition, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, China and some parts of United States have connected their surface water standards with water usage, while EU classifies them separates into water classification and water supply system. For certain type of natural water body, no specific water standards are required. After comparing the standards from other countries along with their purpose behind setting these standards, this study recommends few modifications for surface water standards as following: (1) pH standard should be modified as 6.5 to 8.5 for all water bodies; (2) total phosphate standard only required to be setup for the certain water bodies includes the upstream of lakes, reservoir, weir and water supply uptake facilities; (3) Pb standard should be modified from 0.1mg/l to 0.05 mg/l; (4)As standard should be modified from 0.05 mg/l to 0.02 mg/l; (5) no particular standard should be set for certain type of natural surface water; and (6) further studies should be carried out for implementing few more modification of other standards which were mentioned by other countries.After modification, 94.9%, 36.7%, 99.4%, and 99.0% of surface water will meet required standard on the basis of modified pH, TP, Pb, and As standards respectively, as a result of this 68.1% and 90.9% of surface water will meet the required environmental- and human health-related standards. In addition, this study also proposed a draft of surface water classification and water standards.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 中原大學