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Title 環境品質資料倉儲系統擴充與地理資料標準建置計畫
Abstract 本專案不僅延續「全國環境品質即時資訊服務平台計畫」,並擴充環境品質資料倉儲系統功能與效益,使用線上分析處理工具,加值空氣、水、廢棄物、毒化物等主題應用,持續擴充與有效彙整既有環境資料,便捷地供應正確而即時的環境資訊,以利使用者進行環境資訊相關之查詢、分析或決策支援。另外,配合國土資訊系統標準制度的推動,本專案延伸環境地理圖資朝向開放式環境概念發展,建構開放式的地理資訊系統(Open GIS),期望未來能以GML格式對外流通,作為環境地理資料的共享平台。同時,為達國際化的環境資訊交流,將環境品質資料倉儲系統建置成英文平台,以期使更多外籍使用者受惠。 本專案使用OLAP工具以多維度方式分析資料,能彈性地提供上探(Roll-up)、下鑽(Drill-down)、和樞紐分析(Pivot)等操作,將環境品質資料加以整合分析,延伸出決策所需資訊,讓使用者可以自選方式來展示時間與空間維度、不同主題之交叉分析,達成指定時空下各環境主題的展現,以方便大規模數據的分析及統計的計算,進而對決策提供參考和支持。建置之OLAP分析功能包含基金捐補助執行績效分析、污染源統計分析、監測資料分析、廢棄物與資源回收分析、稽查處分統計分析、公害陳情統計分析及決策支援分析等。 為達成開放式的資料共享機制,降低在不同伺服器中資料流通的隔閡,本專案評估環境品質資料倉儲本身之需求與環境地理資料特性訂定資料標準,引用或考量ISO/TC211 19100系列地理資訊系統標準,遵循國際標準所規定的方式加以模擬與記錄,以便支援國際標準的軟體來進行資料的解讀與應用。 本專案以環保署所編纂「國際常用環境詞彙」為主,以相關主管機關規定或習慣用法為輔,參照倉儲系統中文版網頁來建置其英文平台,功能包含倉儲靜態網頁、動態查詢功能、OLAP分析功能及動態報表。同時將世界主要國家、城市之環保公約及法規資料,與世界主要國際環保機構之重大國際環保議題納入系統內容。 除既有環保署居家生活環境資訊網、環境地理資訊系統(GIS)及環境品質資料倉儲等系統之例行維運及系統新增功能外,本案還規劃OLAP與環境品質地理資料之後續維護管理作業機制。作業內容包含系統功能變更、異常現象排除、紀錄異動之協同運作;提供後續之電話諮詢服務、技術諮詢及支援維護;進行資料擴充、GIS圖層及加盟國土資訊系統等相關維護作業;完成多項系統新增的功能,包含地圖展現、時空分析與空間統計等進階服務,以達資料倉儲例行的維修、運作與增修機制。
EngTitle Project for Expanding Environment Data Warehouse System and Constructing Geographic Data Standard
EngAbstract This Project not only sustained “National Environment Quality Real-time Information Service Platform” and extended subjects like environment quality data system functions and benefit, plan air, water, waste and poison chemical for on-line analysis as well as continues to expand and effectively collect the existing environment data, but also promptly provided correct and real-time environment information so that a user can conduct inquiry related to environmental protection, value-added analysis or decision support. In addition, together with the promotion of National Geographic Information System, this project extended environmental quality data warehouse to develop open environment and construct open Geographic Information System (GIS). We hope it can externally exchange with GML format as a sharing platform for environment GIS data. In the meantime, in order to achieve an internationalization exchange of environmental information, the Chinese Environment Data Warehouse System was constructed as English platform so that can be beneficial to more foreign users.This project employed OnLine Analytical Process (OLAP) to analyze the data by multiple dimensions, which can flexibly provide roll-up, drill-down and pivot. The environment quality data were integrated to analyze and extend information required by decision support, which a user can select by oneself to demonstrate time and space dimensions, cross analysis with different subjects as well as achieve the demonstration of each environment subject under appointed time and space. Therefore, data analysis and statistic calculation can be performed in large scale to further provide reference and support for decision. Constructed OLAP analysis include the performance analysis of fund donation and subsidy, statistic analysis of pollution source, analysis of monitoring data, waste and resource recycling analysis, statistic analysis of audit, statistic analysis of pollution statement and decision support analysis.In order to achieve open data sharing and reduce misunderstanding of data flow in different servers, this Project evaluated the demands of Environment Data Warehouse System and the characteristics of geographic data to establish data standard, cite or consider geographic information system standards of ISO/TC211 19100 series. The ways regulated by international standards were followed to simulate and record, so that can support international standard software for data reading and application.This project is based on “Environmental Terminology Commonly Used in the World” compiled by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R. O. C. (Taiwan), assisted with regulations or customs promulgated by related organizations. For more information, please refer to Chinese webpage of Environment Data Warehouse System to establish English platform. The functions include static warehouse webpage, dynamic inquiry, OLAP analysis and dynamic form. Meanwhile, environment treaties and regulations of major countries and cities in the world as well as important issues on environmental protection for international environment organizations were brought into the system contents.In addition to existing residence information network provided by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R. O. C. (Taiwan), routine maintenance and new function of GIS and environment quality data warehouse system, this project planned the mechanism of follow-up maintenance management for OLAP and geographic data. The operation contents included system function change, abnormal elimination, coordination of record modification; follow-up telephone consultation service, technical consultation and support maintenance were provided; data expansion, GIS figure layer and land information system were maintained; multiple functions were completed, including advanced services like map display, time and space analysis and spatial statistics to achieve the mechanism of routine maintenance, operation and modification for data warehouse.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問社